Gang Violence Essay Example
Gang Violence Essay Example

Gang Violence Essay Example

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  • Pages: 10 (2708 words)
  • Published: April 9, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Gang violence is a major problem in our society today. Gang violence could take place in our neighborhoods and corrupt the young children easily influenced by violent behavior as well. In the two poems, Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds By Robert Davies and Street Gang By H. Webster, the two poets write about gang related issues discussing the ill-mannered bikers who cause these problems to others around them. These poems discuss the violence, death, and illegal activity in which several people participated, which like reality is the problematic truth.

Both poems are similar because their main intention is gang-related violence issues in society today and the distinctive character of the darker side in human nature which causes the harmful consequences of corrupt humanity. The communication strategies used by both poets can grasp the reader’s interest because both poems have simil


ar methods of word selection which is diction and can describe the psychological minds of aggressive behavior.

The poem

Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds. Has a sentence that describes the type of characteristics gang members have and illustrate their overall presence around others. For example when the poet writes, pretending they are looking for trouble. This demonstrates that the individuals of a gang gather not to enjoy themselves but to cause excitement among themselves for the wrong reasons. Another quote from the poem that describes the psychological mind of gang members is? Because you’ve got to be hard to be a leather-jacket.

This quote shows that gang members have a mindset that they must be tough, strong, and overall powerful to gain their respect. Similarly, in the poem "Street Gang" The description of violence used and the defeat against law is

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well detailed by the actions caused by aggressive behavior. For example when the poet writes. Was the law overthrown Describes that the street gang members do not consider the law at hand and make a choice based on their psychological mind structure and use forceful actions upon their victims.

Furthermore, literary devices such as imaginary, alliteration, repetition, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, simile, and parallel structure used in both poems displayed a greater understanding of poetry and defined both as comparable poems. The poems "Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" And " Street Gang" Are not in rhyme and I believed both poets have formed the poems without rhyme because the tone of seriousness towards this issue was to be brought out to the reader’s attention concerning the subject of violence. The literary devices used in the poem.

Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds Where such as imaginary, parallel structure, alliteration, and connotation. Imaginary of the sense of smell which came from the quote. The aroma of espresso the color of the espresso is a dark color and the taste is bitter and I believe the poet has used a literary device to bring out the quote in more depth so it would be easier for the reader to understand the significance of the quote and how it is related to the overall subject matter which in this case would be violence caused by gang members.

Also, the second imaginary device of the sense of sight found within the poem would be Hope the motor lights will not be dipped too much so that others will see them This shows the fact that the leather jackets have power or control over their appearance and presence

around others which causes fright and terror. Another interesting artistic way of using literary devices within the poem was when the poet used parallel structure and alliteration both in one sentence which was,? they stand, smoking, swearing, playing with girls...

The poet had written this to show that the gang members have nothing better to do but to decay their minds with rubbish during their gatherings where they stand looking to cause trouble around them. Likewise, the poem "Street Gang" Had also used literary devices such as repetition, imaginary, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, simile, and parallel structure. One of the imaginary senses of thought used in the poem was By any thoughts of the uncertain future (apparently): absorbed in the present

I believe this was a very important quote because it states that the gang members only thought of the present, not the future. Another literary device was an oxymoron and the quote for it was Which I believe was used because darkness was one work that would repeatedly come up over and over again because it has such great importance relating to the members of the gang and their outer appearance and inner thoughts, both filled with wickedness. Another literary technique used in this poem was a simile, identified at least as living creatures.

This quote was written by the poet just before the gang members committed their crime and caused injuries to their victims. I believe the author chose this device because he wanted to illustrate the level of insanity the gang members had reached, indicating their poor decision-making. The last literary device found within the poem was a parallel structure and the example is, gouged, stamped on,

crucified. This was during the physical attacking happening between the gang members and their victims.

