Harrington: Cost and Variable Costs Essay Example
Harrington: Cost and Variable Costs Essay Example

Harrington: Cost and Variable Costs Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (537 words)
  • Published: July 1, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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The issue faced by Harrington Collection is a lack of growth in sales. This has prompted the company to consider alternative methods to improve performance, such as introducing a new line of active-wear products.

Harrington acknowledges the growing trend of affordable and quickly changing fashion in the women's apparel industry, particularly in the active-wear sector. To seize this lucrative opportunity, Harrington must strategically pursue a new active-wear product line. A thorough analysis reveals that determining the unit price is crucial during the financial evaluation. By considering the wholesale price instead of the retail price, the unit price is calculated as $95. Additionally, by aggregating the start-up costs and both fixed and variable operating costs, the breakeven units can be determined. Following this calculation, it is determined that the breakeven point is 289,846 units.


Sales of active-wear are estimated to double by 2009, with 40% falling into the "better" category. Assuming Harrington Vigor maintains its 7% market share, it anticipates selling 420,000 units in its first year. Over half of apparel purchases occur during sales, so we expect that half of the units will be sold at full price and the other half at a discounted rate. We conducted a sensitivity analysis using discount rates of 20%, 40%, and 60%. With a strong financial forecast supporting its new launch in active-wear, Harrington is well-positioned for success in the market. An economic downturn in the early 2000s led to an increase in competition in outsourcing and low-cost manufacturing as consumers became more focused on discounts due to cost-consciousness.

Apparel companies often choose to outsource production to low-cost labor areas like China. The demand for fashionable activewear is also growing rapidly

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Harrington, established in the 1960s, gained a reputation for high quality, knowledgeable sales staff, and designer styles. The brand has loyal customers and a premium reputation. Wearing Harrington labels signifies both status and fashion-forwardness. Overall, the active-wear market has a small but rapidly growing segment in the "better" category.

Harrington should seize the opportunity for diversity in its market share and enter the market promptly. With its brand influence, exceptional quality and styling, and cutting-edge technology, Harrington has a significant chance to become a crucial player in this profitable segment. Speciality stores and department stores are still the main retailing channels in the women's clothing market, creating potential channel conflicts and challenges. Department stores can benefit from the lucrative inventory turnover rate generated by Harrington's extensive national advertising efforts.

On the other hand, department stores may be hesitant about selling active-wear products due to the market's newness, which poses a greater risk for retailers. Harrington can address this conflict by leveraging its relationships with retailers and marketing expertise. The survey suggests that launching a new active-wear line will have a minimal impact on cheapening Harrington's brand. Despite challenges, Harrington has a significant opportunity to expand its business into the active-wear market.

By expanding the activewear category to include "better" quality products, Harrington can leverage the comfort and fashion image that the Vigor division has already established. Additionally, outsourcing production to Mexico would not only reduce costs but also enhance the ability to quickly adapt to shifts in demand. Considering these factors, it is highly recommended that Harrington introduces a new line of active-wear.

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