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Government Furnished Property
Property provided to contractors;
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Government-furnished property
means property in the possession of, or directly acquired by, the Government and subsequently furnished to the contractor for performance of a contract. Government-furnished property includes, but is not limited to, spares and property furnished for repair, maintenance, overhaul, and modification. Government-furnished property also includes contractor-acquired property if the contractor-acquired property is a deliverable under a cost contract when accepted by the Government for continued use under the contract."
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Equipment and Government Furnished Equipment
include lathes, forklifts , or heavy machinery. Equipment usually •has an expected service life of 2 years or more; •is not intended for sale; •does not become a component part of another article •has been acquired with the intention of being used. Should be identified in the contract
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Where should government property be recorded?
Government Accountable Property System of Record (APSR)
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Material and Government Furnished Material
material include titanium, nuts, bolts, washers, screws, and other consumable items. Material does not include equipment, special tooling, and special test equipment. Unlike GFE, GFM is consumed, attached, or expended by the contractor during contract performance. Because of this, there is no expectation that material will be returned to the Government, except as part of an end item.
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Special Tooling (ST) FAR 2.101
include jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, taps, and gauges. Special tooling does not include material, special test equipment, real property, equipment, or machine tools. *specialized nature, and by definition must have limited use.
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Contractor Acquired Property (DoD I 5000.64)
Any property acquired, fabricated or otherwise provided by the contractor for cost type contract performances qualifies as CAP. *Occurs when a contractor obtains an item needed for contract performance. * The contractor buys (or makes) the needed item. Since the Government reimburses the contractor for the cost, we now have CAP. *The Government owns the CAP, or has title to it, and the contractor uses it. If the Government did not reimburse the contractor for the cost of the acquired item, the contractor would own it.
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Accountability (DoD I 5000.64)
an obligation under policy, law, or regulation accepted by a person for property or funds, with or without possession of the property." * It is the point at which fiduciary obligations merge with our everyday duties and responsibilities - both of which we freely accept as conditions of our employment
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looks at the big picture; the processes, systems, records, and methodologies necessary for effective management of personal property throughout its entire life cycle.
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focuses on recording financial transactions that involve the property. The financial accounting system identifies the dollar value of property in summary terms.
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is what we are. DoD describes this as an obligation accepted by a person for keeping accurate records to ensure control of property, documents or funds. This obligation refers to the fiduciary responsibilities necessary to protect the public interest. It does not, however, necessarily impose personal liability upon an organization or person.
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Accountable Property System of Record (DOD I 5000.64
must contain: •A designation of property category •Acquisition cost. •Date received and/or accepted. •Description (noun, nomenclature). •Location. •Condition. •Quantity on hand (including unit of measure/issue i.e. EA, BX, QT). •Part Number, NSN, serial numbers, bar codes, or other unique identifiers •Contract, Purchase Order, or other procurement identification number. •Invoice and/or Receiving Report Number. •Transaction date. •Estimated useful life (for property to be capitalized) *Contractors are also required to maintain a property management system and establish stewardship records of all GP.
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Item Unique Identification
important tool the Government uses to track and manage property. IUID is a property identification registry.
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The purpose of IUID is to
•Create a reliable, unique, lifetime identification mark on each acquired item. •Track availability and use of that item. •Know where item fits in parent-child group. •Automate reporting (inventory, property-in-possession, payment for delivery).
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Wide Area Workflow
is a secure Web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt and acceptance. WAWF enables electronic form submission of invoices, Government inspection, and acceptance documents to support the DoD's goal of moving to a paperless acquisition process.
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Life Cycle Model for Government Property
describes the various events that occur during property management and use. It is important to understand the phases of an item's life cycle and the impact of each phase on total program costs and outputs.
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Determination of Need
*First phase in the life cycle of any item. *Should include the rationale for acquisition of assets. It should also consider alternatives to new procurement and life cycle costs. *create the foundation for the Acquisition phase.
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During this phase, a determination to furnish property to a contractor should be made, as well as the best type of contract. Contractors are typically required to furnish all property necessary to perform Government contracts. There are times, however, when the Government must provide property to a contractor. If so, the Contracting Officer (CO) must follow the guidance in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 45.