I believe literary devices and structure are relevant to the harmful consequences of corrupt humanity because the aspect of no future involvement with the lives of these individuals, demonstrates the fact the gang members themselves are betraying one another by destroying each other’s future. Additionally, the objective of both poems is connected because both poems have the same opinions towards gang violence issues. In the poem "Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" the poet writes about many gang-related problems in the poem such as the bad influence of rude behavior on the gang members themselves.

The poem indicated that the gang members always stay together and they have gatherings to cause trouble around them for example, the leather-jacket groups begin to gather, stand, listen, pretending they are looking for trouble. This quote in the poem indicates that the group members have gatherings and enjoy being around one another which could bring up the question if it is the gatherings that cause the trouble for them each as individuals or are they just wrong individuals themselves looking for a fight to cause.

Another quote that is significant to this poem is. They pretend not to notice the drizzle falling out of the dark. The poet talks a lot about darkness and I believe he does this because he wants the reader to understand how dark matches the outer appearance and inner thoughts of the gang members. Also, another interesting quote was. The aroma of espresso  And I believe that was interesting because again he uses the darkness of the espresso to relate to the gang members.

Also, the poem "Street Gang" Contains many of the same types of thoughts from the poet.

The poet writes about the violent past that comes from people who think negatively in life and also the harmful hostility that they cause to others around them. For example? His blood streams across the pavement. Was the quote right after the victim was attacked by the gang? This quote has importance because it describes the type of damage caused by the gang and how they have nothing better to do in life other than cause trouble to innocent people when they have gatherings with one another at coffee bars. Again this poet also describes how the gang members have gatherings for example.

In the darkness: oblivious of whom they are or what they want: except to be together. In this one quote, both important aspects are repeated over and over again like the coffee is the darkness and the gatherings of being to Gang violence is a major problem in our society today. Gang violence could take place in our neighborhoods and corrupt the young children easily influenced by violent behavior as well. In the two poems, "Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" By Robert Davies and  "Street Gang" By H. Webster, the two poets write about gang related issues discussing the ill-mannered bikers who cause these problems to others around them.

These poems discuss the violence, death, and illegal activity in which several people participated, which like reality is the problematic truth. Both poems are similar because their main intention is gang-related violence issues in society today and the distinctive character of the darker side in human nature which causes the harmful

consequences of corrupt humanity. The communication strategies used by both poets can grasp the reader’s interest because both poems have similar methods of word selection which is diction and can describe the psychological minds of aggressive behavior.

The poem " Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" Has a sentence that describes the type of characteristics gang members have and illustrate their overall presence around others. For example when the poet writes, pretending they are looking for trouble. This demonstrates that the individuals of a gang gather not to enjoy themselves but to cause excitement among themselves for the wrong reasons. Another quote from the poem that describes the psychological mind of gang members is. Because you’ve got to be hard to be a leather-jacket.

This quote shows that gang members have a mindset that they must be tough, strong, and overall powerful to gain their respect. Similarly, in the poem " Street Gang " The description of violence used and the defeat against law is well detailed by the actions caused by aggressive behavior. For example when the poet writes. Was the law overthrown? Describes that the street gang members do not consider the law at hand and make a choice based on their psychological mind structure and use forceful actions upon their victims.

Furthermore, literary devices such as imaginary, alliteration, repetition, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, simile, and parallel structure used in both poems displayed a greater understanding of poetry and defined both as comparable poems. The poems " Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" And "Street Gang" Are not in rhyme and I believed both poets have formed the poems without rhyme because the tone of seriousness towards this issue was to be

brought out to the reader’s attention concerning the subject of violence. The literary devices used in the poem.

"Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" Were such as imaginary, parallel structure, alliteration, and connotation. Imaginary of the sense of smell which came from the quote. The aroma of espresso. the color of the espresso is a dark color and the taste is bitter and I believe the poet has used a literary device to bring out the quote in more depth so it would be easier for the reader to understand the significance of the quote and how it is related to the overall subject matter which in this case would be violence caused by gang members.

