Flashcards on Mini Test 6

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Perceived quality
Which of the following is a component of brand equity according to David Aaker?
Sabrina was running a day care center for pre-school children. She decorated the walls with images from the motion picture Finding Nemo. One day she received a letter from attorneys representing Pixar and the Disney Corporation asking her to stop using images from Finding Nemo. Pixar and the Disney Corporation were defending their brand against _______________?
Anheuser Busch uses a good, better, best strategy for its line of beer products. Budweiser is the flagship brand and Busch and Michelob are ___________ brands?
Brand Loyalty
Many companies engage in relationship marketing to nurture and grow the _____________ developed while creating brand equity.
What he or she is expected to do in order to create the service.
When it comes to managing services, some people find it helpful to think of it as a service encounter with roles for both the service provider and for the customer. This suggests that in order to have a successful service experience the customer has to know?
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Experience Qualities
Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. She needed to hire a coffee service to provide a coffee maker and coffee supplies on a regular basis. Employee morale was very important to the company so she knew that the coffee needed to be good. She went online and searched for several coffee services. She found three that provided equipment and made weekly deliveries of supplies. She called all three and asked them to come in and put on a demonstration so that the employees could decide which coffee they liked best. The winner of the taste test would get the contract Hermione used ____________ to evaluate the quality of the service?
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What the customer expects from the service.
Before you can measure the quality of a service, you need to understand?
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Physical representation
Frodo was a massage therapist. He was very good at dealing with lower back pain. He gave his clients a book that they could use to keep a record of their visits to his practice and record their thoughts and feelings about the therapy. In the front of the book was a beautiful picture and an inspiring poem that would remind his clients that lower back pain can be treated with a visit to Frodo. By using the book, Frodo's patients could benefit from his practice even if he wasn't with them personally. Frodo was using the ___________ approach to making his service seem 'real'?
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A ____________ is an intangible activity or benefit that an organization provides to consumers in exchange for money or something else of value?
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Individual product branding
A major disadvantage of _________________ is that it can be very expensive to create a brand identity for each product.
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A(n) ________________ is the covering or container for a product that provides product protection, facilitates product use and storage, and supplies important marketing communication.
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The implied warranty of merchantability
Raul purchased a microwave oven. He brought it home, plugged it in and nothing happened. Bummer. So he immediately returned it. The customer service representative was unwilling to let Raul return the microwave saying that they did not allow returns on electronic merchandise. Raul pointed out that even though there is nothing in writing, _________________ means that if the microwave doesn't work he can return it. Period. End of story.
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A ______________ is a brand name or a service mark that has been granted legal protection by the U.S. government.
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National Brand, Producer brand
A ______________ or _______________ is usually the property of the business that manufactures a product?
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Arwen wanted to open a donut shop where customers could design their own donuts and have them made to order at the time. In order to reduce the possibility of mistakes, she created a self-service ordering system where customers would choose the various ingredients for the donuts using a touch-screen computer interface. Then they would follow along the glass-enclosed production line and watch while her highly skilled workers cooked the donuts from scratch. By using a computer rather than a person to initiate the process, Arwen was using _____________ to make the best use of her highly trained donut makers?
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Good dominated offering
Jacky just bought a brand new Lexus automobile. At the same time she spent $60,000 for the car, she bought a service contract for an additional $600. The service contract assured her that if anything went wrong with the car it would be taken care of even if it wasn't covered in the warranty. In terms of the goods-services continuum, this is an example of a _____________?
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Credence Qualities
Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. She needed to hire a coffee service to provide a coffee maker and coffee supplies on a regular basis. The social responsibility was a high priority for the company so she knew that whatever coffee company she used, it had to be socially responsible. She went online and found three coffee companies that provided equipment and made regular deliveries. The company she chose claimed to be socially responsible. All of the coffee was certified to be fair trade coffee by the Fair Trade Coffee association. Hermione was familiar with the Fair Trade Association and knew that fair trade certification meant the coffee was purchased from small farmers who were paid a fair price for their coffee. Hermione used ____________ to evaluate the quality of the service?
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You said all of these things, and meant them.
Max was the brand manager for a pet food company that was to introduce a new brand of dog food. Through research, they had discovered that many dogs do not get enough exercise and this new dog food had stimulants added to give these sedate dogs energy. He thought of the brand name "Playful Puppy" and asked your opinion. You said?
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Perceived as valuable to your customers.
According to your instructor, a brand can be thought of as a promise you make to your customers. In order for the brand to be successful, the promise must be _____________?
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Intel corporation created the Intel Inside campaign to make consumers aware that an important component of any computer is the quality of the microprocessor (computer chip) that makes the machine work. They negotiated with computer manufacturers to include a sticker on the outside of the computer - regardless of the brand - showing that there was an Intel chip inside. This is a classic example of _____________?
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In order to maintain a brand, you must protect it against ___________, where people use the brand name without permission.
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All of these are the role of the service provider.
When it comes to managing services, some people find it helpful to think of it as a service encounter with roles for both the service provider and for the customer. It is the role of the service provider to?
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Mental stimulus processing
Paolo was applying for a new job. He was so discouraged from the lack of inteview opportunities that he took the afternoon off and went to see the latest Jean-Claude Van Damme action movie "Service Marketing". The movie is an example of a(n) _____________ service?
