In order to develop a renewed framework for city development as part of the Florida Main Street project, it is important for Kpone city to establish adequate planning time and involve city stakeholders. Additionally, Kpone leadership should ensure community involvement in understanding their challenges and embracing new opportunities for city planning. It is also crucial to conduct a thorough land survey and map out city resources to enhance the potential capacity of Main Street projects. The design of Main Street for Kpone must consider modern aspects of social development and give significant importance to the environmental impact of these projects in order to gain strong acceptance from the local community.
The development of South Tangerang City did not take into account important considerations such as the social, cultural, and political impact of the city. The focus was solely on the
...economic aspect, which was a mistake considering the wide range of effects the city development framework should have considered. The goal of establishing this city was to solve the problems faced by Jakarta City. However, Jakarta City itself had its own issues due to poor foundational elements that hindered its growth. Despite initially showing progress, the city's hidden weaknesses were exposed during a global economic crisis, which limited its development in both favorable and hostile environments.
Considering the latter, it is important for Kpone City to monitor and integrate various elements in order to promote city growth and development. To achieve this, Kpone designers must conduct extensive research into the social, cultural, political, and economic aspects of the region. They must also take into account potential externalities from the foreign market, as Ghana has been susceptible to
foreign invasion in both economic and political terms. Developing a clear roadmap for city development will be crucial to withstand both local and foreign invasion in the future.
Furthermore, Kpone should consider the current population while also anticipating potential changes in the business environment and population patterns. These factors are essential for effective planning. The increasing influence of the local community, with low loyalty to the city, poses a significant challenge for future city advancements against invasions. To address this issue, Kpone needs to establish a framework that promotes harmony with the local community. This will enhance their ability to withstand economic crises, thus avoiding a situation similar to Jakarta's experience during the 1998 global financial crisis.
Urban designs that are considered exemplary should be responsive to the spirits of individuals and places. When creating city plans and designs, there is an opportunity to identify the values that city residents associate with in relation to the designs being developed. Defining the significance of a place and promoting the quality and characteristics of the city's structural designs also adds authenticity to the buildings being constructed. To champion advanced city designs that have distinct character, it is crucial to incorporate value generation opportunities in project and policy development. Furthermore, if a city is located near a national segment and serves as a prominent meeting place, this should be reflected in the design of the main street when deciding whether or not to adopt it.
Moreover, the aesthetic of the city center is vital and continuously evolving. This encompasses aspects like city paving, lighting, and street furniture that are consistently being enhanced. These improvements should be in line with the Main
Street plan that applies to various public areas in the city. While implementing the Main Street concept is important, we must also take into account building designs and overall street layouts. This guarantees a well-connected network of spaces that caters to the diverse population's needs, enabling everyone to fully enjoy the urban environment.
The presence of well-planned and effectively managed streets, buildings, and open spaces in a city is crucial for providing social, economic, and environmental benefits to its residents. Urban design must consider the needs and preferences of the community and region where it is implemented. To successfully incorporate Main Street designs in Kpone, careful consideration must be given to how new buildings and public works contribute to the overall character and quality of the city as well as its cultural heritage. The designs used in public spaces should create an inviting atmosphere that encourages people to interact with each other during their daily activities. Additionally, proactive planning policies should guide the construction and design of the city while utilizing both public works and private development methods.
The safety and mobility of children and elderly individuals in public areas are essential for enhancing accessibility and enjoyment for everyone. This factor is crucial for the city's development as it directly impacts its appeal to tourists. Moreover, when people freely move around the secure and pleasant city center or find relaxation in shaded areas, it creates a more vibrant atmosphere that encourages productivity within the city center. Evaluating a city's attractiveness involves considering various aspects. While there may be multiple designated zones offering comfortable resting and walking areas, it is important for the city's design to effectively connect
these places to improve overall quality of life for residents with diverse backgrounds.
When planning the proposed Main Street design, Kpone should prioritize environmentally responsive designs that support long-term city and urban development. It is crucial to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability by implementing projects like solar farms. To achieve this, a strategic approach must be taken, including setting goals and action plans for constructing eco-friendly buildings and infrastructure. These plans should also incorporate environmental performance indicators for public works and create strategic plans for urban areas that encourage green linkages and investments in green technologies. Additionally, building technologies that reduce carbon footprints should be incorporated.
When designing Main Street in Kpone, it is essential to prioritize environmentally responsible projects. With the increasing demand for eco-friendly activities, it is crucial to encourage city residents to adopt sustainable lifestyles by offering public transportation options, cycling networks, and pedestrian pathways. Additionally, the city's plan should incorporate sustainability measures that promote an environmentally responsive environment. This involves coordinating the renovation and development of public spaces, roads, and infrastructure with sustainable technologies. By considering these factors, the design of Main Street in Kpone will be suitable not only for current needs but also for future requirements.
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by Edward Allen on Google Books
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The provided HTML link directs to
a Google Books page. The link is:
Published in 1970 by Praeger publishers in New York, Le Corbusier's book "Towards a New Architecture" was released.
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Madanipour, Ali, edited the book titled "Whose public space?: International case studies in urban design and development" published by Routledge in 2013.
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The book "The evaluative image of the city" by Jack L. Nasar was published in Thousand Oaks, CA by Sage Publications in 1998 and can be retrieved from the following source on 26th September,
Here is the link to the PDF file: http://facweb.arch.ohio-state.edu/jnasar/crpinfo/research/EvalImageBook.pdf
The author Oosterlaken (2009) discusses the significance of integrating the capability approach into design for development in their article "Design for development: A capability approach" published in Design Issues. This approach aims to enhance human capabilities and promote sustainable development. The article can be accessed on Design Issues website as of September 26, 2016.
Here is a link to the pdf version of the article: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/desi.2009.25.4.91
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Here is the link to the document: Working Paper WP 2004-15.pdf
The book "Creating a Vibrant City Center: Urban Design and Regeneration" by Cycil B. Paumier was published in Washington, D.C. in 2004 by the Urban Land Institute.
Another relevant publication is "Culture, Architecture, and Design" by Amos Rapoport from Chicago, Illinois; it was published in 2005 by Locke Science.
The citation for the text is as follows:
Pieterse, Edgar A. City futures: Confronting the crisis of urban development. Zed Books, 2008.
Reese, Carol M., Michael Sorkin, and Anthony Fontenot wrote a book called "New Orleans Under Reconstruction" in 2014, published by Verso Books.
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Click here to access the book "Transforming cities with transit: Transit and land-use integration for sustainable urban development" by Suzuki, Hiroaki, Robert Cervero, and Kanako Iuchi. This book was published in 2013 by World Bank Publications.
The text "
Taylor, John S. Common Sense Architecture. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1983.
" provides information about a book called "Common Sense Architecture" written by John S. Taylor in 1983 and published by W.W. Norton and Company in New York.
The article "Managing water in the city of the future; strategic planning and science" by van der Steen, Peter, and Carol Howe was published in 2009 by the Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology journal. To access the article, please click on this link. (accessed on 26th September, 2016)
The link to the PDF titled "Managing water in the city of the future: strategic planning and science" can be found at this ResearchGate profile:
The Sustainable Urban Development Reader, authored by Stephen M. Wheeler and Timothy Beatley, was published by Routledge in 2014. The reference for this book can be found below:
Retrieved on September 26th, 2016 from:
Williams, Katie, Michael Jenks, and Elizabeth Burton. Achieving sustainable urban form. Taylor & Francis, 2000. Retrieved on 26th September, 2016 from:
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