How the communication needs of a patients/service Essay Example
How the communication needs of a patients/service Essay Example

How the communication needs of a patients/service Essay Example

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  • Pages: 11 (2864 words)
  • Published: August 4, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Health and social care service providers aim to cater to the specific requirements of every individual. They help fulfill patients' communication needs using both verbal and non-verbal methods.

Health and social care users, as well as those who work in health and social care services, may face challenges in effective communication due to physical, sensory, or psychological issues. It is important for care workers to be aware that service users or colleagues may have such impairments or difficulties (Health and social care by Mark Walsh, Peter Scourfield, Josephine de Souza, Paul Stevens, and Gareth Price. [2000] Page 86).

There are various methods available to support service users with their communication needs. Certain providers specialize in catering to individual communication requirements. An advocate acts as a representative for others, particularly individuals with severe learning disabilities or illnesses. Advocates should be independent from the main staff team and assist individu


als in understanding their needs. However, there may be instances where advocates misinterpret feelings, desires, and requirements resulting in conveying incorrect information.

"Advocacy services and opportunities are now considered essential resources that should be offered to all users of care services. This is especially true for groups that historically faced difficulty expressing their needs, opinions, and preferences" (Health and social care by Mark Walsh,
Peter Scourfield,
Josephine de Souza,
Paul Stevens,
and Gareth Price).

An advocate, such as a lawyer, represents and argues for a patient's specific treatment. They can communicate through verbal means like speaking or non-verbal means like letters and emails.

Lawyers commonly employ two methods: interpreting, which entails conveying meanings from one language to another, and interpreting between spoken and signed languages.

Interpreters can convert English into British sign language (BSL). These interpreters may b

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hired professionals or friends and family who are fluent in both languages. For example, a deaf individual might use subtitles to comprehend television programs. Translators encounter challenges when converting recorded content from one language to another, as literal translations can be problematic.

Translators are often needed to help individuals who do not speak multiple languages fluently. For example, a Polish patient who has recently moved to Britain may need medical treatment but might not understand the instructions in English. In such situations, an interpreter who can explain the process in Polish is necessary. While translators can also communicate without using words, spoken language is typically used for live and fast-paced conversations. On the other hand, signers use sign language to communicate, transitioning from verbal communication to sign language. According to "Health and social care" by Mark Walsh, Peter Scourfield, Josephine de Souza, Paul Stevens, and Gareth Price (2000), "People with hearing impairments or those with both hearing and sight impairments sometimes rely on specialized non-verbal communication methods to speak and understand others" (p. 92).

Having a signer present is crucial when there is a lack of understanding in non-verbal communication. An example of this would be a mother who knows British sign language (BSL) and verbally interprets it for other family members, acting as an interpreter. Counsellors utilize their expertise in advanced communication skills and psychological theory to assist individuals with specific issues such as grief, self-harm, drug addiction, or alcoholism.

An Oncology counsellor is a type of counsellor who provides assistance, care, and support to individuals with cancer and their families. Carl Rogers (1961) introduced a person-centered approach to counseling and psychotherapy that emphasizes genuineness, empathy, and

unconditional positive regard in effective communication during therapeutic situations. Health and social care workers who exhibit genuineness in their interactions avoid being authoritarian, defensive, or professionally detached.
(Health and social care by Mark Walsh, Peter Scourfield, Josephine de Souza, Paul Stevens, and Gareth Price [2000] Page 83.)

Both counsellors and speech therapists utilize verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to meet the specific communication requirements of their patients. Counsellors incorporate observing patients' body language and hand signals during sessions, whereas speech therapists provide evaluation and treatment for individuals with speech and language disorders, including those with physical or learning challenges. They also support individuals with neurological issues using both verbal approaches like speech and non-verbal techniques such as drawing and computers.

An example of when a speech therapist is involved is when a patient has experienced a stroke and lost their ability to speak completely. In this case, the speech therapist will closely collaborate with the patient to aid in their recovery of speech and aim for them to achieve their previous level of communication. Verbal communication serves as the primary tool that speech therapists use to assist in improving their patient's speech.

On the other hand, mentors possess extensive knowledge in a specific field and provide guidance and support to individuals. Often, people are referred to mentors in order to enhance their skills and attributes.

Mentors support their service users through both verbal and non-verbal communication. While speaking to them, mentors pay attention to the service users' body language and facial expressions to identify areas where they are struggling. A mentor may be present when a student is having difficulty with a particular subject, providing assistance to improve their understanding

in that subject. On the other hand, befrienders establish a supportive relationship with others, acting as a companion without any specific knowledge or qualifications required.

Befriending is a program that provides supportive and reliable relationships to socially isolated individuals through volunteer befrienders. People with learning disabilities often experience social exclusion and vulnerability. They have limited opportunities for employment, independent living, and choice in their caregivers. Many of them have few friends outside of their families and paid caregivers. While some befrienders are able to communicate through both verbal and non-verbal means, most rely on verbal communication and simple non-verbal cues to support their service users.

