Leadership Self-Assessment and Development Plan Essay Example
In nursing it is important to understand one’s skills as a leader and the level of control that they can generate and create towards giving proper care to the patients. Leadership is the ability to inspire and drive others towards the achievement of a single goal. In nursing it is important to develop collaborative and connective leadership skills that are meant to ensure that there is a cohesive team working together towards the achievement of specific goals and objectives. The self-assessment tools used differ depending on the parameters that one looks to measure in their self development plan. There are collaborative self-assessment questionnaire, nurse manager skills inventory and the informatics leadership measures that are all aimed at measuring and assessing one’s leadership skills and traits in nursing. Although these are the main tools that
...are used, there are other tools that may be used to measure and assess one’s leadership qualities and traits in nursing. This paper uses the extraordinary leader by Zenger Folmen as the self assessment tool (Curtis et al, 2011).
The tool is similar to other self-assessment tools but it is effective since it targets participants but displays the results in form of a graph that have different percentiles. Depending on the results from the tests one can make an informed choice on the individual tools that can be used to improve and strengthen their leadership traits accordingly. The results of the test gives an indication of different aspects of leadership that need to be developed and the leadership theory will be used to augment the development plan essential in making important decisions by individuals in nursing. This paper therefore aims to give
a map of the different tools that can be used in self-assessment and methods to improve one’s skills as leaders in nursing to ensure proper care for their patients and collaboration with other nurses in the systems accordingly.
Through the use of the extraordinary leader self-assessment tool I found that I scored consistently over the 70percentile range. This means that my skill set as a leader were at the normal level and I had all the traits and skills to be a good leader in the nursing career. The different aspects that were measured augmented the importance of leadership models and attributes within the nursing career as I was looking to develop my skills and understanding of different aspects of advanced nursing. The test uses graphical representation to indicate different qualities and aspects of one’s capabilities and attitudes towards specific aspects of their character. The test uses graphical representation to highlight the different important traits that are required by individuals to function as leaders in nursing. The higher the scores on the graph the better the skill set that is determined through giving an indication of different qualities that define an individual as a leader in the society accordingly. The test was important in giving an indication of my strengths and weaknesses thereby giving an indication of the areas that I need to be improve or change.
One of the strengths that were indicated was my communication skills and the ability to handle different situations under pressure. I scored highly in making conversations and communicating with others either coworkers or patients. The ability to work well under pressure was also one of the strengths that were defined
to be important in the nursing career since it spelled a strong suit that would ensure that I performed in my duties diligently. These qualities were slated to be a major advantage and an indicator of good leadership skills and models through sensitizing the importance of the two skills in taking care of others and inspiring others to work well under their leader. However, I found that my collaborative skills were not perfect and I needed to improve in this trait since although I scored in the 70 percentile I did not meet the levels needed in a leader. Since one is supposed to drive and sensitize others as a leader, collaborative skills are pertinent. I scored lowly compared to other skills and it was essential to ensure that I looked for ways to improve on this aspect of nursing. In nursing leadership, one has to coordinate different people and develop their skills to meet the requirements and attributes needed in nursing care.
The changes that were identified gave an indication of the importance of collaboration and working well with others within the nursing career. In advanced nursing, the number of cases that one has to handle is high. Developing impeccable collaborative skills is therefore, one of the most important aspects that should be developed to ensure that people creating a working approach in nursing care accordingly. There were other areas that I needed to improve and as a nurse I had to ensure that all these critical aspects were handled since it was imperative in leadership processes and models accordingly. I look forward to get more skilled in collaborative skill since my interpersonal skills have
been identified to be impeccable and coordinating with others is still essential in developing better models accordingly. As a nurse it is critical to develop and create proper models and attributes that will ensure improved level of care not only from me but also from others that we will be working with. If a leader improves and looks to create a good working environment, others within the same institution will develop as well. These aspects need to be defined as very individual needs to develop qualities that meet the individual models and tools within their careers accordingly.
