HSC3110 Exam 1 – Flashcards

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The six dimensions of wellness include all of the following, EXCEPT A. Emotional wellness B. Environmental, or planetary, wellness C. Spiritual wellness D. Dietary wellness
D. Dietary wellness
The average life span in the 20th century A. Did not change significantly B. Increased slightly C. Nearly doubled D. Nearly tripled
C. Nearly doubled
The top three causes of death among Americans age 15 to 24 are A. Accidents, homicide, and suicide B. Smoking, high BP, and suicide C. Accidents, smoking, and cancer D. Homicide, cancer, and accidents
A. Accidents, homicide, and suicide
Occupational wellness is measured by how much ___________ the job offers. A. Money B. Happiness C. Prestige D. Work
B. Happiness
People with disabilities are more likely to A. Have cancer B. Be obese C. Have HIV D. Die at a young age
B. Be obese
The complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells is referred to as her or his A. Genes B. Genome C. Proteome D. RNA
B. Genome
Part of a successful plan to change an unhealthy behavior is to A. Start small B. Pick your top three unhealthy behaviors C. Keep the plan to yourself D. Choose your most unhealthy behavior
A. Start small
A target behavior can best be defined as A. Several bad habits in need of change B. A lifelong habit you want to stop immediately C. An isolated behavior that is the focus of your behavior change plan D. A friend's behavior that you urge him or her to change
C. An isolated behavior that is the focus of your behavior change plan
During a "stages of change" behavior change program, some people may lapse. If this occurs, the best strategy for them is to A. Learn from the lapse as they recycle through earlier stages B. Give up C. Choose a different behavior for change D. Start over from the beginning
A. Learn from the lapse as they recycle through earlier stages
Which of the following health journal information would be of little benefit in promoting personal behavior change? A. Identification of other people's reactions to your behavior B. Descriptions of exactly what your behaviors are C. Identification of when and where activities occurred D. Recording your feelings at the time you were engaging in the behavior
A. Identification of other people's reactions to your behavior
Those with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on A. Fate B. Heredity C. Their actions D. Luck
C. Their actions
"Your ability to successfully take action and perform specific tasks" defines the term A. Self-efficacy B. Self-control C. Self-talk D. Self-esteem
A. Self-efficacy
The first step in improving wellness by lifestyle management is to A. Begin with a self-assessment B. Ask friends what you should improve C. Ask your family for assistance D. Reward yourself
A. Begin with a self-assessment
Income and education are closely linked with health status. The __________ the poverty rate and the __________ the education level, the better the health. A. Lower; higher B. Lower; lower C. Higher; higher D. Higher; lower
A. Lower; higher
Carla has become very busy since she came to college. She is a full-time student and is very active in campus clubs and organizations. Her classes and campus activities leave her little time to socialize with her friends. She is beginning to feel as if she has let her friends down because she has had to cancel several activities that they had planned, but she also feels guilty if she isn't able to meet her other obligations. Carla has always thought that she was in control of her life and has managed well up until now. She wants to spend more time with her friends without giving up her other activities. Carla made a plan to spend more time with her friends but found that her plan didn't seem to be working too well. Which of the following is the most likely reason that Carla's plan is not working as she expected? A. Carla made a plan without first monitoring and evaluating her schedule B. Carla is not adequately motivated C. Carla is more committed to her activities than to her friends D. Carla has an external locus of control
A. Carla made a plan without first monitoring and evaluating her schedule
Which of the following is currently America's number-one cause of death? A. Cancer B. Heart disease C. Unintentional injuries D. Suicide
B. Heart disease
By far, the leading preventable cause of death among Americans is A. Alcohol consumption B. Poor health care C. Smoking D. Careless driving
C. Smoking
Optimism, trust, and self-confidence are components of A. Physical wellness B. Emotional wellness C. Spiritual wellness D. Interpersonal wellness
B. Emotional wellness
The order in which a behavior change strategy is implemented is A. Analyze data, monitor behavior, devise a plan of action, set goals, make contract B. Monitor behavior, analyze data, set goals, devise a plan of action, make contract C. Devise a plan of action, set goals, monitor behavior, analyze data, make contract D. Make contract, set goals, devise a plan of action, monitor behavior, analyze data
B. Monitor behavior, analyze data, set goals, devise a plan of action, make contract
