The birth of every technology is the result of the quest for automation of some form of human work. This has led to numerous inventions that have made life more convenient. Fractal Robot is a science that holds the potential to revolutionize technology in an unparalleled manner. The concept behind Fractal Robots is quite straightforward. By motorizing cubic bricks made of metals and plastics, inserting electronic components, and controlling them with a computer, we obtain machines capable of transforming their shape from one object to another.
Fractal Robots are like kids playing with Lego bricks, except it is done through computer control. With enough bricks, a home can be built in minutes by instructing the bricks to shuffle around. This concept is similar to making a toy house or bridge by snapping together Lego bricks. Fractal
...Robots eliminate the need for manual intervention, as all the work is done under total computer control. Essentially, Fractal Robots are the hardware equivalent of computer software. The question arises, what exactly are Fractals?
A fractal is an object with a significant amount of exact or statistical self-similarity. This means that any part of the object will resemble the whole. One example of a fractal is a Fractal Robot, which physically resembles itself and can move uniformly around its joints. These robots can take on various shapes, such as geometric patterns or natural structures like plants. However, the patented product discussed in this text has a cubic structure, as shown in the image below.
Fractal Robots start at a certain size, and can have half-size or double-size cubes attached to them. Each of these cubes can then have their
own half-size or double-size cubes attached, and so on indefinitely. This property of infinite attachment is what makes them fractal. Therefore, a fractal cube can come in any size, with the smallest expected size being between 1000 and 10,000 atoms wide. These cubes are embedded with computer chips that control their movement, allowing them to be programmed into any shape. The implications of this concept are incredibly powerful.
This concept can be utilized in the construction of buildings, bridges, instruments, tools, and various other items. The process requires very little manual intervention and allows for significant assistance in the production and manufacturing of goods. This assistance helps to significantly reduce the manufacturing costs. The mechanism of the Fractal Robot emphasizes simplified construction details. The robotic cubes have been designed with the fewest moving parts possible, facilitating mass production.
The material requirements for the robotic cubes have been made flexible to allow for cheap metals and plastics commonly found in industrialized nations, as well as environmentally friendly ceramics and clays more readily available in developing nations. The cubes are assembled using face plates that are manufactured and bolted to a cubic frame. Figure 1 illustrates this process, showing that the cube is hollow and the plates contain all the necessary mechanisms.
The face plates in question contain electrical contact pads, which serve the purpose of routing power and data signals between robotic cubes. These plates also feature 45-degree petals that extend from the surface and connect with adjacent faces, allowing for the locking of one robotic cube to another. The contact pads can be located on the plates themselves or mounted separately on a specialized solenoid-operated pad,
as depicted in figure 2. [pic] This arrangement ensures rotational symmetry, as the contact pads are symmetrically positioned along four edges. Moreover, these contacts are designed to transmit power only when necessary.
If the robotic cube operates underwater, pressure forces the contact pads to come into contact by means of the petals, thereby removing most of the fluid between the gaps. This allows for power transmission. Figure 3 shows a 3D rendered image of the actual appearance of the robotic cube. In figure 4, the contact pads are not visible, but there are four v-shaped grooves on the plate that enable the operation of the petals. These grooves allow the cubes to lock together using internal mechanisms. The cubes use inductive coupling to transmit power and data signals.
This means that there are no connectors on the surface of the robotic cube, which can lead to wiring problems if connectors are used. Inductive coupling is a scalable alternative to contact pads. To understand the internal mechanisms, a cross section of the plate in Figure 4 is required. [pic] The petals are moved in and out of the slots using a motor. Each petal can be driven individually or as a pair with a flexible strip of metal. The serrated edges of the petals engage with the neighboring robotic cube through the 45-degree slots.
The petals of the Fractal Robot have serrated edges that are engaged by either a gear wheel or a large screw thread in the slot, which allows for the sliding of the cubes. Furthermore, all active robotic cubes have a limited microcontroller for basic operations, such as communication and control of the
internal mechanism. The computer program used to control the robot is simplified as it only requires movement commands like left and right. This means that software developed for large-scale robots can be used for smaller-scale robots without any modifications to the command structure. The software is the largest component of the Fractal Robot system and must be organized in a fractal manner to take full advantage of its operation. The hardware of the Fractal Robot is designed to seamlessly integrate with the software data structures, emphasizing the importance of following a unifying Fractal architecture for compatibility and interoperability.
