Philippines: A Tropical Paradise in the South Essay Example
Philippines: A Tropical Paradise in the South Essay Example

Philippines: A Tropical Paradise in the South Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (619 words)
  • Published: August 20, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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The Philippines, located in Southeast Asia, is famous for its stunning rainforests and rich natural resources. It consists of many islands and is closely positioned near the Pacific Ocean. It is divided into three main islands - Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao - and also shares borders with neighboring countries such as Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Micronesia.

The Philippines, located below the equator line, experiences two main seasons: summer and rainy. Situated in an area known as the "Ring of Fire," the country is home to several active volcanoes including Taal Volcano, Mount Pinatubo, and Mayon. Although currently inactive, Mount Apo is recognized as the highest mountain peak in the Philippines. Additionally, due to its position within the typhoon belt, the country faces a minimum of fifteen typhoons annually.

In spite of facing natural cala


mities, the Filipino people managed to maintain their daily routines. The tropical climate in the country facilitated the growth of diverse plants, trees, fruits, and flowers. The ample natural resources contributed to a comfortable lifestyle for Filipinos. Fishing became a prominent means of sustenance given the surrounding bodies of water. In general, Filipinos lived modestly but prosperously. Nevertheless, there were continuous efforts to conquer the Philippines.

The Philippines has been influenced by different countries like Spain, America, and Japan throughout its history. The country's wealth and natural resources have played a crucial role in this. One of the notable natural structures that hold great cultural value is the Banaue Rice Terraces - known as the eighth wonder of the world to Filipinos. According to legend, indigenous people skillfully crafted these terraces using only their hands. The tropical

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climate of the area makes it relatively easy to preserve this stunning location.

The terraces in Baguio City, which is situated on a mountain in the Philippines, are irrigated using an ancient system. Despite the difficult access caused by steep and winding roads, the city is renowned for being one of the most captivating destinations. It is definitely worth a visit to see how the residents have embraced modernity while still valuing nature's stunning beauty.

The city features popular destinations such as Wright Park, Burnham Park, and the Mansion. In contrast, Palawan, situated in the southern region of the Philippines, is renowned for its plentiful natural resources. Its pristine blue waters teem with vibrant corals and reefs, drawing divers and marine enthusiasts. Additionally, visitors can appreciate vast limestone formations during an underground river adventure. The arrival of the Spaniards marked the introduction of Christianity to the Philippines.

The Philippines is known worldwide as a mainly Catholic country because of the widespread conversion of its people to Christianity. This has led to numerous churches being present all over the country. One important and historic symbol that represents the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines is Magellan's Cross, which can be found outside Basilica de Sto. Nino in Cebu City. This place is a popular attraction for both locals and tourists. Another notable church in the Philippines is Manila Cathedral.

Despite its aged and grimy exterior, the cathedral provides valuable insights into the history of both the people and the nation. Serving as a final resting place for prominent individuals, it signifies their social status. Furthermore, despite the Philippines' embrace of rapid societal

and technological advancements, there is still a steadfast commitment to conserving natural resources amidst the emergence of new structures and technology.

Repairing and maintaining various sites in the Philippines has resulted in the release of numerous projects. The country, despite facing occasional difficulties, is home to numerous incredible sites that defy description. Experiencing the natural wonders this country has to offer is a life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Perhaps this incredible country may even inspire others to consider living here.

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