Body signals, hand signals, facial expressions, and, in some cases, Makaton, are used by befrienders who have been trained in this area. Psychologists work with individuals who have emotional and physiological problems, relating to the mind. These individuals are typically referred to psychologists after being diagnosed with a long-term problem. The psychologists then strive to provide an explanation for people's actions by conducting research to test their ideas. They obtain data from lab tests, interviews, and surveys. Psychologists working in health and social care settings offer mental health care in hospitals, clinics, schools, or private settings. Usually, psychologists specialize in specific topics; some assist individuals with mental disorders while others help them cope with situations like divorce or the death of a family member or friend. Psychologists work with people of all age groups, although some focus primarily on the elderly or youth. They aid service users in managing everyday life problems, including those encountered at schools involving students with behavioral issues. Additionally, psychologists help resolve problems in work environments.


users have diverse communication needs and preferences that may necessitate support and technology. These needs include preferred language, signs and symbols, pictures and writing, and objects of reference. However, some needs cannot be fulfilled solely with human assistance. In such cases, communication passports and both human and technological aids become necessary. To meet or minimize the disabling effect of communication needs, alternative communication strategies and various technological equipment can be employed. Some technological equipment is more prevalent than others.

Most people are familiar with hearing aids, text messaging on mobile phones, videophones, and electronic communicators used by individuals with speech and hearing impairments. People who cannot communicate in conventional ways often use alternative language systems to send and receive messages. For example, individuals with visual impairments often use touch to read documents written in Braille or Moon letters (Health and social care by Mark Walsh, Peter Scourfield, Josephine de Souza, Paul Stevens, and Gareth Price. [2000] Page 92). In health and social care settings, many individuals have different preferred languages, often nonverbal.

Forms of languages and communication encompass various methods such as Makaton, signing, Braille, and one's native language. Braille is a widely recognized technique employed to assist individuals with blindness and visual impairments in reading and writing. A "cell" in Braille refers to a character composed of a rectangular shape containing six dot positions. These dots are arranged in two columns consisting of three dots each. The dots can either be raised or not raised, resulting in 64 possible combinations including spaces without any raised dots. On the left side, the positions are numbered from 1 to 3 from top to bottom, while on the right

side they are numbered from top to bottom as 4 to 6.

Braille and Moon letters are distinct methods of producing tactile depictions of written language. Braille employs a pointed stylus to create indentations on paper, whereas Moon letters utilize raised shapes that correspond to the conventional alphabet. Both systems enable individuals with visual impairments to read through touch.

The Braille alphabet is utilized by people with visual impairments as well as those with speech, hearing, and physical disabilities who require communication assistance. The Braille alphabet can be found in the image provided at

Makaton is used by three main groups: individuals with communication needs, people who interact in various ways, and educational and service providers. Makaton is a unique language program that serves as a systematic multimodal approach to teaching communication, language, and literacy skills. It also provides important functional vocabulary for both individuals with communication needs and their peers. This includes people of all ages who have learning difficulties at different levels of communication abilities. It also encompasses those with communication needs resulting from severe physical disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and specific language impairments.

The Makaton language consists of two vocabularies: core vocabulary and resource vocabulary. The core vocabulary comprises essential concepts for daily life, while the resource vocabulary is a vast and limitless collection that encompasses diverse life experiences.

Mobile phones are widely used by a significant portion of the population, either owned personally or known through someone else. Texting has become a popular means of communication, especially with the widespread use of mobile phones. It is an effective mode of communication for individuals, including those who are deaf, as it allows them to communicate

without relying on voice calls. This form of communication goes beyond healthcare or social care settings; people from diverse backgrounds frequently use text messages to make plans and maintain connections. Sending messages is often preferred over face-to-face interactions or phone calls by some individuals, resulting in improved communication through a higher volume of exchanged messages.

A Hearing aid is a technological device that enhances the user's auditory capabilities. It uses digital sound processing instead of analog, allowing for precise adjustments to cater to individual requirements and various listening environments (e.g., phone conversations, busy streets). Some digital aids can automatically adapt to different conditions. Hearing Aids significantly improve communication for individuals with hearing impairments, enabling them to comprehend spoken messages as well as sign language, texts, and images. Computers also play a crucial role in enhancing communication for people with specific needs. They enhance effectiveness across all domains and are accessible to everyone, whether it's a portable laptop or a regular computer.

