Marketing Research of the Promotion Strategy Essay Example
Ricer's conducted a Marketing Research on the Promotion Strategy of MBA program in Hong Kong with the aim of enhancing its promotion. The research used an online questionnaire and employed Descriptive Statistics and Cross tabulation Analysis. The survey was carried out in Hong Kong, collecting a total of 100 samples. The Management Decision Problem is to determine how to improve the promotion of the MBA program in order to reach a wider audience in Hong Kong. The Marketing Research Problem focuses on understanding students' information searching pattern when they evaluate universities in Hong Kong or overseas. Studies show that students from top-tier universities and major urban cities are more likely to pursue further studies in Hong Kong, so the program should target this group and highlight three key features: a renowned Full-time program in Hong Kong, three certifications, and promising career prospects.
...significant number of highly qualified students in China have not chosen to study at HOOK due to insufficient knowledge about the universities there. The main concern of the program is attracting qualified students from mainland China. The purpose of this research is to examine the motivation of mainland Chinese students to study at HOOK and their information search patterns when evaluating potential universities.
This study investigates the factors that significantly influence prospective students' attitudes towards the MASC Marketing program. Primary data was collected through online and paper questionnaires from 100 mainland students. The report reveals profiles of potential students and offers valuable insights into the demographic characteristics and distinct behavior of the target group.
The report evaluates students' motivation to study in HOOK and their preferences for evaluating the program. It
also examines student attitudes towards various communication channels, such as Visual Forum, online advertisements, and online social networks, currently used or not used by City University of Hong Kong. In its first year, the MASCOT program received 423 qualified applications with 59% from Hong Kong, 35% from Mainland China, and 6% from overseas. A total of 120 qualified students enrolled but did not meet the program's expectations in terms of applicant numbers. Additionally, there was no significant change in the geographic distribution of students compared to previous years. Many regions in Mainland China with a high education level are still not included in the MASCOT program's reach. To become a nationally competitive program and attract higher academic performance students from Mainland China, addressing the management decision problem is crucial: How can we better promote the MASCOT program to reach a wider range of Mainland China? Two interviews were conducted with senior members of the MASCOT program to define this research problem clearly. The findings indicate that UPS's marketing mix includes four fixed elements like "price" and "place," which cannot be significantly altered (e.g., tuition fee and university location).
In terms of resources, it is suggested that the majority should be allocated to modifying the promotional strategy as this aspect provides greater flexibility.
The factors that affect their desire to study at HOOK/City University of HOOK/MASCOT are crucial in identifying the main market segments. To enhance the research, the following 4 elements should offer all the required information. This element should encompass the data provided by City U during the acquisition phase. By examining secondary data, diverse information about education, tuition, and facilities were widely presented in
a communicative format. The participants will be requested to assess the significance of each variable.
This section should provide a list of various marketing communication methods. Participants are instructed to rate their preference for each method. Additionally, this component should include factors that impact students' willingness to study at HOOK. Students are first asked to rate the importance of these factors. Next, they are asked which variables attract them to study at City U. Lastly, respondents rate the factors that influence their willingness to continue studying marketing.
Information in this section discusses the approach to the problem of how students gather information about their target universities from external sources. According to a report by Taigas education agents, most students tend to follow a specific procedure. This procedure involves two instances of information searching. Initially, the student gains a general perception of the region, followed by a perception of the school and their desired major.
The aim of this study is to explore how the students' perception of the region affects their attitude towards the program. The students consider what information they need and where to find it. The research investigates the type of information that students pay most attention to during their research process, as well as their preferred communication method. Furthermore, it examines how these factors influence their overall perception. To gather secondary data on this topic, online sources such as "Taigas.org," "Jujitsu.com," and "chastisers.org" were used to obtain student profiles and searching patterns. Additionally, senior faculty members of the MASCOT program provided reference materials. Primary data was collected through an online questionnaire administered by the researcher's group exclusively to respondents from mainland China.
The majority of participants were senior students attending top-tier universities.
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