Matryoshka Dolls Essay Example
Matryoshka Dolls Essay Example

Matryoshka Dolls Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1084 words)
  • Published: January 16, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Russian nesting dolls or Matryoshka “in Russian” can be described as little dolls made out of wood that decrease in size and stack within one another. One way to think of them is by comparing them to an onion, each layer becomes smaller as it goes. All these dolls vary in size; sometimes they are very large, while others quite small. They usually have a rounded shape and are smooth on the surface and contain between four and twelve dolls. When looking at the oldest style dolls typically the outermost layer is a woman who is dressed in a “Sarafan; a long shapeless dress worn as a folk costume.”

The middle pieces can be both genders and the last layer is a baby which is the only piece that you cannot pull apart. The dolls are hand painted and always very b


eautiful. The images on the dolls come from the style of Russian folk art. They consist of intricate detail, and look like a lot of time and patience goes into them, especially when they become very small. Russian nesting dolls are a symbol of motherhood and fertility. The word Matryoshka actually means “little mother” The Latin root, Mater, means mother. The outermost layer represents the mother who is usually carrying something such as a basket or flowers, and the inner layers consist of her family, starting from the oldest child and decreases until it ends with the baby of the family. Another similar idea used to explain these dolls, is that the mother holds her babies inside, like a pregnant woman, and in time each daughter then has her own child as well. So i

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is like a series of generations passed down, representing Russian families.

Russian nesting dolls consist of all natural products. They are made from lime birch, alder, and aspen, all different types of wood. The one most commonly used is lime birch. The bark is taken away and a few rings are left to prevent the wood from cracking and the logs are kept outside for about two years. The logs are then turned into work pieces for the dolls. The dolls are made on a device called a turning lathe and the artist uses a variety of knives and chisels of various sizes. Usually, the smallest figure is made first because it can’t be taken apart.

Then all the next layers are made, beginning at the top, these pieces can all be taken apart. They are carved out in the middle so they can fit inside each other. The bottom halves of the piece are always made first.  More pieces are made one after the other that each fit perfectly into the next section. No measurements are made to create these dolls, so it’s simply based on intuition. Only a professional craftsman, with very high skills can perfectly complete this masterpiece. These dolls are so incredibly detailed and can take up to several months to make.

The first Russian nesting doll was created in 1890 in a town near Moscow by Sergei Maliutin, who was an artist, and was aided by a craftsman named Vassiliy. It was actually based on a model that was brought in from Japan. His Matryoshka was figure of a young peasant girl wearing a colorful scarf, sarafan and apron. She was also holding

a black rooster in her hands. From there the idea flourished and many Russian artists began creating their own Matryoshka dolls. These dolls helped create a new era of Russian art by representing love and family. The dolls were originally directed toward children as a toy, but actually became more popular amongst adults. In 1900, one of the dolls received a bronze medal at a show in Paris. Page # 3

They soon became known around the world and were very popular. After a while, the doll was used for other images, such as political and religious icons, characters from folk tales and more. In 1909, in order to celebrate the century of Gogol's birth, several nesting dolls were made to portray characters of his books, which included Taras Bulba, Plyushkin, and Governor. During Perestroika, soviet leaders were very popular images of the dolls, mostly starting with Mikhail Gorbachev and ending with Vladimir Lenin. In 1912, nesting dolls displayed Kutuzov and Napoleon to celebrate the century of the Patriotic War against Napoleon. During the 20th century, a new type of nesting doll was created, which was an image of landscape rather than people. During the 1990’s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Matryoshka dolls that represented communist leaders of Russia became extremely popular among Russian people. The images of the dolls have greatly expanded since past ones. More so now than in the past, these dolls are used to represent various themes.

These can include famous people or even cartoon characters. They also may include sports players, holiday figures such as Santa Clause, and different animals. Sometimes the doll is taken away from is layer design,

to be used as a single figure, such as an ornament, but still has the same look to it. Another interesting new idea which came from the old dolls was the creation of the Matryoshka measuring cups. Just like the dolls, they become smaller as they go on, and each contains a different sized measurement, 1 cup being the largest leading down to 1/4 cup which is the smallest of the bunch. The tradition has greatly expanded overtime, and even though they are very old, they are still known to this day. However, the dolls are made a lot less today; they are mostly Page # 4 made in homes because raw materials are much more expensive than they used to be.

Still, this just allowed more opportunity for new unique and creative ideas because people no longer worked in factories. “The Matryoshka is the most famous Russian souvenir, it is considered to be a phenomenon in the world culture, a puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, soul of Russia.”2 It is famous all around the world to this day, and has been in many different exhibits because of its unique style. People really love the fun design and the beautiful colors of the doll. The dolls are fun because each layer of the doll is different so there is always a surprise. They make cute collectable items that people can put around their house as decorations, or children can play with as a toy. Whatever they are used for, they always put a smile on your face.

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