Metaphysics Essay Examples
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Metaphysics.
Here you will find many different essay topics on Metaphysics. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Metaphysics on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Metaphysics, and much more. Keep on reading!
They simply knew he existed. Nevertheless, they attempted to prove his existence anyway, and the basic strategies employed by them are the ones used every since. Here two approaches are presented. The first, by Anselm, is perhaps the most puzzling. While it has not been all that popular with the average believer, it has fascinated […]
Eugene O’Neill is the father of modern American drama. His vision of life was essentially tragic; the human dilemma is the theme of his plays, which are all, with one exception, tragedies. He is a great tragic artist, but with a difference. He writes tragedies of modern life which do not follow the traditional Aristotelian […]
Anaximander, And again the early times, before the beginning of human civilization and the development of philosophy, people believed in the idea that Gods, who basically controlled every individual aspect of human existence, controlled the world. Some primitive people believed in the idea of Animism, or Hylozoism. (The belief that everything in the universe, especially […]
The starkest difference between the ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology reside in that the former makes ethical decisions based upon consequences and the latter makes decisions based upon principle.
Socrates and Plato discussed the nature of afterlife in the “Phaedo” dialogue. Among four arguments he proposes in the dialogue there is a so-called affinity argument, which later transformed into one of the basic paradigms of western religious philosophy and world-view. The affinity argument concerns immortality of soul.
Ray Kurzweil’s The Age Of Spiritual Machines is a commentary which looks into the instance of humanity’s existence alongside machines which, over the decades have grown to transcend more than intelligence and acquire, much as the title of the book connotes, a degree of spirituality, inherent to humans, and not generally attributed or associated with […]
Generally, the Missing Shade of Blue is an argument used by David Hume to convey his idea of sensory experience. He argued that it is impossible for the mind to create an idea or concept without being exposed to the rudiments of sensory experience. In short, perception precedes idea creation. In the latter part of […]
When you lose something then only you realize the value of that particular thing in your life. Just thinking of mothers going on a strike brings a chill down my spine.. My mother is the finest lady for me… Her smiling face brings a smile on faces of everybody around, she is the image of […]
“When people succeed in life, it is because of hard work. Being lucky has nothing to do with success in life” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. “Persistence is the material to success”, I believe in this quote. With an earnest effort, ones […]
In today’s fast-paced business environment, there is a greater emphasis placed on ethics training as companies seek to comply with regulatory requirements and improve business efficiency. Ethics picks up where the law leaves off, providing more than just the moral minimum to avoid intentional harm. When studying ethics, the variety of ethical theories offers different […]
Fortune favours the brave. It’s a well known proverb but what exactly does it mean? .in simple terms, that good luck comes to those who take chances. There are many people in life who complain that they can’t attain success in life because fate has conspired against them. This is simply not true. History has […]
The conception of time is seemingly self-evident. Tick, tock. A minute consists of sixty seconds, an hour of sixty minutes, a day of twenty-four hours, and a year of 365 days. It is quite rare that the fundamental nature of time itself is ever even brought into questioning. What is time? What do we mean […]
Realists believe that reality exists independently of human perception. They emphasize physical objects as a representation of ultimate reality and view truth as objective, based on observable phenomena. Aristotle, who was a student of Plato but held different philosophical views, is credited with originating Realism and the scientific method. This metaphysical perspective seeks to understand […]
1) Candide learns that while being optimistic is a useful trait, it will not help you in being successful. He learns that in order to have the “best of all possible worlds” he must work hard, because it will not just come to him. Candide has rejected Pangloss’ philosophy in exchange for hard, practical work. […]
Throughout the novel Grendel by John Gardner, the monster Grendel has many different encounters that change his view on the world, but it becomes unequivocally clear that his true way of life is through nihilism. Grendel starts out in life as a nihilist where everything is meaningless to him. However, he longs for meaning. His […]
Even as the civilization has advanced to the era of nanotechnology, certain behavioral pattern in humans continue to evoke debate on the basis of the guidelines of social governance, which stem from various philosophical theories mooted by the thinkers of various timeline. This is another quest for the development of the civilization from social perspective […]
My mother actually is an ordinary woman but in her tiny appearance lies an extraordinary fortitude, perseverance, a altruistic soul and a very kindly heart. The kind of mother who brought me up with her whole kindly heart, the kind of persistent woman with strong willpower who had to face the toughest challenges in life, […]
In this paper, the author will try to compare the logos of Heraclitus and Jesus. Heaclitus is one of the most famous Greek philosophers. Some theologians said that God prepared his incarnation philosophy by Heraclitus. The apostle John also used this logos philosophy to teach the gospel of Jesus to those who were influenced by […]
A simple being with simple dreams of sincere gratification in this complex materialistic society. Not disposed or predisposed to sophistication of today’s standard, but well refined in the most prominent attribute of human entity. Regarded as sympathetic and callous at the same time, as if the two words are not contradictory, but oxymoron not when […]
An American at Pearl Harbor by Ellen Nakashima is an essay about the experiences of the author’s father during and after World War II. Shig, the nickname of Nakashima’s father, is a Japanese-American living in Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. After that attack, Shig and the rest of the Japanese-American community experienced discrimination. […]
The presence of teleological features in our universe indicates that an intelligent designer is the most plausible explanation, according to my belief. Aquinas also shared this view, stating that natural things are directed towards their intended purpose by an intelligent being rather than by random chance (Aquinas, T. 2009). Teleological arguments seek to prove the […]
As far as consequentialist theories go, utilitarianism is probably the most well known, yet I find it quite unconvincing myself. The theory itself requires people acting for the ‘greatest happiness of the greatest number’ and involves calculating the overall effect of an act on happiness/unhappiness of people. The act that produces the most overall happiness […]