How to stop or quit from a bad habit Essay Example
How to stop or quit from a bad habit Essay Example

How to stop or quit from a bad habit Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1003 words)
  • Published: September 18, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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"You can't break a bad habit by throwing it out the window," said Mark Twain, "You've got to walk it slowly down the stairs. " These words hold the most important for people who want to quit from a bad habit, especially for those who have experienced harmful tendencies like tobacco consumption for years. Daily smoking leads to powerful addiction, eighty percent of most smokers have attempted to quit smoking more than once during the course of their smoking habit, but only fifteen percent of them are successful to overcome.Even though quitting takes hard work and a lot of effort ; people an quit smoking by doing the following steps, gradually but effectively. The first step to successfully change the attitude of smoking is to admit that he or she is having a problem, therefore it helps the smoker identif


y what specifically needs to be altered.

Once a person acknowledges he needs help, he will look for a proper treatment. He can also identify the health risks of smoking and soon find out the great benefits for quitting.The quitter will live longer and better, avoid many fatal diseases such as lung cancer, stroke, heart attack, which cause people's death every year. The people he lives with, especially for the children, will be healthier for not smelling the smoke that contains nicotine and thousands of poisonous chemicals.

Other good reason is that he can have extra money to spend on things other than cigarettes. After having learned all the negative sides of smoking, the smoker will be prepared for the getting-ready step.The future non-smoker needs to set up a quit date on the calendar , put

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the decisive signs on the wall stating "Stop smoking for good. , "Don't waste your money on those deadly cigarettes.

","Not even a puff"... It is a good idea to put a "No Smoking" sign on the front door, visitors will know that they are entering a smoke- free zone. The smoker must change the environment by hiding or throwing away things that related to smoking like ashtrays or even cigarette containers, matches, lighters..

. ,not only in his home but also in his car, in the office; so that it can keep him away from the powerful temptation . Staying away from those who smoke also helps him forget the old feelings he used to be addicted. The third step is to get support and encouragement.The quitter will have more hances to be successful if he is helped by others.

His family, doctors, counselors or a partner who he relies on are the best sources. He should tell his family, friends, coworkers not to smoke around him or leave the cigarettes out. Talk to the doctor or counselor to give him more advice and ways to get rid of smoking effectively, he should be carefully observed and reminded by the doctors. There are also many programs available at local hospitals or health centers for anyone seeking help in recovering from smoking addiction and wanting to change that unhealthy habit.Becoming a part of a support group with people that have similar routines, he can share his problems, concerns, and victories. Another step is to learn new skills and change the routine.

Try to distract himself from urges to smoke by talking with friends to reduce stress,

going for a walk,taking a hot bath, reading a book or having fun with other things such as listening to music, playing some sports, joining many healthful activities that keep him busy and enjoyable. It's certainly better to drink a lot of water or tea than coffee, and have breakfast in ifferent places so that he can easily find himself in the new environment.The fifth step is to get medication and use it correctly. This step is applied for person who has smoked for long periods and found hard to quit. The medication help tobacco addict stop more easily and lessen the urge to smoke. The FDA (the U.

S Food and Drug Administration) has approved some methods that relief people from oversmoking. Smokers can use nicotine gum, a kind of chewing gum containing nicotine that used as a substitute for tobacco, another kind is nicotine patch which is a small patch hat when placed on the skin, it releases nicotine directly into the bloodstream.They are useful methods to help the smoker prevent from weight gain, cravings and withdrawals. The last step is to be prepared for relapse and difficult situations. The determined quitter may know that most relapses occur within the first three months after quitting. So, the quitter must not be under pressure or discouraged if he starts smoking again.

Most people have to try several times before they completely quit.There are also some difficult ituations to watch for; such as drinking alcohol, the quitter must limit his drinking because it will lower the chance of success, or just being around with other smokers will make him want to smoke; another situation is

weight gain, it is good to eat a healthy diet and stay active by doing frequent exercise. Whenever he has a bad mood or depression, he should know that there are a lot of ways to improve his mood other than smoking. In conclusion, there are many factors everyone should take seriously, smoking is really a bad and hazardous habit that must be given up by any means.Because of moking, smokers provide high risks in addictions, diseases and even risks in pregnancies.

Smokers prefer their habit rather than caring about the negative effects, they ignores the consequences of smoking. It is not until they are ill that they realizes how life means to them and how they have destroyed it, especially for teenagers who starts smoking to show their maturity and at last, seeking for help and applying those miserable steps of quitting from a bad habit Life would be better and just by quitting, they can protect their dignities and make a safer environment for the world.

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