Fractal architecture is dominant in the core functions of the O. S, including data structures and device implementation. Everything available to the O. S is organized into fractal data structures, which ensure compatibility and address conversion issues. The Fractal O. S plays a crucial role in seamlessly integrating the system by utilizing a number of features, including transparent data communication, data compression at all levels, and built-in self-repair awareness.
S converts fractally written code into machine commands for movement. The data signals are sent to a bus called the fractal bus. The electronics of the Fractal Robot are designed to be simple so that they can be made smaller. To achieve this, the Fractal Robot primarily uses state logic, which consists of ROM, RAM, and counters. The Fractal Bus is a significant breakthrough in fractal computer technology as it allows hardware and software to seamlessly merge into one unified data structure. It facilitates the transmission and reception of fractally controlled data.
Computer software controls the manipulation of objects through the movement of cubes. To optimize instructions, a
message is broadcasted to a local machine that controls a small number of cubes, typically around 100. Communication between the cubes is facilitated using a simple numbering system. Each cube is assigned a number after an initial identification process. Initially, the entire message and its corresponding number are transmitted, but subsequent transmissions only require the number. As for movement algorithms, while there are various mechanical designs and sizes for cubes, the actual method of movement remains consistent.
Regardless of complexity, the cubes can only move between integer positions and follow commands to move left, right, up, down, forward, and backward. If a cube is unable to perform a movement, it will simply reverse back. If it is unable to do so, the software will activate self-repair algorithms. The three basic movement methods are pick and place, N-streamers, and L-streamers. Pick and place involves issuing commands to a group of cubes to determine their desired positions. For example, a command such as "cube 517 move left by 2 positions" will cause only one cube to move within the entire machine.
The entire collection of movements required for specific operations is calculated and stored in a similar manner to conventional robots that store movement paths. This technique is commonly used by paint spraying robots. However, there are more organized methods for storing movement patterns. It has been discovered that all movements, except for pick and place, are variations of two basic schemes known as the N-streamer and L-streamer. The N-streamer is easy to comprehend. It involves pushing out a rod from a surface, then moving another cube into the empty position. The new cube is then connected
to the end of the growing rod and pushed out again to extend its length.
The purpose of the rod is to grow a 'tentacle' which allows other robots to move on top of it and reach the other side. In bridge building applications, the tentacles are grown vertically to create tall posts. The L-streamer, explained in greater detail with the help of figure 5, is another type of tentacle grown using a different algorithm. [pic] Figure 5 illustrates an L-shape formed by cubes numbered 4, 5, and 6 in figure 2a, attached to a rod numbered 1, 2, and 3. In addition, a new cube 7 is added to extend the rod's length by one cube until it resembles figure 2f.
The steps shown in figure 2b to 2e can be repeated to grow the tentacle to any desired length. When multiple cubes follow similar paths, they are grouped together and controlled as a collection using the same commands (left, right, up, down, forward and backward) as if they were a single cube, as depicted in figure 6. By grouping and moving cubes, any structure can be programmed and synthesized quickly. Once the pattern is stored in a computer, it can be replayed on command repeatedly.
The concept is akin to digitally controlled putty, possessing the flexibility of computer software. Digitally Controlled Matter serves as the hardware equivalent of computer software, where tools within cubes are manipulated using the same commands. These commands, along with cube movement instructions, are stored together, resulting in a highly adaptable programmable machine. Among the capabilities of a fractal robot is self-repair, which can be achieved through cube replacement or
other methods.
Figures 7 to 10 depict images taken from an animation, showing the process of self-repair in a walking machine that has lost a leg. The machine rebuilds itself by shifting cubes from its body, as illustrated in figures 2 to 4. In addition, figures 8, 9 and 10 showcase the transformation of the robot into a different walking machine, where the broken parts are carried within it. This allows the faulty parts to be placed in areas where their reduced functionality can still be tolerated.