Donna is about 25 pounds overweight, has tried a variety of diets, and has repeatedly failed to maintain weight loss. She defends her weight with the explanation that almost all of her relatives are overweight, and none has ever been successful with attempts to lose weight. Donna can best be described as A. Being unmotivated B. Having an external locus of control C. Having an internal locus of control D. Being a victim of genetics
B. Having an external locus of control
The weakest plan for changing health behavior is one that A. Incorporate rewards for reaching goals B. Identifies cues to behaviors C. Makes slow, systematic changes in behavior D. Attempts to change more than one behavior at the same time
D. Attempts to change more than one behavior at the same time
Spiritual wellness is best described as having A. A strong support network of family and friends B. Meaning and purpose in one's life C. The ability to express oneself creatively D. The ability to share one's feelings
B. Meaning and purpose in one's life
The treatment considered to be the most effective against current-day health threats is A. Prevention B. Antibiotics C. Surgery D. Genetic testing
A. Prevention
The six dimensions of wellness A. Affect health independently of each other B. Are interrelated C. Seldom influence one another D. Demonstrate the separateness of mind and body
B. Are interrelated
The health determinant over which we have least control is A. Diet B. Exercise C. Tobacco use D. Genetic makeup
D. Genetic makeup
Which of the following would NOT be helpful to you in attempting to improve your productivity? A. Focus on long-term goals only B. Visualize achievement of your goals C. Delegate responsibility D. Say "no" when necessary
A. Focus on long-term goals only
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding exercise and its ability to help manage stress? A. A long walk can help increase BP B. A brisk 10-minute walk can relax and energize you up to ten hours C. Three 45-minute walks per week can increase your sense of wellness D. A and C
C. Three 45-minute walks per week can increase your sense of wellness
Once the stressful situation ends, your parasympathetic nervous system A. Increases HR B. Slows breathing C. Slows digestion D. Increases perspiration
B. Slows breathing
According to your text, which of the following are common sources of stress for most college students? A. Academic demands and time management concerns B. Children and pets C. Laundry and dishes D. Involvement in political causes
A. Academic demands and time management concerns
Which one of the following is NOT a stage of the general adaptation syndrome? A. Alarm B. Acceleration C. Resistance D. Exhaustion
B. Acceleration
Situations that trigger physical and emotional reactions are termed A. Stress responses B. Stressors C. Unmanaged stress D. Distress
B. Stressors
New technologies can be A. Time-savers B. New sources of stress C. New sources of lessening stress D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Tom is very anxious about an upcoming exam. He has no appetite, is easily distracted, and has a headache. In what stage of the general adaptation syndrome is Tom? A. Alarm B. Acceleration C. Resistance D. Exhaustion
A. Alarm
The primary determinant of the health consequences of stress is A. Whether it is emotional or physical stress B. Whether it is pleasant or unpleasant stress C. How long the stress has been present D. How the individual responds to the stress
D. How the individual responds to the stress
All of these are considered counterproductive coping strategies, EXCEPT A. Tobacco use B. Drug abuse C. Use of a multivitamin D. Alcohol use
C. Use of a multivitamin
Which of the following nervous systems manages John's moves as he participates in a spinning exercise class? A. Autonomic B. Sympathetic C. Parasympathetic D. Somatic
D. Somatic
Because watching television is usually a "time sink" while you are on a deadline, it is wise to A. Limit your television break to 5-10 minutes B. Avoid turning on the television C. Realize you need a break and just watch a few shows D. Surf the Internet for a few minutes instead
B. Avoid turning on the television
A person who suppresses anger and feels hopeless has characteristics of which personality type? A. Type A B. Type B C. Type D D. Type C
D. Type C
The long-term wear and tear of the stress response has been termed A. The allostatic load B. Homeostasis C. Distress D. Eustress
A. The allostatic load
During the stress response, the human adrenal glands release A. Epinepherine B. Norepinepherine C. Adrenocorticotropic hormone D. Endorphins
A. Epinepherine
The term stress refers to A. A physical reaction to fright B. Any imbalance of homeostasis C. An unpleasant situation that disrupts normal activity D. Situations that can trigger physical and emotional reactions
D. Situations that can trigger physical and emotional reactions
During the stress response, which of the following changes occurs throughout the body as a result of epinephrine being released? A. Your hearing and vision become more acute, and your bronchi dilate and allow more air into the lungs B. Your liver releases more sugar into the blood C. Your bronchi dilate and allow more air into the lungs D. Your hearing and vision become more acute E. All of the choices are correct