Leadership Theories
In nursing, it is important to develop important leadership skills to meet the goals and objectives of specific roles within the leadership tools employed. Every leader needs to develop their own models and meet the leadership aspects that are needed to ensure that they work well with others and develop proper nursing care for others accordingly. One of the leadership theories is democratic leadership where the leader leads through coordinating and working with the team members in the specific roles that are identified (Curtis et al, 2011). Democratic leaders use the skills and experience of the team to ensure that they lead through developing tools and traits that work well with others in the specific system. It is one of the best leadership styles in nursing care since one need to have the support and effort of others to ensure that they develop the best leadership tools and processes. Democratic leaders give a chance to the team to help in the decision making process and create a working model that essential in developing the team members. This is
one of the leadership aspects that I should develop in my career. I need to ensure that I give others a chance and collaborate with all the people involved in the work environment to develop their potential. It will be essential towards ensuring that the level of care given to the patients is improved since all nurses will be looking to forward the decisions made.
Transformational leadership theory is also one of the qualities that one should develop. Transformational leaders are charismatic since they look to develop the skills of others and their perceptions through developing and teaching them different aspects of nursing (Curtis et al, 2011). A transformational leader integrates the different leadership models and tools to become more involved in the leadership traits and approaches that they identify. Transformational leaders look to ensure that the individual traits, vision or goal that has been set by the team is met through ensuring that the members buy to the single vision (Wacker and Kolbe, 2014).
Motivational attributes are essential within transformational leaders since they look to develop the potential of the nurses and install a caring mentality within all the nurses. There are differences in the tools used since every team has its own vision or goal. However, the leader needs to ensure that they understand every team members and know the motivating factors that drive them in caring for patients within the society. I am looking forward to becoming a transformational leader who will install and drive the other nurses towards ensuring proper care for patients in any department that I am assigned. The first step will understand every member of the team before instituting the
individual traits and models needed according. I will need to improve my interpersonal skill and collaborative tools to ensure that others look up to me and are inspired by the aspects and models that I install in them.
Autocratic leadership is also one of the leadership theories or styles that can be used in nursing. Leaders using this leadership style are strict and give punishment and negative reinforcement to enforce rules (Day et al, 2014). The leader has a strict and specific method with all the decisions being made by the leader. The team members do not contribute or give their views since the leader defines and gives all the instructions and aspects that should be followed. The leadership model is not used by most leaders since it does not encourage development and inventiveness among the team members. There is no chance for individuals to create a working model or approach that can be used thereby, significantly being detrimental to a good working relationship among members.
Autocratic leaders are very authoritative and look to create a working environment where the decisions have to be run through them (Metzger and Rivers, 2014). This is however counterproductive in nursing since all team members need to contribute towards creating a healthy environment to make important decisions at the workplace. As a leader I will not use this leadership model since it will split and cause problems towards the goals and vision that we will set as a team. I will not gain from the experience and effort by others that are essential in nursing care. Although I do not have impeccable interpersonal and collaborative skills, I will stay clear of
this leadership approach since it may create more rifts with the members of my team.
Laissez faire is also one of the leadership theories and models that are adopted in different systems. Laissez faire leader is a leader who leaves the workers to make decisions on different aspects of the team. The leader does not get involved in any aspects of the team leaving the workers to take the necessary cause of action. It is slated to be a functional model, however, it can be counterproductive if it is not properly executed. Depending on the tools that are developed, there are differences in the approaches that are used making it essential to assess and create a working approach among the systems accordingly. With the right team members who are experienced in nursing and are committed to the vision and goal of the team, if is a good and functional model that develops the team members. In a good environment it can be critical in ensuring that members of the team can thrive and develop different leadership qualities and traits themselves (Huber, 2013). However, I will not use this approach since there is no control by the leader. There needs to be proper monitoring methods and tools to ensure that all members of the team are functional and are directed towards achieving the specific goals and targets. As a leader I need to show commitment and direction to the team members to ensure that they develop the individual traits and aspects that are needed for different roles. In aspects of creating a roster or different nursing schedules these will be decisions that they can have control on.
However, in matters of care and other nursing objectives I will need to monitor although not actively participating in the decision making process.
