Since the cast was followed around all of the time they would catch every minute of the excellent thing happening. They were able to cut out the dull, uninteresting parts so the viewers did not waste their time and cut to the chase. The critics were thinking negative thoughts before it aired and the controversy if the show Jersey Shore had a positive or negative impact on society. Jersey Shore was looked as a bad influence to younger views and nothing good was coming from it.
Others look up to these characters as role models and follow in some of their footsteps.
In the show Jersey Shore there are many different specific reasons why critics disliked the show. One reason of the reasons why the show was judged before It air
...ed was because of the way the trailer made it seem foreshadowed it was going to be a bad influence to a younger crowd. The trailer looked as if it was only for a certain age range and this was difficult because even though the television blurts out the curses you cannot restrict an age limit for a TV show and what viewers and see.
However there are certain topics you cannot Just blurt out.
The characters in the how openly talk about sexual intercourse as if they were being paid to talk about it. They even have a designated room called the "smash room" where come home from a night of partying, bring back a stranger and sleep in this room. After the shows went on the air there was a big gasp with the word the characters kept using over and over.
This word is compared as the N word for African Americans, the F word towards gays, the C word towards Chinese Americans.
The word that every single character uses in the show constantly Is the two syllable word that Is offensive to Italian Americans. The word that they toss around with no meaning Is the term Guide. A Guide is a man who Is aggressively manly and socially unsophisticated. They used a similar term when talking about females but would call them Gullets Instead.
People wonder why the generations get worse and worse as the children get younger. Children follow elders because they are afraid of the unknown.
They look up to their siblings, parents, elders, celebrates etc. Teens watch Jersey shore because of curiously and what their future could look Like so they often tend to watch reality TV. Critics do not like this because It Is a disgrace and makes Numerals look terrible. "The entire show depicts nothing but disgustingly overpaid morons doing what morons do spending way too much time getting their fake tans on, and let's not forget their words of wisdom" Krause, Heather.
"Jersey Shore: Bad Television Worse Influence. Jersey Shore: Bad Television Worse Influence. N. P. , 14 Mar. 2011 The more watchers thrive to watch it they tend to imitate how the "actors" or role models act.
The last thing a parent wants to see is their child going down the wrong path cause of a so called celebrity from television. Television is for entertainment purposes and this is what the show consisted of. There are many different positive effects of reality TV that most people and critics
do not think of. Reality TV exploits the prime of what society consists of by a wide variety of shows.
Some shows vary in favorite by the viewer's interest or type of entertainment. These shows create a platform for controversial stigmas of this society.
The first thing that makes Jersey Shore a positive show is that they are not afraid to be different. The cast members are to be different by expressing who they really are and start new trends to share with the world. The members figure out what is that makes them different and use it to their advantages in good ways to make them stand out.
It is easy for some to hate on the Jersey Shore cast for what they represent, but they created a platform which extends world-wide and in the end of the day they created it. This shows society that they can dare to be different even if it is out of the norm because it will assist them stand out.
For example Snooker.. Ever since the first season of the show it has come one of America's most viewed shows that aired television. Teenagers are going out and looking up to DC Paula D by going to the local barbershop and getting blowouts.
Some others are going out and making the party alive with Vine's signature "fist pump" and even try to make themselves the next "situation" like Mike Serotonin with nice defined abs.
Another positive trait Jersey Shore has is no matter who they are they stand up for whomever they may be whether they're big or small. The show has so many fans because they
create a contrast of character which makes hem stand out and allow people to talk about it. The show is very funny and entertaining says many viewers because they are always being themselves.
The audience is constantly on the edge of their seats waiting what will happen for next time. When people are watching this show for entertainment purposes only there is a whole different view on the show.
Every time the cast member does something dumb or out of the norm the audience laughs with them. They used fun phrases, different types of moves and code words so that strangers whom they Just came in contact with do not know what they're saying. When they were around an ugly girl their code word was "grenade" or a "landmine" to get away and find someone else.
All of the cast members would copy Mike Sorting aka The Situation by using the term "we have a situation". This could be used for something good or bad, but it was a code way to get the others attention for them to know what he is talking about.
One article by Mikhail on 6 Reasons Why Jersey Shore Was Good For American Culture stated, "Thanks to the Jersey Shore the idea of GET came into the main stream. As lame as it sounds it's a pretty good philosophy, especially starting with the G. While they focused on working out to get ladies, the overall benefit to lifting is greatly beneficial to the health of society. The cast had there moments of fighting but in the end of the day they knew which ones were there for them and
had there back. Jersey Shore family. Jersey Shore has many different traits as a show.
It shows the good and the bad just like life and that is what reality television is made to portray. This show is a negative influence towards viewers but it is always about how the watcher views the show. If they are Just looking for some comedy in their life and Just want to watch lightener drunks fight and do stupid things that is okay.
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