Machievelli in “The Lord of the Flies”: The Power of Fear Essay Sample
Throughout history
there have been many different sentiments referring to the type of leading that would take to a successful society. In “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. a group of civilized male children is left on an uninhabited island with no grownups to steer them. The male children must take a leader and organize a society. As the novel continues.
it becomes clear that the boys’ effort at organizing society is fruitless. This leads one to contemplate the type of leading that would take to a successful society. a subject that philosophers such as Plato. Machiavelli. and Wills have debated for 1000s of old ages.
Niccolo Machiavelli was a fifteenth-century philosopher whose chief belief was that a good leader must be feared by his people. Machiavelli’s theory on leading is by far the most ef
...fective. as portrayed through “Lord of the Flies” .One of the chief points that Machiavelli made on leading was that “It is safer to be feared than to be loved”
When a leader is feared he may be certain that his followings will be subject to him. while if a leader is loved his topics may turn against him with no effect. This suggestion is bolstered by Machiavelli’s statement. “…and workforces have less vacillation to pique one who makes himself loved than one who makes himself hated”
Followings will non arise against a leader that they fear because they are frightened of what may go on to them as a consequence. However. these same followings will non waver to turn against a leader who loved. This thought is exemplified in the fresh Lord of the Flies.
Just before the older male children venture out to
look for the animal. Ralph argues with Jack about the ‘littluns’ :“‘…what about the littluns? Sucks to the littluns! ’‘…Someone’s got to look after them…'” [ LOTF. 101 ]Ralph makes himself a loved leader and he cares for the wellbeing of the people. Jack is non concerned about the public assistance of his topics. In the terminal.
Jack wins because the male children follow him out of fright of what would go on to them if they didn’t. The boys knew that they would be in any problem with Ralph for turning against him. and hence do non see the point in remaining with him instead of Jack. The male child finally respected Jack as their leader because they feared him. The growing of Jack’s power helps set up that Machiavelli’s thought of how a leader should prosecute power is successful.It is believed by Machiavelli that effectual leaders frequently surrender moral values for the interest of political advantage.
“The term ‘Machiavellian’ is used to depict a person who is cunning and underhand. and sacrifices moral rules for the interest of political gain” [ Machiavelli. Intro ] . This thought is reinforced in Machiavelli’s The Prince. where he states.
“Those who lie for the interest of accomplishing leading and carry through what must be done. stop up being more successful than those who try to move honestly”. Ultimately those who deceive others in their ways will be more successful in accomplishing leading and carrying through their ends than those who are trusty. In William Golding’s novel. Ralph's regulations are moral and are true. He is interested in the public assistance of his followers and hopes to assist them.
As the
narrative continues. it is clear that Ralph is an ineffective leader because cipher is making work.“We decide things. but they don’t acquire done”. Ralph is unable to implement the regulations that are made. Jack. on the contrary. is cunning every bit good as sneaky. He lies and darnels in order to derive power over the others.
Jack openly insults Ralph. “‘He’s like Piggy. He says things like Piggy. He isn’t a proper chief…He’s a coward himself'”. By comparing Ralph to Piggy. who is unpopular with the others. Jack challenges Ralph’s power over the other male children. This remark causes the male child's faith in Ralph as a leader to hesitate. uncluttering the manner for Jack’s rebellion.
Jack sacrifices the moral rules of truthfulness and earnestness in order to derive power. In the terminal. Jack’s attack to leading wins over Ralph’s. exemplifying the effectiveness of Machiavelli’s thoughts. Followings [ the people ] are non to be trusted; they are unpatriotic and look merely for personal addition. Machiavelli supports this perceptual experience in The Prince where he remarks on them as being. “…ungrateful volatile Pretenders and hypocrites. evaders of danger. tidal bore to gain” [ Machiavelli. 6 ] . The common man is non knowing plenty to be able to take their lead.
In “Lord of the Flies” . this is epitomized when Jack tries to subvert Ralph’s leading:“‘Who thinks Ralph oughtn’t to be main? ’…boys…had frozen. Under their thenar was a deathly silence… . the silence continued. breathless and heavy and full of shame…Most of the male children were looking down now. at the grass or their pess.
”The male children as followings are unable to elect their leader. Even
though most of the male children regret taking Ralph as their head. none of them have the nervus to be the first to state so. Although the male children want to run. they do non hold the bravery to stand up for Jack. As Machiavelli predicts.the people will travel to whoever has more power at the clip. This confirms that Machiavelli’s theory is the most functional. because society will merely be successful if the leader accepts that the people are non to be trusted. It has ever been accepted that a leader is one who regulations. ushers. or inspires others and who creates a successful society.
However. what makes a good leader and a successful society has been debated for 1000s of old ages. Over clip. there have been many theories proposed by different philosophers that attempted to reply to these inquiries. Machiavelli believed that a leader must be feared. non loved or hated in order to govern a successful society. in which there is an organized province and the leader is respected. By using Machiavelli’s theory to Lord of the Flies. by William Golding. it is evident that his doctrine is by far the most effective.
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