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Accountability & Maintenance
*Government property accountability personnel will identify and provide any previously unidentified unique item identifiers (UII) to the contracting officer, as well as acknowledge receipt of GP by the contractor. They will also be able to transfer GP to the contractor through the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF), and monitor WAWF for other property transactions. WAWF is a system you will learn more about in Lesson 2. * During this phase, Government property accountability personnel will identify and provide any previously unidentified unique item identifiers (UII) to the contracting officer, as well as acknowledge receipt of GP by the contractor. They will also be able to transfer GP to the contractor through the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF), and monitor WAWF for other property transactions. WAWF is a system you will learn more about in Lesson 2. *The Government and the contractor have distinct responsibilities during this phase. The Government must maintain accountable records of the equipment furnished to a contractor. FAR 52.245-1 requires contractors to protect the GP from loss, damage, destruction or theft, and when required, to make the GP available. This includes a requirement to maintain property systems and records and to maintain the equipment in their possession. Lesson 3 of this course will discuss property records and management systems in greater detail. Contractors may use, move, store, and consume GP only on authorized contracts, which could include rental usage (see FAR 52.245-9).
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Accountability & Maintenance
The Government can audit the contractor's property management system as frequently as conditions warrant. The contractor must: •Maintain a system that is adequate to satisfy FAR Government Property clause requirements. •Initiate and maintain effective control of Government Property. •Make records available to the Government •Immediately take all necessary corrective action as directed by the Property Administrator (PA)/Contracting Officer (CO) if the Government determines that the contractor's property management practices are inadequate.
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When property is no longer required by the contractor to support the contract, the property must be reported as excess to the Government under FAR 52.245. Both the contractor and the Government have distinct responsibilities during this phase of the life cycle of the property. Lesson 5 of this course describes these responsibilities.
*When property is no longer required by the contractor to support the contract, the property must be reported as excess to the Government under FAR 52.245. *Both the contractor and the Government have distinct responsibilities during this phase of the life cycle of the property. Lesson 5 of this course describes these responsibilities.
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Reutilization & Disposition
*When property is no longer required by the contractor to support the contract, the property must be reported as excess to the Government under FAR 52.245. *Both the contractor and the Government have distinct responsibilities during this phase of the life cycle of the property. Lesson 5 of this course describes these responsibilities.
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(FAR Part 45)
Policy for Furnishing Property to Contractors
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DoD I 5000.64
Provides property accountability policy.
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DoDI 5000.64
This policy is referenced frequently for Government personnel, as it covers how to maintain the records, conduct physical inventories, and perform other property management functions for GP, especially equipment.
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Accountable Property System of Record (APSR)
DODI 5000.64, paragraph 6.3 contains the DoD policy for maintaining an accountable record
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FAR 52.245-1
Identifies the data elements required in a contractor's property record.
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Property Administrator (PA)
Evaluate information from the contractor property records; CAN AUDIT THE CONTRACTORS RECORD
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The contractor records must contain the following:
•Name, part number and description, manufacturer, model number, and National Stock Number (if needed for additional item identification tracking and/or disposition) •Quantity received (or fabricated), issued, and balance-on-hand •Unit acquisition cost •Unique-item identifier or equivalent (if available and necessary for individual item tracking) •Unit of measure •Accountable contract number •Location •Disposition •Posting reference and date of transaction •Date placed in service
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Item Unique Identification
is a way for DoD to track and manage property.
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The Policy for Unique Identification (UID) of Tangible Items
New Equipment, Major Modifications, and Reprocurements of Equipment and Spares was issued,
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What are contractors not required to submit?
UII data for Material, Reparables, or CAP
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Program Manager
is the critical position in the asset acquisition process and arguably has the most important role. Since the PM is responsible for the entire asset program, they: •Define the overall program description, •Identify the assets to be acquired, •Specify the means for asset delivery, service and disposal determines which assets the Government will furnish to contractors for manufacturing and/or servicing the end items. The results of the PM's efforts will dictate lifecycle events for these assets.
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Accountable Property Officer (APO)
is an individual responsible for establishing and maintaining an organization's formal property records, systems and supporting financial records that effectively control and manage Government property. Also, the APO possesses the responsibility for ensuring all transactions involving GP accurately reflect the lifecycle activities and can be audited in their entirety.
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The APO must:
•establish and maintain effective property management internal controls •ensure the existence of a complete audit trail of all property transactions and •ensure the designation of Property Custodians for each asset (military or general equipment) •maintain a strong working relationship with the Contracting Officer and/or Contracting Officer Representative
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Property Administrator
serves as the liaison between the contractor and the *Government, they play a crucial role in the management of GFP. *The PA provides guidance on physical inventories and property management systems. *PA plays a vital role in keeping the contractor's property records accurate, is the individual who performs the review of the contractor's property management system.