E. All of the choices are correct
The autonomic nervous system controls all the following, EXCEPT the A. Ability to write B. Ability to alter your BP C. Speed of your HR D. Ability to digest food
A. Ability to write
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding a high allostatic load? A. A high allostatic load is linked with hypertension B. A high allostatic load is linked with physical wellness C. A high allostatic load is linked with obesity D. A high allostatic load is linked with heart disease
B. A high allostatic load is linked with physical wellness
The first step in creating a personal plan for managing stress is to A. Seek professional help B. Design your plan C. Investigate support groups D. Identify your stressors
D. Identify your stressors
The personality type associated with relaxation and contemplation is A. Type D B. Type A C. Type B D. Type C
C. Type B
Eustress A. Is stress that is triggered by something pleasant B. Is much more common than distress C. Is a specific type of distress D. Does not trigger the stress response
A. Is stress that is triggered by something pleasant
The branch of the autonomic nervous system that is activated when a person is exposed to a stressor is the _______________ nervous system. A. Parasympathetic B. Central C. Somatic D. Sympathetic
D. Sympathetic
The way in which an individual responds to stress is influenced by A. Past experiences B. Biological predispositions C. Personality D. Current circumstances E. All of these influence the way an individual responds to stress
E. All of these influence the way an individual responds to stress
Mohammed just received an F on his term paper. Which type of stress is he likely to experience? A. Eustress B. Unmanaged stress C. Malstress D. Distress
D. Distress
Which one of the following is a cognitive technique for stress management? A. Meditation B. Thinking constructively C. Progressive relaxation D. Imagery
B. Thinking constructively
Progressive relaxation techniques A. Can be quite complex and difficult to master B. Involve tensing and then relaxing the muscles in your body C. Involve a lot of imagination and willpower D. Increase HR
B. Involve tensing and then relaxing the muscles in your body
Which of the following statements is most TRUE regarding psychological health? A. Being normal is the same as being psychologically healthy B. It is as difficult to define it as it is important to understand it C. Freedom from psychological disorders is a comprehensive definition of psychological health D. Psychological health is the absence of anxiety
B. It is as difficult to define it as it is important to understand it
An example of a simple phobia is fear of A. Dogs B. Public speaking C. Interaction D. Embarrassment
A. Dogs
To help reduce social anxiety A. Realize your nervousness is not as visible as you think B. Take breaks during anxious situations whenever possible C. Get out of the situation if you feel stress D. A and B
D. A and B
Fear of public speaking is actually a A. Fear of speaking B. Fear of being observed by others C. Simple phobia D. Type of panic disorder
B. Fear of being observed by others
Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for suicide? A. A history of previous attempts B. Readily available means C. Addiction to alcohol or drugs D. A high anxiety level
D. A high anxiety level
A defense mechanism by which unacceptable thoughts or wishes are excluded from consciousness is A. Repression B. Projection C. Rationalization D. Displacement
A. Repression
Which of the following mental health professionals is a licensed physician? A. Clinical psychologist B. Psychiatrist C. Social worker D. Couselor
B. Psychiatrist
Religious belief A. Undermines problem solving B. Is a substitute for a positive self-concept C. Promotes psychological health for some individuals D. Has little bearing on mental health
C. Promotes psychological health for some individuals
A treatment used for severe depression when other approaches fail is A. Psychoanalysis B. Drug therapy C. Electroconvulsive therapy D. Herbal therapy
C. Electroconvulsive therapy
An example of an obsession is A. Constant hand washing B. Repeating someone's name five times every time you see her C. Concern of contracting syphilis from a handshake D. Repeatedly checking to see if the stove is turned off
C. Concern of contracting syphilis from a handshake
Which of the following is a social phobia? A. Fear of animals B. Fear of high places C. Fear of seeing blood D. Fear of embarrassment
D. Fear of embarrassment
People with established identities tend to do all the following, EXCEPT A. Form intimate, lasting relationships B. Remain isolated C. Share open communication D. Love and be loved
B. Remain isolated
The model of human nature that emphasizes behavior as a complex system hidden by active defenses is the _______________ model. A. Biological B. Behavioral C. Cognitive D. Psychodynamic
D. Psychodynamic