Regardless of the number of damaged cubes, this self-repair algorithm allows cubes to detach gradually, returning to a known working point and then reconstructing lost structures. The system's ability to recover from damage increases with a higher number of cubes. However, if too many cubes are affected, human intervention is necessary. In these cases, the system will halt until an operator guides it through remedial steps. Fractal robot systems do not possess redundancy despite their built-in self-repair capabilities.
In a system, each cube may contain tools and instrumentation, meaning that losing one cube results in a loss of functionality. However, in a fractal robot environment, the cubes have the ability to rearrange themselves to restore structural integrity despite losing functionality. This ability is particularly valuable in space, nuclear, and military applications where seeking assistance is challenging. In such situations, a damaged part can be shuffled aside and replaced with a new one through complete automation. This approach saves the entire mission or facility at a significantly reduced cost compared to allowing the disaster to unfold.
The likelihood of success is very high indeed. Consider a triple redundant power
supply. While the probability of each supply failing is the same as other power supplies of that kind, the likelihood of multiple failures is much lower. With the addition of a third power supply, the probability becomes very small. The same principle applies to fractal robots when repairing mechanical integrity. With hundreds of cubes in a typical system, the probability of failure is extremely low in normal conditions.
It is possible to restore functional integrity by using redundant tools. This technique provides the highest resilience for emergency systems, space, nuclear, and military applications. There are different levels of repair, including the partial dismantling and re-use of plate mechanisms within cubes. In order for this scheme to be successful, the cube must be partially dismantled and then re-assembled at a custom robot assembly station. Typically, the cubic robot is constructed from six plates that have been bolted together.
To optimize space and storage, the plates mechanisms used in situations involving a large number of cubes can be placed on a conveyor belt system and constructed into the entire unit by a robotic assembly station, as shown in figure 11. Similarly, when not in use, fractal robots can be disassembled and stored away. If any of the robotic cubes sustain damage, they can be returned to the assembly station by other robotic cubes. These damaged cubes will then be dismantled into component plates, tested, and reassembled using plates that are fully functional.
Potentially, a wide range of issues can occur and entire cubes may need to be thrown away in the most extreme scenario. However, considering likelihoods, not all plates are expected to be harmed, thus
enhancing the resilience of this system compared to cube-level replacement for self-repair. The third strategy for self-repair entails smaller robots maintaining larger robots. As the robot is fractal, it can send some of its smaller fractal machines to carry out self-repair within large cubes. This method of self-repair is more complex, yet easily comprehensible.
If the smaller cubes break, they would need to be discarded, but they are cheaper and easier to mass produce. Having large collections of cubes makes self repair crucial as it enhances reliability and minimizes downtime. Achieving smaller machines at sizes of 1 mm and below necessitates the implementation of effective self repair strategies. Without self repair, a microscope would be needed each time something breaks. Self repair constitutes a significant breakthrough for realizing micro and nanotechnology objectives. Additionally, there exists a fourth form of self repair, which involves self manufacture.
The ultimate goal is to manufacture electrostatic mechanisms using a molecular beam deposition device. These mechanisms create robots that are 0.1 to 1 micron in size. These robots are small and dexterous enough to maintain the molecular beam deposition device. One application of these fractal robots is bridge building, which is important for mass transit and rapid economic development. Shape-changing robots are ideal for constructing bridges of all sizes.
The bridging technology presented in this article has multiple applications. It can be utilized to repair bridges damaged by earthquakes, as well as serve as a method for a robot capable of changing its shape to traverse extremely rough terrain. To construct a suspension bridge, the shape changing robot extends a rod and supplies it with material through an L-shape streamer
located beneath the rod. The bridge assembly machine primarily consists of repeating cubes that are mass manufactured and controlled by a computer, enabling them to quickly transform into various scaffolds. 5b. Fire fighting
Fire-fighting robots face the challenge of entering small entrances in buildings despite their large size. Once inside, these robots may also need to prevent the building from collapsing. While technology plays a crucial role, firefighting is primarily an art that relies on the collaboration between humans and machines. In certain situations, it is more effective to apply common sense rather than relying solely on the use of large machines. However, there are also instances where only advanced machines can successfully rescue individuals.