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Price rationing
Mordred had been sued by a former business partner. The partner was seeking $1,000,000 in damages. Mordred felt that this claim was totally unfair. He went to the law firm of Merlin, Guinevere, and Arthur, LLC. He was told that a junior associate could handle his case for $300 and hour or a senior partner could handle the case for $700 and hour. When he asked why there was such a difference in the rates, he was told that the senior partners were in such high demand that they were trying to discourage new clients. This is an example of _____________?
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Possession processing
Paolo was applying for a new job. He sent his best suit to the dry cleaners so he would be ready in case he had an opportunity for a job interview. the dry cleaner is an example of a(n) _____________ service?
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Fixed costs
My friend who works at a major airline told me that they change their fares once every 3 minutes, on average. They are always monitoring how many seats are sold and how many are available (load factor) and how many days until the flight is scheduled. Customers sometimes feel that they are being treated unfairly because no two people on the same flight have paid the same price for their tickets. The airline does this because ____________ are so high that they need to maximize the amount of revenue they can get from every seat.
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Creating a brand uses the psychological principal of classical conditioning
Which of the following statements about creating a brand is true?
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An emotional connection
Recognizing that brands are a form of attitude, it is important for customers to have _____________ with the product if you want to create brand equity?
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These are all expressions of the value of brand equity.
Brand equity is the value a brand name adds to a product. This value can be expressed in terms of?
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Acting as a silent salesperson
Which of the following is NOT a functional benefit of packaging?
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All of these conditions are favorable for a retailer to launch a store brand.
Which of the following conditions make it favorable for a retailer to launch a store-brand?
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Service dominated offering
Delilah just bought a new cell phone. She signed a contract that gave her 1,000 anytime minutes, voice mail, call forwarding, ringtones, the ability to download mp3's, and free calls to others who used the same service. The cell phone was free as long as she agreed to use the service for two years. In terms of the goods-services continuum, this is an example of a _____________?
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Frodo was a massage therapist. He was very good at dealing with lower back pain. In his waiting room, he had a framed photograph of Sylvester Stallone along with a letter from the celebrity saying that Frodo was the best massage therapist in the world. Sylvester Stallone appeared in all of Frodo's print and radio advertisements as well.. Frodo was using the ___________ approach to making his service seem 'real'?
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Frodo was a massage therapist. He was very good at dealing with lower back pain. The walls of his waiting room were covered with framed documents. Some of them were diplomas from the massage schools he had attended. Others were copies of testimonial letters from well known people. Still others were reprints of favorable news articles that had been published in newspapers and magazines. Frodo was using the ___________ approach to making his service seem 'real'?
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Non-government organization
A(n) _____________ is an organization that frequently is given tax-advantaged status because it provides a service that is considered to be in the public interest?
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Generic brand, no-name brand
A ______________ or _______________ tries to create the perception of value by eliminating the advertising expense associated with many consumer products?
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The manufacturer may be held liable for some problems regardless of whether there is anything in writing or not
Warranties can be either express or implied. An implied warranty means that?
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Protect the product from excessive heat or cold.
Which of the following is NOT a perceptual benefit of packaging?
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Search qualities
Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. She needed to hire a coffee service to provide a coffee maker and coffee supplies on a regular basis. She went online and searched for several coffee services. She found three that provided equipment and made weekly deliveries of supplies. She chose the supplier that advertised the lowest price. Hermione used ___________ to evaluate the quality of this service?
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Which of the following is NOT one of the components customers use to evaluate service quality according to your text?
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All of these are the point we were trying to make.
In class we spoke of a goods-services continuum. The purpose of this concept was to help make the point that?
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A ______________ is an organization whose business purpose has been designated as being in the public interest and may have received preferential tax status?
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Positive Brand associations
If customers purchase your product and find that it performs as well or better than they expected, they will be forming _______________ an important step in creating brand equity?
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It is not a good brand name because owners do not want to think of their beloved pets as fat and lazy
Max was the brand manager for a pet food company that was to introduce a new brand of dog food. Through research, they had discovered that many dogs do not get enough exercise and this new dog food had stimulants added to give these sedate dogs energy. He thought of the brand name "Jump Start Your Fat, Lazy, Puppy" and asked your opinion. You said?
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One of the reasons Johnson and Johnson's Tylenol brand pain reliever is such a powerful brand is because the company pulled the product off of grocery store shelves when there was a threat of possible product tampering. They did this even though it cost them money. This is an example of defending the __________ of the brand?
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All of these are not-for-profit organizations
Which of the following is NOT an example of a not-for-profit organization?
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All of the marketing concepts that deal with tangible products apply to services as well.
Which of the following statements about service marketing is TRUE?
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Gap analysis
_______________ measures the difference between what a customer's expectation of service experience and the customers actual experience with the service?
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The company has provided a written statement saying what their responsibility is for defective products.
Warranties can be either expressed or implied. An expressed warranty means that?
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Secret shoppers are used for all of these things
Many retail stores use "secret shoppers," people who pretend to be customers, go into a store and do all sorts of things. They take notes and are able to report back what is really happening in the stores. This technique is used for _____________?
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Information processing
Paolo was applying for a new job. He sent his resume to Reviewmyresume.com, an online resume consulting company. Two days later, he received his resume back with several suggestions on how he could improve it. Reviewmyresume.com is an example of a(n) ____________________ ?
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People processing
Paolo was applying for a new job. He went to the barbershop to get a haircut in case he got a job interview. The barbershop is an example of a(n) _____________ service?
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