College students can typically find inexpensive mental health care through A. On-campus counseling centers B. Psychology or education departments C. Support groups D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Which statement is FALSE regarding the development of self-esteem? A. It is based on experiences that occur within the family B. It is influenced by personality C. Rejected children may fail to develop feelings of self-worth D. Children knowingly build images of themselves based on the models of their parents
A. It is based on experiences that occur within the family??? *Not sure of answer*
Post-traumatic stress disorder is most likely to occur after A. Rape B. Nightmares C. Failure in school D. Prolonged compulsive behavior
A. Rape
Being self-actualized is characterized by A. Passivity B. Good work habits C. Good physical health D. Realism
D. Realism
The model of human nature that emphasizes the effects of ideas on behaviors and feelings is the _______________ model. A. Biological B. Behavioral C. Cognitive D. Psychodynamic
C. Cognitive
Treatment for which of the following disorders MUST include drug therapy? A. Depression B. Social phobia C. OCD D. Schizophrenia
D. Schizophrenia
The neurotransmitter that seems to be the most important in the treatment of depression is called A. Seratonin B. Acetylcholine C. Dopamine D. Leutine
A. Seratonin
The model of human nature that proposes that the mind's activity depends on organic structure and genetics is the _____________ model. A. Biological B. Behavioral C. Cognitive D. Psychodynamic
A. Biological
Our early identity models are most likely to be A. Parents B. Celebrities C. Peers D. Political leaders
A. Parents
According to Maslow, basic human needs are ranked in the following order as they DECREASE in urgency: A. Physiological needs, safety, being loved, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization B. Safety, physiological needs, being loved, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization C. Safety, physiological needs, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization D. Self-actualization, physiological needs, safety, maintaining self-esteem, being loved
A. Physiological needs, safety, being loved, maintaining self-esteem, self-actualization
A psychological defense by which unacceptable feelings are transferred from one event or person to a less threatening one is A. Repression B. Projection C. Rationalization D. Displacement
D. Displacement
Psychoactive drugs change mood or behavior by acting on A. The heart B. The liver C. The spinal cord D. Brain chemistry
D. Brain chemistry
"Ice" is a(n) A. Opioid B. Depressant C. Hallucinogen D. Methamphetamine
D. Methamphetamine
Carl is a junior in college. Over the last 12 months, he has spent his weekends drinking alcohol and playing poker. He does not drink on weekdays but occasionally uses "speed" if it is available to stay awake during the all-night poker games. He then takes Valium so that he can sleep during the day and be rested for the next night's game. Carl's friends are worried that Carl is hooked on drugs and that he can't stop, but Carl claims that he has no problem with his drug use. Carl boasts that he can drink more beer now than he could when he first came to college without becoming as intoxicated or having a hangover the next day. He dismisses the risks associated with mixing alcohol with other drugs like Valium, stating that only people who don't know what they are doing have problems. Carl attends his classes, although he has been missing the early Monday class and his overall grade-point average has dropped this semester. Carl's biggest health risk from his current pattern of drug use is A. Respiratory depression B. Amphetamine-induced psychosis C. Delirium tremens D. Alcoholism
A. Respiratory depression
Carl is a junior in college. Over the last 12 months, he has spent his weekends drinking alcohol and playing poker. He does not drink on weekdays but occasionally uses "speed" if it is available to stay awake during the all-night poker games. He then takes Valium so that he can sleep during the day and be rested for the next night's game. Carl's friends are worried that Carl is hooked on drugs and that he can't stop, but Carl claims that he has no problem with his drug use. Carl boasts that he can drink more beer now than he could when he first came to college without becoming as intoxicated or having a hangover the next day. He dismisses the risks associated with mixing alcohol with other drugs like Valium, stating that only people who don't know what they are doing have problems. Carl attends his classes, although he has been missing the early Monday class and his overall grade-point average has dropped this semester. Which of following is TRUE regarding Carl's use of substances? A. He has a substance abuse problem B. He has a substance dependence problem C. He displays characteristics of addictive behavior D. He has a substance abuse and dependence problem E. All of these choices are true
E. All of these choices are true
