Teen Smoke Essay Example
Teen Smoke Essay Example

Teen Smoke Essay Example

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  • Pages: 15 (3974 words)
  • Published: June 16, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction: Smoking is a widespread issue in public health globally (World Health Organization 1997, 1999; Satcher 2001; Gori 2002).

According to a recent estimate, approximately 29 percent of the adult population were smokers globally in 1995 (Peto & Lopez 2000). It is projected that deaths resulting from tobacco use will rise from four million in 1999 to 10 million in 2030 (Murray & Lopez 1996). Tobacco use is expected to surpass all other causes and become the leading contributor to premature deaths and disabilities by that time. However, these increased mortality rates will not be evenly distributed among regions. Developing regions will face a much larger proportion of the increases compared to developed regions. For instance, the Asian region is projected to experience a fourfold increase, while developed regions will witness a 50 percent increase (Jha et al.).


According to the Center for Disease Control (1994) and Willard & Shoenborn (1995), smoking among teenagers is linked to a range of health and social problems. The negative effects of smoking on physical growth and activities in teenagers are well known. Furthermore, starting smoking at a young age increases the chances of developing a strong nicotine addiction. Additionally, teenage smokers have a higher likelihood of using alcohol and drugs, getting into fights, and participating in unprotected sexual activities.

While there is limited research on teenage smoking behavior in Asian countries, it is well-known that a majority of smokers start their habit during adolescence. This study aims to examine the prevalence of smoking, the average age at which it begins, and the factors linked to current smoking among individuals aged 15-19 in Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand

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The data for this study were collected from recent national youth surveys. Teenage smoking is a worldwide issue for adults; however, unlike in the United States, many cultures generally accept youth smoking.

Despite the United States' significant funding and efforts to research smoking's impact and raise awareness about its effects, I believe there is no justification for taking action against teenage smoking. The controversy surrounding teenage smoking in the US has resulted in increased spending on anti-smoking campaigns. Ongoing research delves into the health effects of nicotine on individuals. According to a 1994 CDC report, statistics reveal that the average age for first tobacco use falls between 11 and 15 years old. Additionally, it is observed that around 3,000 young people start smoking regularly each day (Pierce, J.).

According to JAMA (1989), over 3 million American adolescents are currently smokers, with new statistics released each year demonstrating the prevalence of youth smoking. Supporters of ending teenage smoking and proponents of freedom of choice share common values including safety, personal health, money, and related aspects. Those who support freedom of choice and teenage smoking also prioritize personal freedom, basic rights, and enjoyment.

Smoking rates are rising among women in the Philippines, especially young girls. Around 30% of girls aged 13 to 15 smoke on a regular basis. According to a recent study by the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, 18.7% of Filipino women aged 13 to 25 are smokers.

Smoking is more prevalent among teenagers aged 13 to 15, with 30% of them already being smokers. Among female smokers, 60% started smoking at age 18, while the remaining 40% began at a younger age. Despite being aware of the risks

associated with smoking such as lung cancer, infertility, early menopause, osteoporosis, and hysterectomy; nine out of ten girls continue to smoke. To address this problem, the country has initiated an anti-smoking campaign supported by the local Catholic Church. One initial step taken is implementing warning labels on packaging.

The tobacco industry argues that smoking should be an individual's choice, permitted for those over 18 years old or possibly younger. They have not supported underage smoking, but their advertising campaigns have clearly targeted minors. The tobacco industry shares similarities with the values of the founding fathers of the United States as they both aim to grant freedom to certain citizens.

Those who oppose teenage smoking prioritize certain values, such as personal health and being well-informed. They argue that smoking is detrimental and can ultimately result in cancer and death, reflecting their concern for personal well-being. Typically, this perspective is associated with individuals who have matured beyond their teenage years and have become increasingly aware of their mortality, thus wishing to avoid any actions that may decrease their lifespan. Those against teenage smoking also emphasize the importance of being knowledgeable about the subject.