Change Theory and How it Affects Nursing Leadership
The Lewin’s change theory gives a three step guide towards developing good leadership. It asserts that there is unfreezing, change and refreezing processes that need to be developed when one looks to become a good leader. The unfreezing process involves coming up with a new process or method that will help in sensitizing people and changing the old model that was being used by the people (Kelly, 2011). The unfreezing process is critical since it helps in identifying the problem and creating a better process that will usher in change. In my case, the unfreezing process will involve identifying the different aspects that will be essential in changing the leadership methods. The self-assessment test gives an indication of the changes that are needed and areas where I need to develop. The change process will involve inculcating the different aspects and methods that I have learnt within my leadership process (Huber, 2013). There have been many changes that have been identified since the nursing model is important, therefore, it will be critical in adopting the specific tools and controls needed in the change process. The refreezing process involves establishing the change that has been created as the new model. After changing it is important to use the aspects or methods that have been defined and developed as the new tools and aspects in the system. After I have created new approaches in leadership, the refreezing stage will be equivocal in ensuring that I implement the new models
and deem them to be part of the change process and tools accordingly.
In developing changes in large companies, there are different challenges that can be identified. One of the main challenges is the logistics and changes that are required within different systems. The higher the numbers of systems that require change the more the challenges that one is likely to face in large organizations (Day et al, 2014). The number of people who are involved in implementing a new change is also a major challenge. Large organizations have to involve different people and decision makers who have to ratify any form of change. This makes it challenging to implement new changes since there are many people who are involved in the change models.
In addition, changing the scope and integrating new methods to many people within individual systems can be challenging (Rothstein and Burke, 2010). Large organizations have a large number of workers who need to be apprised with the new changes or systems that are needed in these systems. Creating a seamless implementation process may prove to be a major challenge since the number of people needed to implement the change is high (Huber, 2013). The new approach may also face objection from different people in the implementation stage. Since people are accustomed to a specific method of working, creation of a new system may face massive opposition in large organizations. The numbers of people who have to be convinced on the applicability of the new system are vast. Therefore, creating a process or method that may be acceptable to all may prove challenging in large organizations.
If one needs to develop change in large organizations
where there are complex systems in place, the first step is ensuring that the team buys into the new idea. As a leader, impeccable collaboration and motivational skills will be invaluable in this process. The leader needs to sensitize individuals in the specific system to develop and use the new model that has been developed. Transformational leadership skills are critical in selling the new ideas and implementing change within an organization. Creating an approach that is geared towards improving the level of care is also critical. Nurses need to improve care, therefore, the changes that are implemented need to be driven by better care for the patients. Streamlining the different areas where the new model is opposed is also critical. Although one may have to compromise some of the aspects of change, there needs to be an approach where individual aspects and reservations are addressed. In addition, the decision making process should be inclusive with the change factors and approach being driven by the nurses in the organization. The best change is one that is driven and developed by others in the system. The collaboration and inclusivity in the decision making process will ensure that people buy into the new system and are ready to work towards achieving the new set goals and objectives of the system.
In conclusion, although there are massive challenges in implementing change, as a leader, collaboration and effective communication skills are invaluable. The importance of change cannot be overstated since it is mainly aimed at improving the level of care. Therefore, one needs to ensure that the change models that they are looking to develop meet the demands of the organization
or team accordingly. It is critical in developing new tools and changes thereby creating a wider and better system for individuals accordingly. Equity and development of proper nursing practice is integral in the change process.
- Curtis, E. A., de Vries, J., & Sheerin, F. K. (2011). Developing leadership in nursing: exploring core factors. British Journal of Nursing, 20(5), 306.
- Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., & McKee, R. A. (2014). Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), 63-82.
- Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Kelly, P. (2011). Nursing leadership & management. Cengage learning.
- Metzger, R., & Rivers, C. (2014). Advanced practice nursing organizational leadership model. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(5), 337-343.
- Rothstein, M. G., & Burke, R. J. (Eds.). (2010). Self-management and leadership development. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Wacker, J., & Kolbe, M. (2014). Leadership and teamwork in anesthesia–Making use of human factors to improve clinical performance. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 4(6), 200-205.
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