The application of shape changing robots involves various situations. These robots have the ability to enter buildings through small entrances as small as 4 cubes. Figure 1 illustrates how a robot can enter a room through a duct. In some cases, these shape changing robots can carry a fire hose and immediately apply it upon entering. [pic] Figure 13 suggests that in the future, medical technology may utilize shape changing robots integrated into a smaller version of a robot to provide immediate assistance to fire victims. These robots with fractal fingers and tools can search for survivors in rubble without causing further disturbance. The use of conventional methods in such situations poses risks of trampling over individuals or causing additional damage. Additionally, the implementation of fractal shape changing robots in defense applications is expected to revolutionize warfare in the next millennium.
The machines in the animated figure above have the ability to dodge incoming shells at a distance of 2
km by creating an opening in any direction. Unlike most tanks and aircraft, which need to maintain a 4 km distance between each other to avoid getting hit, this machine can avoid being hit and retaliate within 2 km. Additionally, it is equipped with a powerful selection of fractal weapons and is designed to operate in various terrains. This makes them highly dangerous to any enemy combatants, aircraft, tanks, and armored personnel carriers. The machines are capable of surviving shelling, rockets, and missiles.
With the advancement of hydraulic & pneumatic technology, shell avoidance is now possible at close range. Extended warranties have no significance in a battlefield as these machines have the ability to self-repair, making them far superior to present-day military robotic systems. These systems, in comparison, are considered mere toys. Figure 14 5d illustrates the application of these machines during earthquakes, where the terrain both inside and outside a damaged building becomes indeterminate.
You need versatile multi-terrain vehicles with the ability to walk and transform into crawling machines. These machines are necessary to overcome obstacles and reach buildings and structures that require repair. Additionally, fire fighting robots are needed to combat fires, medical robots are required to care for the injured, and the same machines must be able to enter buildings, erect support structures, and prevent collapse. Figure 15 and 16 depict how a large shape changing robot can enter a building through a narrow window and reconstruct itself on the other side. [pic] Figure 15 [pic] Figure 16
In the field of medicine, a fractal robot system consisting of 1 mm cubes can enter the human body through a 2 mm pinhole
and reconstruct itself as surgical instruments. This allows for performing surgeries without the need for invasive procedures (figure 1). [pic] Figure 17 A size of 1 mm is sufficient for accessing the site of injury from the surface and performing complex surgeries to remove cancers, cysts, blood clots, and stones.
The machine accomplishes its goal by navigating through the closest geometric point of entry, either by carefully moving past major blood vessels or by cutting and separating them if they cannot be navigated around. The smaller the machines are, the easier it is for them to directly operate from the nearest entry point with minimal injury to the patient. This type of machine could be utilized for treating individuals with shrapnel injuries. Since shrapnel is a fractal object, the resulting wounds it causes also exhibit fractal characteristics. Hence, a fractal machine is necessary to address such wounds.
The faster the machines operate throughout the body, the higher the chances of the patient surviving the damage. In regular usage, this machine should be capable of draining unhealthy blood and fluids, identifying and eliminating any foreign objects that have entered the body, sewing up minor wounds after cleaning and applying medication, joining blood vessels and nerve bundles using microsurgery techniques prior to closing major wounds, relocating broken bone fragments within the body and keeping them in place for a few days until they heal, and when needed, conducting amputations that necessitate cutting through both flesh and bone.
The Fractal Surgeon is a surgical robot that can be used in space exploration. It is cost-effective, has self-repair capabilities, and can be fully automated. This makes it an
ideal choice for building space stations and satellite rescue vehicles without human intervention. However, there are limitations to this technology such as its high cost and the need for precise and flexible controlling software. Despite these challenges, it is estimated that this technology will be introduced and tested worldwide within the next 4-5 years. Once its advantages are well understood, it is expected to be widely used in various everyday tasks, contributing to saving the economy and time.
Furthermore, the inexpensive raw materials required for this technology make it accessible to developing countries. As a result, the potential to transform technology to an unprecedented extent is undeniable.
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