The anti-smoking campaign employs various strategies to discourage teenagers from smoking, which includes providing them with information. However, it should be noted that teenage smokers possess this knowledge. For example, the anti-smoking commercial campaign sought to educate teenagers about smoking in order to motivate them to quit. Nevertheless, data indicates that the number of individuals under twenty years old has actually risen since the launch of the campaign (Shelley 4). The United States Government backs the anti-smoking campaign and presents several persuasive tactics. One such method involves

having the Surgeon General endorse the campaign against smoking.

Every pack of cigarettes produced in the United States includes a mandatory warning from the Surgeon General, informing about the dangers and negative impacts of smoking. This regulation showcases the significance given by the U.S. government to personal well-being. The presence of this cautionary statement, along with society's admiration for the Surgeon General, acts as a successful deterrent against smoking. As a result, the endorsement of the Surgeon General strengthens both the authenticity and accuracy of the conveyed message, irrespective of its veracity.

The text suggests several ideas, including the notion that quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious health risks, and that smoking while pregnant is unhealthy. The United States government is mainly composed of individuals over thirty years old, who are not directly affected by teenage smoking and therefore have different motivations to end it. Adults assert that most young smokers are addicted to nicotine and express a desire to quit but struggle to do so, experiencing withdrawal symptoms and relapsing at rates similar to adults. These statements indicate that the anti-teenage smoking campaign prioritizes safety. The campaign emphasizes that smoking is harmful to both your body and yourself. Valuing these two aspects reveals the interests of the older generation, which revolve around preserving life.

Life is a gift that is cherished until it is lost, while the pursuit of joy in life is a personal responsibility. Smoking is one method that teenagers employ to obtain this enjoyment. Moreover, Tobacco Companies enhance the appeal of smoking to teenagers through the inclusion of incentives such as Camel Cash. These paper items are found in all packs of Camel

cigarettes, allowing young smokers to accumulate and exchange them for various rewards.

Teenage smokers, like nineteen-year-old Thadd Brengle who has been smoking for three years, find incentive in purchasing cigarettes because of the rewards offered. Brengle expressed his desire to save up Camel cash in order to redeem them for cool prizes. This highlights the fact that teenage smokers value instant gratification, money, and material goods. The publication discusses the tendency of teenagers to prioritize immediate satisfaction without considering the potential consequences in the future, reflecting their open-mindedness.

By using this approach, the company is creating the perception that smoking guarantees winning. This marketing strategy has been carefully evaluated by various groups, including both those against teenage smoking and those in favor. The controversy surrounding this issue stems from the fact that the tobacco industry is prohibited from making smoking appealing to teenagers, yet this promotional tactic is widely regarded as appealing to young individuals. I have thoroughly examined both perspectives in the debate on teenage smoking.

I have conducted research on the effects of smoking and have taken into account people's values and criteria for making judgments. Nevertheless, I, as a teenager, have continued to smoke. I find adults to be overly authoritative when it comes to this matter.

Teenagers do not debate whether or not adults should engage in controversial activities, as they recognize the value of respecting others' choices and avoiding judgment based on age. Teenagers focus on activities that bring them joy, while adults prioritize actions that promote longevity. Personally, I agree with teenagers' perspective because ultimately, we all live our lives regardless of the outcome. It is preferable to look back and say we

enjoyed it rather than regretting missed opportunities.

B. Hypothesis The investigation assumes the following: 1.

Male and Female student nurses exhibit contrasting attitudes towards smoking, while individuals possess the freedom to select their own recreational pursuits. Moreover, each educational institution enforces distinct protocols to deter misconduct on campus.

Academic performance refers to the assessment of a student's grades, encompassing their performance in all subjects. Age is measured in years from birth and applies specifically to level 3 students. Attitude pertains to an individual's mental disposition, emotions, or feelings towards a specific state or fact.

This study defines "student's feeling and disposition toward smoking" as the student's attitude and inclination towards smoking. The term "Clinical Performance" refers to the evaluation of performance in a clinical setting, such as a hospital or community. Conceptually, "Sex" indicates the overall differences in structure and function between individuals. Operationally, it signifies whether someone is male or female and their involvement in smoking. "Smoking" involves burning a substance, typically tobacco, and inhaling or tasting the resulting smoke. This practice is primarily used for recreational drug use as it releases active substances like nicotine through lung absorption.

