I agree that despite the perception of women as the weaker gender, they possess the strength, drive, commitment, and confidence equal to men. According to Solomon (1985), women have been influenced by social, cultural, and economic factors that have fostered their educational growth. However, I believe that the nurturing qualities innate in women do not guarantee their effectiveness as administrators. It is my opinion that women should actively seek training and take advantage of it to acquire the necessary skills for effective administration. I also agree that the increased enrollment of women in higher education has contributed to their progress in attaining higher ranks (Canan Bilen-Green, 2008).
The text argues that higher education has prepared women for high-ranking jobs, despite challenges such as childbearing. The essay emphasizes the importance of commitment and team work in achieving objectives. Historically, women
...were seen as unfit for professional positions, but in modern times, women are proving their ability to handle even difficult tasks.
The idea that a woman must possess exceptional skills and strategies to impress society is one with which I agree. It is observed that her performance is acknowledged when she adopts an authoritative leadership style, often impersonating toughness and relying on commands and threats (Eagly, 2007). Additionally, I support the notion that women often face intimidation when occupying positions of authority, and only a select few employees recognize their ability to execute their roles with precision. While a woman administrator's physical attributes may make her seem easily intimidated, what truly matters is her unwavering focus on fulfilling her administrative responsibilities. The inequality present in professional positions, particularly within large corporations where only a small percentage of women
have qualified for leadership roles, is also readily apparent (Oakley, 2000).
To drive an organization towards success, it is crucial for women to showcase their exceptional qualities and establish a role model in administrative work.
- Canan Bilen-Green, K.A. and Jacobson, S.W. (2008). The prevalence of women in academic leadership positions, and potential impact on prevalence of women in the professorial ranks. Retrieved September 15, 2016
- Eagly, A. H. (2007). Female leadership advantage and disadvantage: Resolving the contradictions. Psychology of women quarterly, 31(1), 1-12.
- Oakley, J. G. (2000). Gender-based barriers to senior management positions: Understanding the scarcity of female CEOs.
The text presents information about a journal article and a book that both focus on the topic of women in higher education. The journal article is titled "Journal of business ethics, 27(4), 321-334." The book is called "In the company of educated women: A history of women and higher education in America" and was written by Solomon, B.M. in 1985. It was published by Yale University Press in New Haven.
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