International Association Essay Example
International Association Essay Example

International Association Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (441 words)
  • Published: October 16, 2018
  • Type: Research Paper
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Within the culinary arts and hospitality management industry, possessing three significant professional qualities is crucial: attendance, honesty, and appearance. These attributes are essential for success in this field. Having a strong attendance record demonstrates a person’s commitment to their work and reliability, as they consistently fulfill their duties and meet their goals.

According to Scally (1998), a good attendance record indicates an employee's loyalty to the employer and intention to stay in the company for a prolonged period. The importance of attendance is echoed in various disciplines since it signifies work ethics, which some view as a serious concern due to their perceived erosion in the United States. A survey conducted in 1998 revealed that several American employees had no reservations about calling in sick for the day. In fact, a substantial percentage felt it was justifiable to be absent in situations where they were overwor


ked or inadequately remunerated (Scally,1998).

It is essential that individuals pursuing a career in culinary arts and hospitality management prioritize providing customer service since they are the frontline representatives. This field involves extensive interaction with customers, emphasizing the need for an adequate workforce to meet their diverse needs. Moreover, honesty, which pertains to the quality of telling the truth and avoiding deception in all interactions with others, is a highly commendable trait.

Clients in the culinary arts and hospitality management industry place a high value on honesty and attention to detail. They require precise information regarding ingredients and cooking techniques, as well as assurance that their belongings are carefully monitored by staff. Moreover, appearance holds significant significance in this industry.

Professionals in the hospitality industry, particularly those with knowledge in food preparation

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acknowledge that their physical appearance plays a crucial role in enticing and retaining clients. The International Association of Culinary Professionals has established a Code of Professional Ethics to underscore the significance of maintaining high standards while also respecting others' rights. This code showcases culinary experts' dedication to preserving their profession's credibility by exhibiting appropriate conduct and attitudes while on the job.

The website offered details on job ethics in 2007, as reported by

On April 23, 2007, the IACP Code of Professional Ethics was accessed from This code was published by the International Association of Culinary Professionals in 2001.

Visit to read Resnik's work on the philosophical basis of scientific ethics. The source for this information is http://www, accessed on April 21, 2007.

The website contains information from the survey conducted by Scally in 1998.

S. Work Ethic Declining According to Discount Store News.

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