Law of Attraction Narrative Essay Example
Law of Attraction Narrative Essay Example

Law of Attraction Narrative Essay Example

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  • Pages: 17 (4539 words)
  • Published: June 15, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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The law of attraction is a powerful tool that you can use to manifest the life of your dreams. Before you begin to use it, it is important to learn how to set clear intentions, use energy to fuel those intentions, release limiting beliefs, and allow your desires to manifest in ways that are beyond your imagination. The secret to making the law of attraction work is setting a clear and specific intention, such as specifying the exact amount of money you want and setting a time period for achieving it.

In order to enhance your relationship, compile a list of traits you seek in a prospective companion. Retain the precise particulars and convey your intentions by means of these specifics. Dedicate considerable effort to articulating your desires. Envision yourself already attaining your objective through imaginative imagery. Picture how you will appear,


smell, perceive, taste, and converse once you have accomplished what you desire. These mental depictions will motivate you to take action in areas of your life that necessitate improvement, and as soon as you commence taking those actions, circumstances will harmoniously align.

If you are having trouble using visualization techniques, it's possible that certain beliefs are preventing you from letting go. These beliefs may include feeling unworthy of financial prosperity or a healthy relationship. Instead of attracting what you want, these internal obstacles will actually push it away. To get rid of these beliefs, there are simple yet effective methods available such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or the Sedona Method. To learn how to easily and quickly release your limiting beliefs, you can visit websites like,,,

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In order to effectively use the law of attraction, it can be difficult to stay calm and confident that your desires will eventually come true. It is normal to feel impatient and unsure about when and how your desires will appear in your life. However, this mindset can create beliefs that limit your progress, so it is necessary to start anew. By staying open to the idea that your intentions may manifest unexpectedly, you can remain peaceful and concentrated.

Everyday, you can motivate yourself by anticipating how everything will come together for you. The laws of attraction are essentially the power of positive thinking and the idea that similar things attract each other. Serendipity, coincidence, karma, luck, and fate are different terms used to describe the laws of attraction. These principles consist of various beliefs and rituals. Law of Attraction Basics

The law of attraction states that a person can shape their surroundings by their conscious and subconscious thoughts, actions, emotions, and beliefs. It suggests that one's thoughts generate energy which is released into the universe, leading to a corresponding reaction. This principle applies to both positive and negative thoughts. According to this law, people who focus on positivity will attract positive outcomes while those with negative thoughts will draw negative outcomes.

The law of attraction teaches people to focus their mind and thoughts to manifest their desired outcome. It comprises three crucial steps: identifying desires and requesting them from the universe, adopting a mindset and behavior as if already possessing what is desired, and remaining open to receiving it. Advocates stress the significance of completing each step effectively

to achieve the desired outcome. If results are not apparent, one should evaluate whether they have fulfilled each step adequately.

Supporters of the laws of attraction promote different methods to cultivate positive thinking and achieve desired outcomes. These methods include creating goal lists, which help individuals concentrate their thoughts by referencing these lists. Another method involves writing down positive affirmations and reciting them privately or audibly, with the intention of redirecting the mind towards manifesting these favorable results. Additionally, practitioners of laws of attraction frequently employ vision boards as another powerful tool.

The process of making a vision board entails gathering visual representations of goals, such as images, words, and phrases. These representations are then organized on a board and positioned in a prominent spot. Throughout the day, individuals can refer to the vision board to visualize their goals and focus their thoughts on accomplishing them. Nevertheless, there are detractors who criticize this practice by challenging the belief and teachings related to the law of attraction. Criticisms include dismissing it as a fad and asserting that it encourages materialism.

Furthermore, medical experts express concerns regarding the law of attraction's principle, as it can lead to victim-blaming by suggesting that negative circumstances are a result of one's own thoughts. These professionals caution that such thinking can be detrimental for individuals dealing with mental illnesses. Detractors also point out that the laws of attraction neglect the significance of taking action. Instead, they promote a narrow focus on desires without acknowledging the necessary effort needed to attain them. Discover how to utilize the law of attraction.

