Role of New Amsterdam on Contemporary US Essay Example
Role of New Amsterdam on Contemporary US Essay Example

Role of New Amsterdam on Contemporary US Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (385 words)
  • Published: May 24, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The Dutch played a crucial role in shaping the colonial structure of the New World. By seeking help from the West India Company in 1609, only two years after Jamestown, Virginia was founded, they aimed to locate the North West Passage. To accomplish this task, Captain Hudson was chosen and embarked on a journey across the Atlantic Ocean. However, instead of finding the desired route, Hudson stumbled upon a large landmass and a bay that was later named after him.

The pragmatic and accepting nature of New Amsterdam, also known as the Hudson Valleys, New York City, New Jersey, and other regions, had a significant impact on the English settlements along the coast. These Dutch settlements mirrored their mother country by offering religious refuge, acceptance, and prosperity. Eventually, New Amsterdam became the biggest port area in the Americas and achieved great success.

The framers of the U.S. Co


nstitution were influenced by the Constitution of the Republic of the United Provinces as a negative example rather than a positive one, while also being shaped by the Declaration of Independence of the United Provinces in crafting their own American Declaration of Independence. These significant resemblances between them highlight the profound impact that Dutch influence has had on us, dispelling common misconceptions.

The New Amsterdam colonies emerged as the dominant mercantile economy in North America by 1618, surpassing other colonial structures and achieving remarkable success. What set them apart from other colonies was their reputation for inclusivity, embracing individuals of various religious beliefs, ideologies, and intellectual interests. By welcoming all colonial systems, including those of the English, French, and Spanish, they solidified their status as the most influential system during tha

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period. Furthermore, the Dutch colonies have contributed valuable narratives to our collective history.

During this period, folklore was a prominent source of entertainment, with the exchange of stories and old tales. Till today, we still derive inspiration from the Dutch spirit within us. The Dutch concept of placing a central focus on human rights is integral to our current worldview. Unlike the English, French, and Spanish, the Dutch introduced us to this concept. Our political system was constructed by incorporating elements from the Dutch legal structure, both as examples to follow and to avoid. It is undeniable that without the Dutch, America would possess a drastically altered identity.

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