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Plant Clearance Officer
*possesses a certificate of appointment, and is defined as an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer responsible for screening, redistributing and disposing of contractor inventory. *Contractors are normally given the task of property disposal. Although contractors dispose of the property, the PLCO oversees this entire procesS.
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Defense Contract Management Agency(DCMA)
ensure that contractor property management systems meet FAR and DFARS requirements, as well as the terms and conditions of contracts assigned to DCMA for administration services. Although FAR clauses provide important baseline requirements, additional requirements should be addressed in the early stages of contract formation.
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verifies that the contractor is performing within the expectations set forth by the contract and that the contractor's property management system is adequate. Although DCMA verifies the contractor's systems and processes, DCMA does not review the Government systems. Also, DCMA does not manage a set of records parallel to that of the contactor. DCMA's work does not negate the need for a Government APSR
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Delivery of Property to a Contractor
There are several ways that Government property can be delivered to a contractor: It can be: •Issued from stock •Leased by Government then furnished to contractor or •In some cases, transferred: 1.From Government to a contractor, 2.From contractor to another contractor (via a contract), or 3.From contract to contract.
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Transfers of Government Furnished Property
*When GFP is furnished to a contractor, a property transfer transaction occurs. This transaction documents that GFP was shipped from the owner and received by the appropriate contractor. *Transfers are complete when both parties, Government and contractor, obtain copies of the transaction. Other individuals who need to know about the transfer are informed either by the shipper/receiver or by electronic means. Using Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) can inform all interested parties at the same time.
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Status of GFP
•Placed in use: shipped to a contractor •Placed in maintenance: received for repair by the contractor •Removed from use/Placed in storage: placed in storage by the contractor •Retired: placed in a DoD national level facility to await disposition. •Disposed: processed through Plant Clearance or through the DLA Disposal Services Once the contractor returns an item of GFP to the Government, the item is no longer categorized as GFP. It is now classified as Government property.
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Determination of the Type of Physical Inventory
•Requirements within the contract •Contractor's Established Practices •Type of Government Property Use of Government Property •Dollar Value of Government Property •Criticality/Sensitivity of Government Property
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Property Disposal
FAR 52.245-1 and DFARS Subpart 245.6 prescribe the following forms for use in reporting, redistribution, and disposal of contractor inventory and to account for this property: •SF 120, Report of Excess Personal Property •SF 1423, Inventory Verification Survey •SF 1424, Inventory Disposal Report •SF 1428, Inventory Schedule •DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice Shipping Document. This document may be used for various actions including the transfer and donation of contractor inventory. WAWF can be used to document shipment/receipt in lieu of DD Form 1149. •DD Form 1637, Notice of Acceptance of Inventory. This can be used by the PLCO to notify the contractor of the acceptability of a submitted inventory schedule. •DD Form 1639, Scrap Warranty. This form is used by the contractor when they are selling scrape
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Timeline for Submitting the Inventory Disposal Schedule
According to 52.245-1, the contractor completes form SF 1428 to list the Inventory Disposal Schedule (IDS) or use the Plant Clearance Automated Reutilization Screening System (PCARSS).
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The contractor must submit the IDS according to the following timeframes:
•Within 30 days - for EXCESS Inventory •Within 60 days - following contract COMPLETION •Within 120 days - following contract TERMINATION
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Plant Clearance Automated Reutilization Screening System (PCARSS)
is used to accomplish the disposal process. This system is part of the Government's directive to achieve a paperless contracting environment. It is a property management application used for reporting, screening, requisitioning and disposing of excess Government property located at contractor facilities. The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) manages PCARSS.
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Excess Property - Sale of Surplus Government Propert
When surplus property is sold, the contractor will either: •Credit Net Proceeds to cost of work covered by the contract, or •Pay the Government as directed by the PLCO, or •Credit the contractor's overhead if the contractor has an approved scrap procedure The PLCO must collect any proceeds from the sale, complete the Inventory Disposal Report (SF 1424) and close out any related PCARSS records. The contractor must comply with all instructions issued by the PLCO.
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Who is responsibe for Loss, Theft, Damage, or Destruction(LTDD)
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The LTDD system
is the DoD data repository for Government property that has been loss, stolen or damaged. It is used to file a report, create a case and begin an investigation. Benefits of the LTDD system include: •An effective means to communicate with a PA to enable a timely and accurate liability determination •Simplified user access to monitor case status •E-Mail notifications •Automated updates to the IUID registry
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