The law of attraction asserts that every positive or negative

event in one's life has been attracted by them. For instance, even if one is not aware of using the law, they attracted a special friend who loaned them money when they were in need. Similarly, if a teacher, classmate, client, or co-worker makes their day difficult, they also attracted that experience. It is important to recognize that we are constantly utilizing the law. In fact, just by reading this article, one has attracted it. The process can be simplified into three basic steps: asking, believing, and receiving. However, this article aims to break down these steps into more concise actions. One such action is to relax the mind by meditating for 5 to 10 minutes, as it enhances brain power and promotes a state of relaxation. Although optional, this step is recommended. The second step involves being certain about one's desires and avoiding self-doubt. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of what is wanted because thoughts create the universe and the universe responds accordingly. If there is uncertainty, the universe may receive an unclear frequency and deliver unwanted results. Therefore, it is necessary to have a strong enthusiasm for the desired outcome. The final step is to ask the universe for what is desired.

To request from the Universe, verbal communication is not required. Instead, you can transmit an image of your desires. The Universe will react accordingly. It is crucial to vividly visualize the desired result. For instance, if a Nintendo Wii is what you desire, picture yourself engaged in gameplay with it, sensing the controller's touch and interacting with the console. Likewise, if there's someone you have affection for,

envision yourself walking alongside them, making contact or tender gestures towards them, or even sharing a kiss.

To get started, express your wish with the statement "I am so happy and grateful now that..." Use present tense to indicate that you already possess it. Refrain from using negative language. Every day, take a moment to visualize your desire with closed eyes as if it is happening right now. Also, concentrate on feeling the emotions you would have after fulfilling your wish. Behave, speak, and think as if you have already obtained it.

This is the crucial and potent step in utilizing the Law of Attraction as it initiates its functionality. Sometimes, when you engage in this step, you no longer feel the need for it as you experience a sense of already possessing what you desire. Subsequently, the universe will materialize this notion and sentiment, and you will be granted with it. Additionally, express gratitude by documenting all the gifts bestowed upon you by the Universe. Appreciate what you currently possess and be grateful for every contribution made by the Universe. It has indeed accomplished numerous things for us.

Expressing gratitude to the Universe has the power to motivate it and attract more positive experiences into your life. It is vital to be thankful when someone who used to bully you stops or when the person you have feelings for reciprocates those feelings, or at least does not harm you out of jealousy. Showing gratitude for the manifestation process itself can also accelerate the fulfillment of your desires. Ultimately, having trust in the Universe's ability to bring about what you desire is


In an alternate dimension, similar to our world but with the ability to instantly fulfill our desires, all we need to do is ask the Universe for what we want and it will be granted. However, it's best to avoid actively seeking our desires as it can create a blockage. Instead, we should practice patience and trust that our wishes will come true in due time. Constantly seeking reassurance sends a message of lack to the Universe and may attract more of it. We should let the Universe handle how things will happen without worrying about it.

When you worry about the "how", you lack faith and try to control the Universe, which is more powerful and knowledgeable than humans. To manifest happier events, remember the emotions felt during joyful moments and strive to recreate them. Align your vibrational energy with that joyful state to attract what you desire. Use a vision board or imagery to visualize and feel your desired outcomes daily, especially in the morning, for an improved mood throughout the day. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, concentrate on what you do want. For example, when faced with conflicts or wars, adopt a pro-peace mindset and imagine the solutions instead of dwelling on negativity. Positive feelings lead to a positive reality.

Feel GOOD by engaging in activities that bring joy and uplift your spirits such as listening to favorite songs, creating art, spending time with pets, or reminiscing about loved ones or cherished memories. Focus fully on these positive thoughts. These thoughts are called Frequency Shifters and it's beneficial to have several ready for future

use. Remember that different situations may require different thoughts so brainstorm a few now for later reliance.

The Law of Attraction should not be used to manipulate or control others.If you wish for an old friend to be present, just intend for her to come to you.

