According to Christianity and some monotheistic religions, God is the ruler and creator of the universe and the source of all the moral authority. God is referred as a superhuman being or a spirit worshipped for having power over human fortunes or nature. This being is considered to have more than just natural powers and attributes and deserves human worship. God’s existence is a subject of debate in popular cultures, religion philosophy and philosophy. In philosophy, the existence of God notion includes the disciplines of scope and knowledge nature, nature of reality, existence and being study and theory of value.
In the bible, it well stated that heavens declare God’s glory and the skies proclaim the works of His hands. All these pour forth speech day after day and display knowledge n
...ight after nights (Pitzer & Robert 33). There is no language or speech where their voice is not heard. The voice moves in the whole earth and the ends of the world always hear their words. Understanding the vastness of the universe, observing the stars, the wonders of the nature and the beauty of the sunset clearly indicates that there is a creator God.
There is also a clear evidence of the heart of God in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11 that states that God has set eternity in the hearts of men. Basing on all these evidences, there is recognition that beyond this life, there is something and someone beyond this world. This knowledge intellectually can be denied by many but the truth is that the presence of God in us and all around us is still obvious (Pitzer & Robert 33). That is why
even the bible warns of those people who will not recognize the existence of God. The psalmist states in chapter fourteen and verse one that fool says that there is no God. Since most people throughout history in all civilizations, all cultures, and continents have believe that there is a kind of God who exists, there is someone or something that is causing this. On top of the biblical arguments for the existence of God, there are also logical arguments. One of them is the ontological argument.
The whole universe presents an overwhelming evidence of the existence of God but the truth is that no one can be forced to believe that God exists. According to 1Timothy 1:17 and also6:16, the infinite nature of God makes it hard to apprehend him directly. Because God is naturally a spirit, conclusions about the beginnings of the universe need to be got from the world’s creation and the actions of God within it. The eternal divine nature and power evidence min this world is too much that there is no other option but believing in him alone (Pitzer & Robert 33). We can never assume that the universe is just a cosmic accident since it will be against everything that we experience. We cannot take important things in our lives just for granted like security, health and family. We have all these due to the presence of someone or something that is in control.
There are many essential truths offered by the bible about God. In Genesis 1:1, before the existence of any other thing, God existed. That is why he was in position to create heaven and earth. Psalms
33:9 says that he spoke and it was done and he commanded and it stood fast. The same bible states that God has neither beginning nor the end. He is unbounded by space and time. That is why everything that exists including water, minerals, animals, angels and plants will have to come to an end but the word of God that is God himself will never disappear (Griffin et al 34). All human beings were created in the image of God but they are part of the material world. Everyone and everything in this universe has its beginning. People begin to become confused and overwhelmed when they try to understand God. This overwhelming experience is ignored by many yet it is a natural evidence for the existence of God. Ultimately, the decision of the heart brings down faith. A mind that is darkened by a rebellious heart cannot perceive the existence of God.
God is transcendent and therefore, he is not part of creation. His existence cannot be proven in the manner scientists prove or disapprove the fact about the worldly materials. We were created in the image of God, we are aware of our own existence, spiritual beings and capable of making choice. When one chooses to believe that there is no God, this means that life is just an absurd and has no meaning. Living without meaning will always lead into despair. if a person decides to believe in the God we read about in the bible, he/she have a good reason to live (Griffin et al 34). For the Lofty O and High one who inhabits the eternity and whose name is very
holy, he says that his dwelling is high and holy, he has a contrite and humble spirit and he revives that hearts of the humble ones.
Faith is of great essence in the life of a Christian. In fact the bible says in the book of Hebrews 11:6 that without it, no one can ever please God. There is a condition for those seeking the Lord that they must believe in his existence. A deep belief in God who rewards those who seek him with a sincere heart requires one to have proof that he really exists. After that proof, one can now have full confidence and faith that he/she is serving a living God. Paul states in the book of 1corinthians 8: 5-7 that even if there are many gods and lords, we Christians have only one God (Griffin et al 34). The materials used by men to design other gods to worship were created by God himself. All these are unnecessary confusion and ignorance.
In addition to the arguments of the bible about the existence of God, there are also logical arguments. The most famous form of ontological; argument uses God’s concept to prove his existence. This argument starts by defining God as greater that cannot be conceived. It is therefore argued that existence is greater than non existence and the greatest conceivable being must be in existence. If God never existed, then he would not be the greatest conceivable being and this would therefore contradict the real definition of God. The several arguments about the existence of God claim that it is self-contradictory to deny the fact that there is existence of God (Griffin
et al 34).
The first premise that indicates the existence of God is the greatest possible being from the classical attributes of God of being omnipresent, omnipotence and also omniscience. Naturally, there can never be two rival omnipotent beings. Therefore, the existence of God goes unquestioned. Other premises argue that existence of something in reality is better than the one that exists only in the minds of a person. If all these premises are true, then the existence of God is very true (Treharne $ Trevor 48). There are majorly two different versions of the ontological argument. The second version of this argument does not rely on highly problematic claim that states that existence is property. Many of the objections are avoided to the classic version. In this version, there is truly existence of God
Recognizing the presence of God is somehow related to how human beings are built in a sense of spirituality. This experience is very significant. We are all capable of having the biological experiences. In absence of this capability, God would have never crossed our minds (Treharne $ Trevor 42). There is no proof that God does not exist. If truly there was that proof, then the daily ongoing debates would be over and much money would not be spent any longer discussing about the existence of God. The only exception here is the proof of impossibility. If anyone could prove that the existence of God is not real, then this proof could be of non-existence.
The other logical argument about the existence of God is the cosmological argument. This argument states every effect has its own cause. Therefore, everything in this universe is
as a result of certain effect. This shows that there is something that might have happened through certain effect in order for these things to come into existence. The real cause for all these happening is therefore God according to this argument. According to the moral argument, throughout history, there is some form of law in every culture. It is obvious that has a sense of wrong or right. Stealing, immorality, murder, lying, hatred, slander and gossip are universally rejected. This sense of realizing that all these things are wrong comes only from God.
The word of God in the book of Romans 1:25 states that though people will have clear knowledge about the existence of God, they will reject this undeniable truth and believe in a lie. They will start worshipping created things rather that the real creator of those things. People have no excuse to stop worshipping God. Since the creation of the universe, the invisible qualities of God like eternal power and divine nature are always seen and understood from what he created. There are people who just decide to reject the existence of God because there is no scientific proof or experiment about it. Once these people believe that he really exists, they must accept to be responsible to him and also ask for forgiveness (Treharne $ Trevor 41). That is why most people will not do wrong things since they fear that God who is in existence will judge them.
All Christians believe that God exists because they speak to Him every day through prayers and also worshipping him. Even though he does not audibly speak to us, we always feel his
presence, experience his love, feel his leading, and also desire his grace. We also experience some things in our lives that no human being can explain but only God. For example, when we still lived under the control of the fresh, we lived a careless life of defiling the temple of God. Now, God did a miraculous thing in our lives by saving us from that kind of life.
Work Cited
- Spitzer, Robert J. New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy. Grand Rapids, Mich: William B. Eerdmans Pub, 2010. Print.p33
- Griffin, Michael V. Leibniz, God, and Necessity. , 2013. Print. P34
- Treharne, Trevor. How to Prove God Does Not Exist: The Complete Guide to Validating Atheism. Boca Raton: Universal-Publishers, 2012. Print. P40
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