Steven would spend only 1 hour in the gym 3 times and week, but recently he has been spending 3 hours a day 7 days a week working out. He has noticed that his back is chronically hurting. Once Steven has stopped his work out, he starts thinking about what he did not accomplish. This is an example of what type of behavior? A. Habit B. Addictive behavior C. Impulse control D. Tolerance
B. Addictive behavior
Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for drug use? A. Being male B. Not graduating from high school C. Having a high-risk personality D. Being an independent thinker
D. Being an independent thinker
Central nervous system depressants are also known as A. Hallucinogens B. Narcotics C. Deliriants D. Sedative-hypnotics
D. Sedative-hypnotics
The effects of cocaine are felt in A. About 10 seconds if inhaled B. About 10 seconds if injected C. 5-10 minutes if snorted D. 5 minutes if injected
A. About 10 seconds if inhaled
During which age group are males and females closest in illicit drug use? A. 12-17 B. 18-25 C. 26-40 D. 40-60
A. 12-17
The active component in marijuana is A. DMT B. THC C. PCP D. MDMA
John, who is 14 years old, is somewhat small for his age and is often teased by his peers. He has recently become involved with a new peer group that is known to use alcohol and marijuana. What factor has probably had the most influence on John's decision to become involved with drugs? A. Rebellion B. Peer acceptance C. Experimentation D. Allure of excitement
B. Peer acceptance
Which of the following behaviors is NOT characteristic of drug dependency? A. Having no desire to regulate substance use B. Taking larger amounts of a substance C. Changing one's lifestyle to accommodate drug use D. Continuing to use the substance in spite of recognition that its use is a problem
A. Having no desire to regulate substance use
Which of the following individuals would NOT be considered as having a higher-than-average risk for trying illicit drugs? A. An adolescent who is aggressive or impulsive B. A teenager who drives too fast C. An adolescent who has poor self-esteem and lacks control D. A teenager who drives too fast and an adolescent who has poor self-esteem and lacks control E. All of the above would be considered as having a higher-than-average risk for trying illicit drugs
E. All of the above would be considered as having a higher-than-average risk for trying illicit drugs
All of the following are other names for PCP, EXCEPT A. "Angel dust" B. "Magic mushrooms" C. "Hog" D. "Peace pill"
B. "Magic mushrooms"
The typical primary effects of central nervous system depressants include all of the following, EXCEPT A. Sedation B. Euphoria C. Drowsiness D. Reduced coordination
B. Euphoria
Which of the following is an example of codependent behavior? A. Jamie confronted Frank, who was obviously intoxicated before dinner, about his drinking B. Marie refused to loan money to Sally, whom she suspected would spend it on drugs C. Susan called her boyfriend's boss to say he was sick and couldn't come into work; in truth, he was hungover D. Chad wants to help Cheryl work out a way to kick her habit, but he refuses to join her in drug use
C. Susan called her boyfriend's boss to say he was sick and couldn't come into work; in truth, he was hungover
A behavior that continues despite serious negative consequences is called A. Tolerance B. Loss of control C. Escalation D. Compulsion
D. Compulsion
Possible medical use of THC includes treatment for A. Heart disease B. Panic attacks C. Chemotherapy side effects D. Depression and psychosis
C. Chemotherapy side effects
The time-action function is the relationship between A. A drug and a person's body chemistry B. A person's drug use and the effect of the drug C. When a drug is taken and the intensity of its effect D. How a drug is taken and how strong a response it produces
C. When a drug is taken and the intensity of its effect
All of the following are characteristics associated with addictive behavior, EXCEPT A. Reinforcement B. Compulsion or craving C. Improved control D. Negative consequences
C. Improved control
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding drugs and crime? A. Addicts commit more robberies and burglaries than do criminals not on drugs B. People under the influence of drugs are less likely to commit violent crimes than are people who do not use drugs C. Many assaults and murders are committed when people try to buy and sell drugs D. The relationship between drugs and crime is complex
B. People under the influence of drugs are less likely to commit violent crimes than are people who do not use drugs
Which of the following drugs is NOT a hallucinogen? A. Mescaline B. Psilocybin C. LSD D. Methadone
D. Methadone
A shy person who drinks several alcoholic beverages at a party and becomes very loud and social is experiencing the effects of A. Abuse B. Tolerance C. Dependence D. Intoxication
D. Intoxication
When Kristen began to smoke, she only had 3-5 cigarettes. Now, for her to feel in control during the day, she has to smoke 18 cigarettes. What is she experiencing? A. Substance abuse B. Substance dependence C. Tolerance D. Withdrawal
C. Tolerance
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