Instead of hoping for a friend to come to my door, it is more effective to imagine walking down the street and encountering her. It is important to avoid using negative terms as they are disregarded by the Universe. For example, if one wants to reduce debt and says "I want to get out of debt," the focus is on 'debt' which may attract more of it. Negative terms like 'no', 'not', 'none', 'out', etc. are not considered. Therefore, it is better to affirm "I am in a state of wealth/abundance/having ample money." The phrase "Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it" should not be underestimated.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that can bring about your desires unexpectedly. It's important to know that this law can be used for creation or destruction. However, if you constantly focus on negative thoughts and worry about unfavorable outcomes, you're using the law in a negative way which works against yourself. Worrying involves following earlier mentioned steps with the intention of bringing about negativity. By visualizing and feeling the negative result, you indirectly ask the universe to make it real. To counteract this, it's crucial to stop worrying and instead concentrate on step seven mentioned before. If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of the law, your mind will attract more

situations that validate your disbelief. The core principle of the Law of Attraction is that what you consistently think about, you attract into your life. Consequently, your dominant thoughts will eventually become reality in some form. However, when applying the Law of Attraction to objective reality, there are challenging questions without satisfactory answers.

I have received some questions via email that challenge the credibility of the Law of Attraction:

  • What happens when two people desire the same promotion for only one available position, and their intentions conflict?
  • Do children, babies, and/or animals possess intentions?
  • If a child is abused, does it imply that they intended it in some way?
  • If I want my relationship to improve but my spouse seems indifferent, what will happen?

Occasionally, individuals attempt to address these inquiries by exploring unconventional explanations.

Both supporters and critics of the Law of Attraction (LoA) have different explanations for why a young child may experience abuse. Supporters believe that the child intended or earned it in a past life, while critics argue that this explanation is just an excuse. On the other hand, those who reject the concept of the Law of Attraction suggest that some children are simply born unlucky, which can be seen as a way to avoid taking responsibility. These unanswered questions hold great significance, especially for individuals who have faith in the Law of Attraction.

Books may not provide a definitive answer in the realm of subjective reality, but they can offer clues. However, the answer to subjective reality lies within itself. Subjective reality revolves around three main concepts: (1) there is only one consciousness, (2) you are that same consciousness,

and (3) everything and everyone in your reality originates from your thoughts. While it might not be obvious at present, subjective reality effectively addresses all the complex questions raised by the Law of Attraction. Let me explain further... In subjective reality, there is only one consciousness - yours. Consequently, you are the sole source of intentions in your universe.

All the walking, talking bodies in your reality are merely existing within your consciousness. Just like in dreams, your waking reality is also a type of dream, appearing solid because of your belief. None of the other characters you come across have separate consciousness or intentions; only you do. You are the sole thinker in this universe. It is crucial to correctly understand the subjective reality and acknowledge that YOU are not your physical body. This is unrelated to the egoic version of you.

I am not suggesting that you are a conscious body surrounded by unconscious automatons. This would be a complete misunderstanding of subjective reality. The correct perspective is that you are the singular consciousness in which this entire reality unfolds. Visualize yourself having a dream. Within that dream, who are you? Are you the physical character you associate with? No, of course not - that is simply your dream representation. You are the one dreaming. The entire dream exists within your consciousness. Every dream character is a projection of your own thoughts, including your avatar.

When you learn lucid dreaming, it becomes possible to switch avatars within your dream by possessing another character. The range of possibilities in a lucid dream is limitless, as it relies on your beliefs and

perceptions. The laws of physical reality mirror those of your sleeping dreams, though changes occur at a slower pace in this denser universe. Nonetheless, this reality is still shaped by your thoughts, akin to a sleeping dream. As the dreamer, everything happening in this realm is a creation of your mind. The notion that others possess intentions is illusory, as they are mere projections.

Believing in the intentions of others creates a reality, even if it is ultimately an illusion. Subjective reality explains how conflicting intentions are dealt with when multiple people want the same thing through the Law of Attraction. In this scenario, two individuals desire the same promotion but there is only one opening, creating an internal conflict within oneself. Both individuals hold the thought and intention to obtain the position while also acknowledging that only one can have it. Consequently, competition is intended to exist.

The entire situation is of your making. You hold a belief in competition, and that is what you bring about. If you have certain beliefs, thoughts, and intentions about who will receive the promotion, those expectations will become reality. However, if you possess a belief that life is unpredictable, unjust, and uncertain, then you may manifest a surprise as that is what you are intending. Being the sole creator in your reality places a significant burden on your shoulders. You can relinquish control over your reality by thinking and intending randomness and uncertainty, but you can never shirk responsibility.

You have the ability to create in this universe. If you focus on war, poverty, disease, and other negative aspects, they will come into existence.