This study investigates the inhalation of burned tobacco sticks by students. The chapter explores various aspects including the research method, subjects and respondents, sampling procedures, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data processing technique. The primary goal is to assess the effects of smoking on students' health condition as well as their academic and clinical performances.

The Department of Health warns that despite the prohibition of cigarette advertisements, teenage smoking is on the rise. The 2007 Global Tobacco Youth Survey conducted by the World Health Organization reveals that one in every

three Filipino teenagers aged 13 to 15 are smokers, despite the presence of Republic Act 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003.

The researcher interviewed their schoolmates to gather the necessary data for the investigation's objectives. Other information needed to establish the respondents' profiles was also collected from internet research, newspapers, and books.

3. Questionnaire PART I. Direction: Please indicate your response by checking the appropriate box or by filling the blank. 1.

Name (optional)___________________
2. Sex: Male Female
3. Age: _____________
4. Estimated allowance for a week ______________

Active Smoker: ( ) Passive Smoker: ( ) PART II. Direction: Please check the parenthesis which corresponds to your answer. . I usually smoke when I’m bored( ) Yes( )No 2. I usually smoke when I see my classmates do the same( ) Yes( )No 3. I consume more than 5 sticks of cigarette per day( ) Yes( )No 4.

When faced with problems, I smoke. Do you also smoke when faced with problems? Yes or No.
Smoking affects my study habits and performance in both the academic and clinical areas. Do you also experience this? Yes or No.
I think smoking helps me release tension. Do you also believe this? Yes or No.
I believe smoking poses risks to my future health.

( ) Yes ( ) No 7. I think smoking is already integrated into my lifestyle. ) Yes ( ) No 8. Baclaran High School must establish policies and measures to abolish smoking.

( ) Yes ( ) No E. Review of Related List This section pertains to the research conducted on the attitude of teenagers towards smoking. It encompasses various readings, concepts, and research

studies from different authors and sources that explore the impact of smoking on one's attitude. F. Scope and Sequence This study includes all teenage smokers.

The sample size was predetermined due to the insufficient number of students who smoke. This was done to determine the prevalence of smoking among both male and female respondents and to address the school's objectives in taking necessary measures to combat smoking. Have you ever smoked? It is possible that someone who smokes, such as a classmate or a group of friends, offered you a cigarette. Perhaps you were curious and wanted to "experiment." Or maybe you thought it would be "cool" because you saw many teenagers smoking in the cafeteria or at the university parking lot. However, your first puff was probably not enjoyable.

You experienced discomfort in your throat and may have felt nausea or dizziness when cigarette smoke entered your lungs. These physical reactions are a result of the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on your body!

The significance of this study is relevant to several stakeholders. For Academic Performance Administrators, it provides valuable insights for developing future programs that aim to create a strategic plan for the school. This study could also serve as a baseline for decision-making, as administrators can use the objectives and support provided by the program.

Class advisers can provide care, guidance, and support to student nurses and help them manage their lives. They can set objectives and identify the specific needs of students based on school policies.

For researchers, it is important to promote changes in the health habits of fellow students. They should have knowledge about the effects of smoking, health discipline, and

how to support individuals in maintaining and improving students' health. This includes aspects of promotion, prevention, and treatment in relation to the course.

Chapter 2 focuses on the background of the study, particularly the habit of smoking, which is considered curable.

Despite being seen as a curable habit, only a small number of individuals attempt to resist the urge to smoke. People from all walks of life, including students and professionals, often find themselves tempted to engage in smoking. Some individuals may believe that smoking helps alleviate tension and gives them a sense of superiority, while others may be driven by curiosity, satisfaction, or the need for self-deception. However, it is important to remember that smoking has detrimental effects on one's health. Even school campuses are not immune to the presence of smoking, posing a significant issue.

According to Toni Christopher son, a common issue is that people often fail to take action on eradicating a problem because they struggle to practice what they preach. A clear example of this is the prevalence of smoking among high school and college students. Many students enjoy smoking as it provides a pleasurable experience. However, this does not excuse them from potential complications in the future. Numerous individuals have attempted to exercise self-discipline in order to resist the temptation of smoking.

