Experience in a Tattoo Parlor Essay Example
Experience in a Tattoo Parlor Essay Example

Experience in a Tattoo Parlor Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (637 words)
  • Published: August 20, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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Throughout my experiences, I have visited different establishments and shops, each with its own distinct atmosphere and character that fascinates me. However, there is one particular place that elicits fear and repulsion in me - the tattoo parlor. With a friend by my side, we ventured into this establishment to explore various designs and prices for body art. Yet, as soon as we set foot inside the tattoo shop, a strong sense of animosity and revulsion engulfed me while observing the numerous photographs showcased on the walls.

The photos displayed individuals with tattoos on their skin, some of whom were smiling while others had visible blood. The photos were disorganized and appeared unclean. Within the tattoo parlor, there was a curved bamboo lamp shade that enclosed a fluorescent bulb, providing illumination in an otherwise di


m space. This setup aided the tattoo artist in achieving precision. On one side of the room, there were tables covered with cloths resembling aprons and featuring a blend of brown and black hues.

The colors were lacking in artistic and visual appeal, resembling the mountains seen in independent films but with a terrifying effect. It gave the impression of a pile of decaying trash. Despite this, I remained with my friend, patiently waiting for him to finish his conversation with the owner. I sat quietly on a disorganized and sticky red couch while a band performed loudly, creating a powerful resonance through their fierce singing style. The walls trembled from the heavy drumbeat, and the guitar was overwhelmingly loud.

The couch appeared soiled with different kinds of dirt, including spongy materials that seemed to originat

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from the couch itself. I avoided touching it with my hands out of concern for what I might encounter. As a result, I promptly scanned the room. Ultimately, an overpowering unpleasant smell drew my attention and made me uneasy. Initially, the odor brought to mind ink but as I continued breathing it in within the room, I discerned it as a mixture of ink, sweat, and vermin such as rats and cockroaches.

I was shocked to see a big cockroach crawling under the tables covered in cloth. Shortly after, I noticed another one playing among the piles of fabric on the table. The more time I spent there, the more obvious it became how bad the tattoo parlor was overall. While trying to figure out where a certain smell was coming from, I suddenly smelled a disgusting cheese odor coming from it, which attracted insects and flies. As a result, the place had a distinct tangy cheese taste that various worms were eating. As I continued to breathe in the scent, I realized that the flavor stayed in my mouth.

The detonation of a foul odor overwhelmed my senses, creating a jarring impact on my thoughts. Another sensation emerged, manifesting as a peculiar blend of bitterness, saltiness, and muskiness on my taste buds. This unique flavor made me contemplate the remarkable craftsmanship of various artists. Meanwhile, the lingering scent intensified the eerie ambiance. Although I longed to consume a piece of candy, I had inadvertently left my jar in the car. Consequently, I proceeded to explore the entire venue for approximately fifteen minutes. However, my increasing dizziness compelled me to depart from the


Despite my desire to support my friend, I couldn't bring myself to do so because the entire tattoo shop had a repulsive taste and atmosphere. Instead, I decided to wait in the closest coffee shop until my friend finished dealing with all his inquiries. Afterward, I convinced him to search for a more hygienic tattoo parlor. He later admitted noticing the same things that bothered me and confessed that he was only curious about his future tattoo plans. As a result of this experience, I have been traumatized by tattoo parlors ever since.

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