Conversely, if you concentrate on peace, love, and joy, you will also bring them forth. Your thoughts shape the reality around you and everything you think about becomes real. Unlike children, babies, and animals who lack intentions in their consciousness; it is solely your consciousness that determines what happens for them within your personal reality.

The way you think about others in your reality ultimately determines what will happen to them because every thought is an intention. It's important to remember that beliefs have varying levels of importance. If you strongly believe that reality is random and beyond your control, this belief takes precedence over other less certain beliefs. Your reality materializes based on the combination of all your thoughts. Does a child experiencing abuse imply that they intended it? No, it means that you intended it. Merely thinking about child abuse manifests it.

As you ponder child abuse (or any other subject), you will notice it expanding in your own reality. This expansion takes place for anything you think about, not just within the realm of your avatar but throughout the physical world. If I desire my relationship to improve but my spouse seems indifferent, what will happen? This showcases another example of conflicting intentions. You are projecting different intentions onto yourself and your spouse, leading to a unified intention of conflict. Therefore, influenced by your higher order beliefs, you will experience conflict with your spouse as the outcome.

It is essential to take responsibility for your thoughts because they impact your reality. To observe peace in the world, it is crucial to intend peace for everything around you. It is

also important to intend abundance and loving relationships for all individuals. Only intending these things for yourself, while excluding others, inadvertently invites conflict, division, and separation into your own experience. Additionally, contemplating whether something ceases to exist when no longer thought about.

Even though technically it does, in practice, undoing what has already been manifested is extremely difficult. By simply acknowledging them, you will continue to create the same problems. However, when you take full responsibility for everything you are currently experiencing in your reality without exception, you can change your reality by redirecting your thoughts. You have created this entire reality. Embrace this fact and appreciate the abundance of your world. Then, begin creating the reality you truly desire through decision-making and intention-setting.

To effortlessly control your thoughts, concentrate on your desires and disregard what you do not want. The crucial factor is to be mindful of your emotions. When you contemplate what you long for, positive sentiments emerge, but fixating on unwanted results generates negativity. Negative emotions signify that you have been contemplating something undesirable. Redirect your focus towards your desires, and promptly witness an improvement in your emotional state. Through regular practice, not only will your emotions alter, but also your physical reality will undergo a significant transformation. Keep in mind that I am merely a reflection of your consciousness.

I can adapt to your desires, whether you need me as a guide, a presence, or someone who is confused. It's important to realize that there is no separation between "me" and "you." I am simply one of the creations you have brought into existence. I can transform into

whatever form you perceive me to be. However, deep within yourself, you already understand this concept. The principles underlying the Law of Attraction are the most fundamental in the entire universe and go beyond scientific measurements such as gravity and velocity laws. They are the very basis of your existence.

The Law of Attraction, which proposes that our thoughts impact our reality, may appear implausible to those unfamiliar with conscious thinking. It is frequently discredited as a fraudulent scheme or an abstract notion. Nevertheless, this concept is not novel and has existed for some time. Certain individuals have purposely concealed it from the public to perpetuate their lack of awareness. For those acquainted with this idea, these words offer a affirming reminder of their existing comprehension.

Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist, finds the existence of the Universe within us to be the most remarkable fact. When he looks at the night sky, he feels a sense of grandeur and recognizes our connection with the vastness of the Universe. The origin of our atoms from stars makes him feel immense rather than insignificant compared to others.
According to Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, your thoughts have significant influence on your reality as they can materialize into physical matter. The outcome of various aspects in life, such as finance, health, relationships, and environment, is dependent on the thoughts you entertain.
Albert Einstein suggests that imagination provides a glimpse into future life experiences while William James believes that changing one's mindset can greatly transform their lives. Ultimately, everything is made up of energy – this represents the ultimate truth.

Albert Einstein (or Bashar) stresses the significance of

aligning our frequency with the desired reality. This principle is not merely a philosophical concept but also has its foundations in physics. Regrettably, many of us have been conditioned to think without consideration, leading to a sense of being trapped by worry and fear. Consequently, we may view ourselves as victims of our circumstances. When our thoughts remain negative or unconscious, we inadvertently attract undesirable outcomes such as severe illness, tragic accidents, or financial difficulties. It is essential to acknowledge that these unfortunate events are triggered by the thoughts we cling to.