Also, the second imaginary device of the sense of sight found within the poem would be? Hope the motor lights will not be dipped too much so that others will see them This shows the fact that the leather jackets have power or control over their appearance and presence around others which causes fright and terror. Another interesting artistic way of using literary devices within the poem was when the poet used parallel structure and alliteration both in one sentence which was, they stand, smoking, swearing, playing with girls...

The poet had written this to show that the gang members have nothing better to do but to decay their minds with rubbish during their gatherings where they stand looking to cause trouble around them. Likewise, the poem " Street Gang" Had also used literary devices such as repetition, imaginary, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, simile, and parallel structure. One of the imaginary senses of thought used in the poem was. By any thoughts of the uncertain future

(apparently): absorbed in the present.

I believe this was a very important quote because it states that the gang members only thought of the present, not the future. Another literary device was an oxymoron and the quote for it was. Glow in the darkness. Which I believe was used because darkness was one work that would repeatedly come up over and over again because it has such great importance relating to the members of the gang and their outer appearance and inner thoughts, both filled with wickedness. Another literary technique used in this poem was a simile, identified at least as living creatures.

This quote was written by the poet just before the gang members committed their crime and caused injuries to their victims. I believe the author chose this device because he wanted to illustrate the level of insanity the gang members had reached, indicating their poor decision-making. The last literary device found within the poem was a parallel structure and the example is, gouged, stamped on, crucified. This was during the physical attacking happening between the gang members and their victims.

I believe literary devices and structure are relevant to the harmful consequences of corrupt humanity because the aspect of no future involvement with the lives of these individuals, demonstrates the fact the gang members themselves are betraying one another by destroying each other’s future. Additionally, the objective of both poems is connected because both poems have the same opinions towards gang violence issues. In the poem " Leather-Jackets, Bikes, and Birds" the poet writes about many gang-related problems in the poem such as the bad influence of rude behavior on the gang members themselves.

The poem

indicated that the gang members always stay together and they have gatherings to cause trouble around them for example, the leather-jacket groups begin to gather, stand, listen, pretending they are looking for trouble. This quote in the poem indicates that the group members have gatherings and enjoy being around one another which could bring up the question if it is the gatherings that cause the trouble for them each as individuals or are they just wrong individuals themselves looking for a fight to cause.

Another quote that is significant to this poem is. They pretend not to notice the drizzle falling out of the dark. The poet talks a lot about darkness and I believe he does this because he wants the reader to understand how dark matches the outer appearance and inner thoughts of the gang members. Also, another interesting quote was. The aroma of espresso. And I believe that was interesting because again he uses the darkness of the espresso to relate to the gang members. Also, the poem" Street Gang" Contains many of the same types of thoughts from the poet.

The poet writes about the violent past that comes from people who think negatively in life and also the harmful hostility that they cause to others around them. For example, His blood streams across the pavement. Was the quote right after the victim was attacked by the gang. This quote has importance because it describes the type of damage caused by the gang and how they have nothing better to do in life other than cause trouble to innocent people when they have gatherings with one another at coffee bars. Again this poet

also describes how the gang members have gatherings for example.

In the darkness: oblivious of whom they are or what they want: except to be together. In this one quote, both important aspects are repeated over and over again like the coffee is the darkness and the gatherings of being together as a group. I believe both these poets have the same perspective towards gang violence because of the similar connections that they have made such as the coffee, darkness, and gatherings the gang members have been three key aspects of both poems. Crime is all around us in our everyday lives.

Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with today. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings' wants and peer pressure. Violence is a problem, and it is a problem that should be addressed. Gang violence is the bad side of our world and it is the cruel side of life. Society is at its peak and it's waiting for us to come out and change the cruel world by changing the heartless people within it who damage this world and are the cause of violence.

Works Cited

"Gang Violence and Biker Gangs. " 123HelpMe. com. 14 Dec 2011

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