Some people would attempt to change their lifestyle and redirect their focus in order to prevent themselves from smoking. However, others are unaware of how to handle the situation and ultimately succumb to it. On the other hand, there are those who choose to smoke not out of ignorance, but because they desire to belong to a particular social group. As

previously stated, it is possible to overcome smoking as individuals always have the ability to exercise self-control. Smoking hinders the success of a few talented individuals and contributes to the global mortality rate.

Smoking cannot be eliminated unless we take action against it and heart disease in individuals with heart conditions. In a longitudinal analysis, the data presentation and analysis in Chapter 3 found that students who were exposed to certain policies showed significant improvements in smoking behavior and attitudes towards tobacco regulation. Furthermore, their perceptions of peer tobacco use also changed. The researchers concluded that implementing smoke-free campuses could be an effective intervention for reducing tobacco use among high school and college students.

A. Concluding Statement 1. Analytical Summary The primary objective of this study is to determine the perception of teenage students towards smoking. More specifically, this research aims to address the following inquiries: 1.

What are the attitudes of Baclaran High School students towards smoking? Are they favorable or unfavorable? Additionally, what are the attitudes of male and female students towards smoking? Furthermore, what are the attitudes of high school and college students towards smoking? Lastly, what is the influence of smoking on the academic and clinical performance of students?

What measures will the school implement to discourage students from smoking? These include: prohibiting smoking within the campus or within 200 meters of the school, imposing a fine of 100 pesos for individuals caught smoking, and requiring incident reports for students who are caught smoking in school or clinical areas.

Thesis Recorded B. Recommendation

Each day, 3,000 children smoke their first cigarette, with tobacco use typically starting in early adolescence, usually by age 16. The number of adolescent

smokers is estimated to be at least 3 million, with approximately 20 percent of American teens being smokers. It is important to note that nearly all initial tobacco use occurs before high school graduation.

Roughly 6 million teenagers in the United States currently engage in smoking, despite being aware of its addictive nature and its association with various diseases. Out of the 3,000 teenagers who initiated smoking today, approximately 1,000 will eventually succumb to the consequences of smoking. Additionally, among every 100,000 15-year-old smokers, at least 20,000 will experience premature death from tobacco-related causes before reaching the age of 70. Furthermore, teenage girls who smoke and simultaneously use oral birth control pills significantly raise their risk of developing blood clots and experiencing strokes.

According to the Surgeon’s General, teenagers who smoke are at a higher risk for alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use. They are also more likely to continue smoking in the long term. In fact, even though only 5 percent of high school smokers intended to smoke five years later, almost 75 percent were still smoking after 7 to 9 years. Smoking affects lung development and function in young individuals, potentially leading to lifelong respiratory issues. Furthermore, those who start smoking at a younger age, such as 13, have a harder time quitting and face more health problems, ultimately shortening their lifespan compared to those who start smoking at age 21.

Kids who smoke face various health issues like coughing, producing phlegm, reduced physical fitness, and an adverse lipid profile. If a child's friends are smokers, they are 13 times more likely to smoke compared to those whose friends do not smoke. Additionally, teenagers with both parents

who smoke have over double the likelihood of becoming smokers compared to those without smoking parents. Furthermore, more than 90 percent of adults who smoke began smoking during their teenage years.

A survey conducted in 2001 revealed that 69.4% of teenage smokers claimed they were never asked to provide proof of age when purchasing cigarettes from a store. Additionally, the same survey highlighted that 62% of these teenagers were able to buy cigarettes despite the retailer being aware that they were under the age of eighteen.

Smoking is Unattractive YOSI Kadiri! Remember that anti-smoking slogan? Smoking affects your appearance and how others perceive you. Contrary to popular belief that smoking is glamorous or sexy, it is actually unattractive. Smoking results in bad breath, bad skin, and stained teeth, often driving people away from you.

Even if you don't smoke, being near someone who does may result in a strong cigarette odor on your clothes. This smell can be off-putting for most conservative individuals, whether male or female, who would not prefer to date someone who smokes. Smoking is widely recognized as a major turn off due to its detrimental effects on health. In fact, studies have proven that smoking is hazardous, as indicated by the Unhealthy Government General Warning about the dangers of smoking.