Computers and software empower individuals of varying ages and disabilities to communicate, access services, receive education, and secure employment. Specialized adaptations and software significantly improve the prospects for disabled individuals. To learn more about these opportunities, please visit

Using computers and the internet offers advantages for both disabled and non-disabled individuals. They enable communication through various applications like emailing, messenger services, MSN, Facebook, and MySpace, allowing messages to be sent locally or globally.
People with Autism, Learning Disabilities, literacy difficulties, or low literacy skills can greatly benefit from using computers to communicate using symbols and pictures. Furthermore, those who are isolated due to disabilities or mobility issues can also benefit by staying connected with friends, finding

support, and actively participating in society through computers and the internet.
A speech synthesizer is a computerized device that translates input data into audible language. It can convert text, predefined input, or controlled non-verbal body movements into audible speech.

Such inputs may encompass a variety of actions, including text from a computer document, coordinated keystrokes on a computer keyboard, and the utilization of peripherals like a joystick, as well as fundamental functions associated with movements like eye, head, or foot. Those who may benefit from the assistance of a speech synthesizer are individuals with motor neuron disease (MND), where their ability to speak is often compromised due to weakened vocal cords. MND refers to a group of disorders that lead to muscle weakness and wasting. Moreover, for patients with cerebral palsy, damage to the vocal muscle controlling portion of the brain frequently results in the loss of speech function. In addition, a speech synthesizer can serve as an electronic means of communication for individuals who are either non-verbal or have visual impairments.

As spoken language is the most common way of communicating in most societies, it is often essential for people who are unable to speak on their own to capture that ability. In health and social care settings, communication assists patients/service users and other key people. There are different types of communication, each with its advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. Verbal communication, for instance, has many advantages as most people can communicate verbally. It allows people to understand others' needs and emotional feelings through talking, laughing, crying, pitch, and shouting.

'Languages consist of a vocabulary of words and sets of conventions, known as grammar, that determine the

acceptable methods of combining the words. Speaking, or communicating verbally, is the most socially endorsed and anticipated form of everyday communication.' (Health and social care by Mark Walsh, peter Scourfield, Josephine de Souza, Paul Stevens and Gareth Price. [2000] Page 72.)

Verbal communication has the strength of being innate, as individuals can understand basic sentences and words from a young age and adapt to them without formal instruction. However, a disadvantage is that individuals with learning, hearing, and speech difficulties may struggle to fully participate in speaking and listening. Additionally, living in a diverse community presents challenges as people from different cultures may speak different languages or have accents, leading to potential conflict or confusion if understanding is lacking. In addition to verbal communication, non-verbal communication also has its pros and cons. One advantage is that individuals with speech, hearing, and learning difficulties, as well as disabilities, can communicate through various means such as sign language, Braille, Makaton, body signals, body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions.

Non-verbal communication has various strengths. Firstly, it allows for discreet, short, and brief conversations in specific settings. Furthermore, it enables communication with individuals who cannot be reached verbally and those with different language and cultural preferences. However, non-verbal communication also has disadvantages. For instance, individuals who are unable to respond to a question verbally may feel less capable than others. Additionally, non-verbal cues such as body language and signals can frequently be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings. It is worth noting that the non-verbal aspects of communication often express one's likes or dislikes more powerfully than their verbal expressions. In other words, a person may not need to explicitly state their

dislike towards another; it can be inferred from their non-verbal behavior.

According to Walsh, Scourfield, de Souza, Stevens, and Price (2000), the message can be conveyed through body language, behavior, or appearance.

Non-verbal communication, such as sign language, Braille, and Makaton, is a weakness because it requires specific teaching and may be difficult for individuals with learning difficulties who might not encounter it everywhere.
Communication goes beyond verbal and non-verbal methods, necessitating the use of technology. Using technology has advantages because it enables individuals who cannot communicate verbally to express themselves through tools like speech/voice synthesizers. Additionally, hearing aids improve the hearing abilities of those with impairments.
Technology's strength lies in its constantly evolving nature, resulting in new and improved devices being accessible to the targeted individuals. However, there are drawbacks to using technology in health and social care settings. The cost of acquiring new equipment, such as computers and mobile phones for texting, can be expensive. Furthermore, individuals with learning difficulties, like those with autism, may find it challenging to use these devices initially.

One drawback of technology is the potential for devices to malfunction and require careful maintenance to ensure their optimal use. For instance, hearing aids necessitate batteries and regular examinations to ensure functionality. Similarly, computers may experience breakdowns, and internet connectivity can be unpredictable. However, service providers are supporting patients' rights by offering various communication methods that allow them to express themselves in their preferred language and accent.

By adhering to the regulation of the 'right to speak out', patients are able to exercise their freedom of expression by using the communication method that best suits them. This regulation promotes empowerment as it allows patients to

feel in control of their care by communicating in their preferred way. Whether it be through verbal, non-verbal, or technological means, patients have the choice to communicate with service providers in a manner that is most effective for them. Furthermore, switching from verbal to non-verbal communication can help maintain patient confidentiality, such as refraining from uttering a patient's name out loud and respecting their 'right to privacy'.

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