Writer Essays
Use our extensive ready Writer essay samples database to write your own paper. Get access to more than 50,000 essays and 70,000 college test answers by buying a subscription to it. Our collection of essays on Writer on all subjects gets replenished every day, so just keep checking it out!
An article, ‘The Sunny Side of Smut’, which was written by Melinda Wenner Moyer is an argumentative text. The writer is criticizing about people’s perception that pornography can brings harm to users and the others by stimulating the users to be more aggressive, sexism or harm relationship. Instead the writer is trying to defend them […]
The Dilemma of the Postmodern Writer; (In case all assumptions had not been thrown out) The core idea of modern nothingness is best portrayed in Paul Auster’s City of Glass from The New York Trilogy. In the novel, the individual identity withdraws; the protagonist (shall he be called such) Daniel Quinn finds himself challenged by […]
The essay “The Carrier-Bag Theory of Fiction” by Le Guin ( 1988 ) describes the importance of two dominant narratives in the context of new teaching methods. These are the “killer narrative” focused on the corporate construct of aggression. and the “life narrative. ” represented through the dynamic development of the construct of continuation in […]
In his piece titled “Idiot Nation,” Michael Moore expresses his condemnation of the foolishness of Americans, specifically highlighting their lack of education, unawareness, and passiveness. In his writing, Moore condemns politicians without qualifications and those who voted for them, while also revealing the corporate takeover of American schools. Despite the severity of his review, Moore […]
1 Reviewer inquiry: What is the author’s thesis? Stress is an emotion that a worker will see in the workplace on many occasions. 2 Reviewer inquiry: Is the thesis clearly stated? If non. how would you assist the author repeat it? I think Joseph could hold expounded on his thesis a little more to supply […]
In her two short narratives, “A Good Man Is Difficult to Find” and “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” O’Connor showcases her unique voice as an author. She adopts a serious moral tone in both stories, setting the tone for the readers. Through the main characters, violent moments of self-realization bring the subject of race to […]
A lyrical poem is said to relay the poet’s true feelings and thoughts regarding anything that he chooses to write about. (Campa, AuthorStream. com) The overall tone of the lines of a lyrical poem would depend on the poet’s purpose, mood, and feeling at the time it is written. Thus, while other poems cover academic […]
In the article entitled “Russian Intelligence Gathering in the United States”, the author was able to clearly announce the topic as well as his/her intention in writing the article in the introductory part. The readers are able have a glimpse of what the article has to offer by only reading the introduction. The author was […]
The poem, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”, by Wallace Stevens may be considered as dark and mysterious poem. Literally looking at it, points that there are many ways to see a blackbird not only as a bird with black feathers. It may be representative of other figures in life. These figures may be […]
“A Room of One’s Own,” is an essay before its time Virginia Wolfe takes a unique approach when choosing to write her essay in the form of a fictitious novel. Wolfe wishes to bring attention and attempt to explain the injustice and prejudices women have faced in fiction. Through her essay the reader receives a […]
An inherent tension between stability and change is revealed through recurring images in Yeats’ poetry. To what extent does your interpretation of Yeats’ The Second Coming and at least one other poem align with this view? William Butler Yeats’ poetry possesses strong Imagery and themes of stability and change. Two of the poems, which especially […]
Thomas Clayton Wolfe was born on October 3rd, 1900 and died on September 15th. Thomas Wolfe, a renowned writer of novels and short stories, was born in Asheville, North Carolina to William Oliver and Julia Elizabeth Westall Wolfe. He was the eighth child of his parents; his father hailed from Pennsylvania and worked as a […]
The experiences of World War One are reflected in a variety of different ways. Poems are a very good source of seeing how the different attitudes from the War, are expressed. In this essay, I will analyze the mood and tone, mood, language, and attitudes of the writers in “Dead Man’s Dump” and “Exposure”. The […]
Two travel advertisements, one for Jersey and the other for Ireland, use simple and straightforward language to attract readers. The Jersey ad includes a French influence, with the title ‘Say magnifique’ using a pun on the word ‘Say’ and the French word ‘magnifique’, which means superb. The ad uses phrases such as ‘island packed full […]
Isolation is a major theme that is explored in many novels and short stories. “Blood” by Janice Galloway cleverly emphasises a single girls isolation through a number of techniques such as characterisation, structure, imagery and setting. Through out the story we have a real insight to the girls deepest feelings and thoughts.Immediately the reader is […]
The title of the article is the first thing that catches the attention of the reader. In this article, we can see only one side of the story. The article throws light upon many aspects. Even though Gandhi is called the father of our nation that is India, the writer still seems to find something […]
This essay aims to compare and contrast the aforementioned writings, Lord Of The Flies by William Golding in 1954 and The Black Cottage written in 1859. Despite certain similarities, these two pieces also have noticeable differences. Throughout this essay, we will provide a brief introduction to both works and discuss their similarities and differences. This […]
Throughout these three poems a sense of conflict, inequality and difference is created. All three represent one form of these emotions in ways that are similar to each other and others that are different to each other. The first poem, Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes’ is about the social […]
In this essay I will be writing about what the writer shows about the people who in Las Lomas in ‘A Drink of Water’. I will be writing about what the writer shows about Sunny who is the son of Manko, and I will also show what the writer has written about Manko too. And […]
I will be exploring the features of online spoken language, specifically initialisation and rebuses, using my own data collected from a text conversation with my friend. Initialisation involves using the single first letter of a word to represent the whole word, such as “lol” for laugh out loud and “wtf” for what for f***. This […]
The writer uses a number of different writing techniques which suggests the whole climbing experience as torturous and damaging, he does this by including many action verbs such as ‘hit’ and ‘catapulted’ which shows the forceful impact which(which, which, which! I know this is a draft but when you write tomorrow read over your sentences […]
As per your inquiry about the most accomplished poet among Sheffield College students, I propose Grace Nichols as the primary candidate. Grace Nichols is a celebrated black poet and ex-journalist from Guyana in the Caribbean. She has been practicing as an independent writer since 1977 when she relocated to Britain and holds a prestigious position […]