Development: A Combination of Genetics and Environment
Development: A Combination of Genetics and Environment

Development: A Combination of Genetics and Environment

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  • Pages: 4 (1021 words)
  • Published: September 1, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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Development involves the acquisition of new skills, abilities, and emotional maturity, which are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors and diet play a significant role in determining physical growth, while emotional growth is affected by factors such as diet quality and disease.

Child development encompasses the progression of infants to children and is characterized by five significant stages during the initial eight years of their lives. These stages include Physical, Intellectual, Language, Emotional, and Social aspects. While every child undergoes these stages, the pace at which they progress may differ.

The physical development of children aged 0-2 years is a gradual process. Initially, newborns spend their time lying on their back and using their senses to perceive the world. Around three mon


ths old, they are capable of lifting their head and kicking energetically while also forming recognition and bonding with their primary caregiver.
As infants grow, they acquire the ability to grasp objects and explore them using their mouth. Typically between nine to twelve months, they start crawling and some may even sit or walk without assistance. By one year old, most babies can climb stairs under supervision.
At two years old, children are highly mobile and develop skills like throwing and kicking a ball. Nonetheless, at this stage, they might lack confidence in catching it.

Children between the ages of three and five will achieve various physical milestones. At age three, they will have developed the abilities to walk, run, jump from low heights, and ride a bike. By the time they turn four, they will become more confident in their skills of catching, throwing, and kicking a ball

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as well as walking in a straight line. When they reach the age of five, there is a significant improvement in their physical capabilities. They will have mastered using different types of equipment and actively participating in ball games, skipping rope, and dancing to music. Additionally, their drawing skills will improve by accurately depicting intended objects.

Children between the ages of 5-8 will continue to improve their skills, and by the age of eight, they should have enough confidence to participate in activities like jumping from heights, running long distances, and riding a bicycle without training wheels.

Children aged 0-2 years experience various milestones in their intellectual development. Infants aged from birth to three months can focus on nearby objects. From three to six months, they begin developing hand-eye coordination and show interest in bright colors and shiny objects. Between six and nine months, they are capable of participating in simple games like peek a boo. Around the age of nine months, children often imitate others' emotions such as laughing or crying. At one year old, their intellectual development further advances. By the age of two, children engage in pretend play and utilize their imagination to act out fantasies.

Between the ages of 3 and 5, children's pretend play becomes more complex and their fine motor skills improve. At age 4, their drawings become more recognizable as they understand past and future. They also start building towers with blocks. By age 5, many children can count and recognize basic words, which marks the beginning of their understanding in numeracy and literacy.

Between the ages of 5-8, children will enhance their reading

skills and become capable of independent reading and writing.

During the first three months after birth, a baby's language development is restricted to crying, cooing, and gurgling. Between 3 and 6 months of age, babies begin to laugh and imitate sounds they are familiar with. From 9 to 12 months, they can comprehend basic instructions. By their first birthday, they will have started uttering simple words such as "mama" and "dada". By the time a child turns two years old, they typically know around fifty words; however, not all of them may be actively used.

Between the ages of three and five, children make significant advancements in their language development. At three years old, they can construct entire sentences and enjoy engaging with stories and singing nursery rhymes. By four years old, their curiosity expands as they actively pursue knowledge and ask numerous questions. Upon reaching five years old, their vocabulary is fully developed, and they demonstrate a strong sense of self-assurance in their communication.

Children aged 5-8 acquire the skills to effectively articulate and utilize tenses in their speech.

Emotional development plays a significant role during the initial two years of life. Infants between birth and 12 months show signs of recognition by smiling at familiar individuals, but they may feel uneasy around strangers and become upset in their presence. By the age of one, they begin to understand and react to other people's emotions. As they continue to grow, they tend to become easily distressed in uncertain situations.

Between the ages of three and five, children go through a progression in their emotional development. At age three, they

begin to acknowledge and understand their own emotions. By the time they turn four, they enhance their ability to express their feelings. When they reach five years old, they become proficient at concealing their emotions and are also capable of recognizing and comprehending the emotions of others.

Children aged 5-8 often exhibit competitiveness, leading to occasional quarrels. Moreover, they may demonstrate stubbornness and demanding behaviors.

The social development of babies aged 0-2 years is marked by their sociability and enjoyment of others' company. They laugh with others and can entertain themselves for long periods by the age of one. By age two, they become more confident and start finding pleasure in doing simple tasks like dressing and feeding themselves.

Children between the ages of three and five have the ability to establish friendships, but understanding the concepts of sharing and taking turns may still be difficult for three-year-olds. Nevertheless, by the time they turn four, they are willing to wait and engage in play with others. By their fifth birthday, they will have formed several friendships and will greatly enjoy spending time with them.

Children aged 5-8 tend to have a strong preference for a best or special friend. During this stage, they become less sociable and prefer spending time with their best friend.

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