Coaches require athletes to refrain from smoking because it diminishes the amount of oxygen transported to the body through the bloodstream. Consequently, athletes who smoke may not perform as well in swimming or running when compared to those who don't smoke. The lungs of smokers are less efficient in oxygen delivery compared to the lungs of nonsmokers, which not only poses health risks but also

hampers athletic performance. Smoking tobacco introduces nicotine, a hazardous substance that can induce dizziness and nausea.

Additionally, nicotine accelerates the heart rate and impairs its functionality. Numerous smokers experience a bothersome cough due to the chemicals present in cigarette smoke. These irritating elements harm the cilia, which are tiny hairs that line the lungs and aid in removing dirt and waste. Depending on the extent of smoking, the lungs lose their healthy pink color, turning gray and "dirty". The long-term consequences of smoking are even more severe.

The risk of developing diseases increases with the early onset of smoking. Smokers have a high probability of developing cancer, with more than 10 times the risk of dying from lung cancer compared to non-smokers. Smoking also doubles the likelihood of heart disease. Additionally, smoking is the primary cause of chronic bronchitis, a severe lung infection, and emphysema, a debilitating lung disease. Pregnant women who smoke are at a higher risk of premature birth, delivering underweight babies, and experiencing infant deaths.

Passive smoking can have harmful effects on nonsmokers. When nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke, they can absorb the same harmful substances found in tobacco smoke as smokers do, including nicotine and carbon monoxide. This puts them at risk for various health issues, especially children whose parents smoke. They are more susceptible to developing lung infections, heart disease, and cancer. It is important to note that smoking is addictive, as stated by the American Pediatrics Society. Nicotine addiction can occur in a short amount of time, and individuals may experience cravings and feelings of anxiety when they are unable to smoke.

The signs of addiction become evident when attempting to quit

smoking proves challenging and unsuccessful. Quitting can be a lengthy and arduous process for addicted smokers, often requiring numerous attempts before achieving success. Furthermore, the longer one indulges in smoking, the more difficult it becomes to break the habit. In addition to the health issues associated with smoking, it is worth noting that maintaining a pack-a-day smoking habit can be financially draining.

Smoking is a harmful vice that consumes a significant portion of a teenager's daily allowance. Since teenagers rely on their parents' finances for education and other necessities, they conceal their smoking habit by engaging in it elsewhere. Moreover, this habit incurs additional costs such as missing school or work, developing illnesses, and incurring higher medical expenses. It is indeed a steep price to pay for something that is inherently detrimental to one's well-being.

Who Smokes? If young people are living in households where a parent or an older brother or sister smokes, they are more likely to smoke. According to a teen drug abuse survey, almost 90% of smokers start smoking as teenagers. It is crucial for young people to understand the consequences of smoking in order to make a healthy decision. Quitting is definitely feasible. It is necessary if you desire the best for yourself and those close to you. If you disregard warning signs and persist in smoking, your body will undergo changes.

As you continue to smoke, your body becomes accustomed to the smoke and you no longer experience coughing or feeling sick. However, the harmful effects on your body persist and worsen with each cigarette. Quitting requires strength and support from loved ones. Channel your habits towards engaging in sports or


Keep trying, even if you don't succeed initially. It is important to quit smoking abruptly instead of gradually as some people recommend. Stay cool and avoid smoking. Sophisticated advertisements are created to motivate people to smoke.

These advertisements feature appealing women and tough men, without ever acknowledging the negative consequences like bad breath, stained teeth, heart disease, and cancer caused by smoking. Additionally, the ads fail to address the offensive nature of smoking towards others. In the words of one woman, kissing a man who smokes is comparable to kissing a dirty ashtray.

According to the Surgeon General's report by Elders, Perry Eriksen, and Giovino (1994), it is advised not to start smoking if you haven't already. However, if you have already started smoking, it is strongly recommended to quit. Matt Shelley discusses the issue of teenage smoking.

Gilbert Tribune, December 18th 1999, p. 4 http://prolife.org.ph/home/index.php/promoting-life/teen-touch/smoking-straight-talk-for-teenagers

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