During the span of time between birth and death, which we call life, we lack complete control and remain unaware of the origins and motivations behind our existence.
Nobody knows the mysteries of life - what happens after death, or even what will happen in the next minute. We are also clueless about the past events and circumstances as well as why the present unfolds as it does. Life can be a challenging journey for those facing difficulties, filled with both reality and pain. Yet, if someone is able to bring joy into their life, it transforms into an extraordinary experience.
Life, whether filled with mystery or pain, remains shrouded in enigma. According to Keller (2009), unraveling this mystery is possible through a purposeful and magical journey. However, the key aspect that often goes unnoticed is self-control. Those who can comprehend and master self-control possess a better under
...standing of their power in this world and how to navigate situations where control is lacking. Although we have control over our actions and reactions, we cannot determine what happens in the world. Nevertheless, these external influences shape our identity and drive constant evolution based on the surrounding environment.
Martha Nussbaum stresses the significance of embracing the outside world and having the capacity to trust uncertain and uncontrollable aspects. Our internal world is shaped by inherent qualities and influenced by unique experiences, leading us to respond with learned memories and behaviors inherited from our parents. Factors such as parental identity, birthplace, and childhood actions are beyond our control. By the time we attain self-awareness, approximately 11 years of development have already transpired involuntarily. This could elucidate why certain individuals struggle to
overcome habits or alter their viewpoint.
While we have limited control over events in the outer world, it is crucial to recognize our identity and desires and pursue them. It is unrealistic to anticipate the outside world aligning with our objectives. The behavior of the external world is beyond our influence, thus it is best to concentrate on comprehending our internal world and disregard how the outside world behaves. Both happiness and success are vital as increased happiness results in enhanced success.
The text underscores the idea that changing one's life and controlling behavior can be achieved by incorporating a habit of hacking into one's routine. It highlights the importance of making net positive decisions, as each decision has either a positive, negative, or neutral outcome. The more net positive decisions we make, the greater the improvement. Furthermore, it emphasizes that taking control of our behavior requires active commitment and is heavily influenced by the practices we adopt. These practices encompass our actions, thoughts, and emotions.
The various practices, such as psychosomatic illness and drug abuse, that individuals engage in are efforts to gain control over their lives and tap into their inner strengths. While these practices can be detrimental, they originate from individuals' determined attempts to regain control and maximize their situations. This also elucidates why some people may surrender when they sense a complete lack of control.
Regardless of the availability of better options, some individuals continue to exhibit ineffective behavior. Even for those not in desperate situations, it is beneficial to understand the concept of taking control of our lives. By actively applying this concept, we will focus our energy on problem-solving instead of placing blame.
We should take the time to identify adaptable and innovative practices that can improve our lives.
When considering the motivations that drive many individuals, it is important to recognize five distinct factors. These factors include the need for survival and reproduction, belongingness, power, adaptability, and enjoyment. While there may be additional needs, these five are widely recognized as the primary needs of most people. Our desire to belong leads us to acknowledge power dynamics. Thus, our lives become an ongoing quest for power that fulfills our own needs while also considering those around us, especially those in close proximity.
Adapting to our environment and meeting our needs requires learning. However, the practices and values we once relied on may not be as effective in different situations or in our current lives. When we fulfill a need, it creates a mental image that justifies our actions and becomes part of our personal photo collection. This collection serves as guidance when we encounter similar needs.
In our collections, there are often pictures that cannot be justified in reality. Our persistent attempt to approve these photos may become harmful to ourselves or socially unacceptable. It is important to understand that not all individuals can have the same pictures. This understanding is imperative as it applies to everyone. Some photos may be very difficult to alter, even though it is still possible to make changes.
Compelling a change is typically ineffective (Glasser, 1999).
The standards of control hypothesis can help us exercise more effective control over our lives, enabling us to make better choices that satisfy our needs and goals.
Genuinely we should learn how to take
control theory and give up our lifelong belief that we should simply react to events around us.
Work cited:
- Chopra, Deepak. The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life. New York: Three rivers Press, 2004. Print.
- Keller, Helen. The Story of My Life. New York: Cosimo Classics, 2009. Print.
- Glasser, William, Sand William Glasser.Control Theory: A New Explanation of How We Control Our Lives. San Bernardino, Calif: The Borgo Press, 1990. Print