The Law of Attraction is driven by the ability to focus a thought. To begin, it is important to purely and clearly focus on a single thought for a short amount of time. Once you become skilled at focusing your thoughts, it becomes easier and more efficient. The words themselves are not as significant as the emotion behind them. The Universe operates on vibration, with everything being vibration first and matter second. When you feel a confirming emotion while focusing on your thoughts, you are actively creating powerful change. It is believed that pure thought combined with positive emotion is equal to 2000 action hours.

The issue of individuals presenting themselves positively while holding negativity inside is a common one. Often, they are unaware of this behavior. The Law of Attraction transcends all other laws and forces in the Universe, remaining constant and unaffected by various factors such as science, viruses, bacteria, pathogens, parasites, natural disasters, misfortune, inheritance, genetics, chance, randomness, unhealthy eating habits, excessive sugar intake astrology numerology reading tea leaves or psychology.

The Law of Attraction states that

intention is the driving force behind everything, making odds and statistics insignificant. Your thoughts have the power to shape your reality. The Universe operates through two main forces: allowing and resisting. If you haven't manifested your desire yet, it's because you are in opposition to it. This can be compared to driving a car with both the gas pedal and brake engaged simultaneously - although the car may still move forward, there will be significant resistance and potential damage to the brakes.

Many individuals lose faith in the power of their own thoughts because they unknowingly obstruct their dreams with resistance. Frustration amplifies negative thinking and erodes confidence in the Law of Attraction. Suppose your desire is to acquire more wealth, a manifestation rooted in positive thinking. At this point, you are in a mindset of creation and acceptance. However, concerns may arise concerning the complexity of managing such wealth.

When others ask for a share and you struggle to refuse, you find yourself resisting. Your vibration world reflects your strong resistance, hindering the arrival of what you desire. Judgment also leads to resistance. For instance, if you desire a luxurious car but hold judgments against those who can afford it, you will be resistant. Similarly, if you envision an effortless life free from excessive hard work to make ends meet, resistance may arise.

Being critical of those who have a comfortable life without exerting much effort keeps you in a state of opposition. If you dislike the current members, you cannot become part of a club. To bring your desires into reality, you must already be in tune with them on

an energetic level. Dwelling on judgment only distances your desires even more.

There are four levels of consciousness, and many individuals stay stagnant at the first level, resulting in self-inflicted suffering within their own inner world. These are the four levels of consciousness: 1.

Unconscious Unconsciousness is a state of being unaware of one's unconsciousness. During this stage, negative experiences come into life quickly, like an energy ball rolling downhill. The person consistently avoids taking responsibility and looks for someone to blame.
In the phase of Conscious Unconsciousness, individuals become aware of their negative thoughts and understand the potential consequences they may have. They recognize the recurring negative pattern in their life and what it attracts. Despite not liking it, they accept responsibility for these circumstances.
Ultimately, we achieve Conscious Consciousness.

You intentionally focus on positive thoughts and eliminate any resistance to their manifestation. As a result, what you desire eventually materializes. It could be as simple as picturing a parking spot opening up for you at the mall. By consciously intending it, allowing its arrival, and acknowledging its presence, you make it happen. 4. Unconscious Consciousness Once you reach this stage, creating things in your life becomes effortless. You fully understand the process of harnessing the power of your mind and dedicate time each day to prioritize your mental well-being. Consequently, new creations effortlessly and swiftly come into your life.

The significance of creating a positive energy ball that consistently works in your favor, gaining you the reputation as the "lucky one," is emphasized in this text. It distinguishes between the mind and the brain, stating that while extensive scientific research has been conducted

on the brain, it is considered to be at the core of our existence and responsible for controlling all functions. The scientific community views the mind as merely a function of the brain, comparable to how glands secrete hormones and an electrical system generates electrical impulses.

Scientists believe that the brain is the most important organ and suggest that the mind is a function performed by the brain. However, this perspective is incorrect. In reality, it is actually the opposite; the mind holds more significance than the brain. Instead of being limited to the brain, it flows through it. It has the ability to reach every cell in our bodies or travel far into the future. Have you ever met someone who was deemed "incurably ill" but used their focused mind to heal themselves? This happens every day.

As you are conveying your thoughts to Aunt Alice, who is located thousands of miles away, a telephone call abruptly comes in.

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