Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Environmental Issues.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Environmental Issues. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Environmental Issues on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Environmental Issues, and much more. Keep on reading!

The Verisimilitude of an Inconvenient Truth Essay Example
1014 words 4 pages

On the 24th May 2006 An Inconvenient Truth premiered in theaters and opened a controversial dialogue between the general public, corporations, environmental activists, and governments from around the globe. Like most controversial conversations, lines were drawn, facts were quoted with ideological spin, scientific facts were/are disputed, and the persons that were/are most effected were/are left […]

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Carbon Dioxide Climate Change Database Nature
Global Warming: the Chilling Effect on Free Speech Essay Example
2437 words 9 pages

Whoever thought that serious commentators would want it made illegal to have a row about the weather? One Australian columnist has proposed outlawing ‘climate change denial’. ‘David Irving is under arrest in Austria for Holocaust denial’, she wrote. ‘Perhaps there is a case for making climate change denial an offence. It is a crime against […]

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Climate Change Free Speech Science
Animal Extinction Essay Example
1916 words 7 pages

The final stages of dehydration in the human body can be compared to the process of a dying species. The body will shrink, brain cells will shrivel, muscles will seize, and the kidneys will shut down. Similarly, when a species is dying, it undergoes various assaults that affect its chemical and electrical pathways leading to […]

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Animals Biodiversity Climate Change
Global Warming Essay Sample
1156 words 5 pages

The rise in Earth’s temperatures leading to a greater frequency of natural disasters like wildfires and droughts is being caused by a combination of human activities and natural phenomena. We strive to educate individuals on the topic of global warming and its consequences, as well as explore solutions for mitigating its impact. The build-up of […]

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Climate Change Fire Global Warming Natural Environment
Social Psychology – Spin Doctoring Essay Example
940 words 4 pages

In the global warming case, I think that the central route and peripheral route paths to persuasion are both employed. The central route persuasion is visible since people are currently more globally conscious and knowledgeable of the issues relating to our planet than in the past. There is currently a higher level of public concern […]

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Climate Change Doctor Propaganda Smoking
Sun, Soil and Standards: Simple Solutions Towards Sustainable Systems Essay Example
2314 words 9 pages

The loss of certain animal and plant species is occurring at a pace resembling the occurrence that led to the eradication of dinosaurs 65 million years ago. This is due to the devastation of crucial habitats, like forests, as well as the effects of climate change. Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” documentary draws parallels between […]

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Climate Change Earth Greenhouse Gas Soil
Global warming: Causes, consequences and solutions Essay Example
1819 words 7 pages

While there may be differing opinions on the existence of global warming, which is a type of climate change resulting from an increase in temperature in the earth’s atmosphere over the last century, it remains imperative for people to comprehend its causes, consequences, and potential remedies aimed at mitigating its effects. The purpose of this […]

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Carbon Dioxide Climate Change Global Warming Greenhouse Gas
The Global Depletion of Forests Essay Example
3439 words 13 pages

Deforestation results from the actions of man as well as those of the nature. It could be further categorized on the objectives in which they were done as well. Though not much is thought when a tree is cut down only lately we understand how destructive it would be if this process to be continued. […]

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Agriculture Climate Change Forest
Development Causes Considerable and Irreparable Environmental Damage Essay Example
744 words 3 pages

Development has offered mankind unique opportunities to improve their life, but at what cost? The environment suffers daily abuse to fuel man insatiable appetite for the conveniences of modern life. The environmental damages caused by development will inevitably spiral out of control due to the human-environment interactions it promotes and the lack of serious interest […]

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Climate Change Development Environmentalism Recycling
Hong Kong – City of Dreams Essay Example
794 words 3 pages

Hong Kong is a fantastic travel destination for those interested in exploring diverse cultures. Despite its small size on the map, it’s globally recognized as both a financial center and tourist hotspot. The city’s abundance, lively atmosphere, and prosperity make it highly attractive to visitors worldwide. It comes as no surprise that numerous individuals aspire […]

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City Climate Change Hong Kong Transport
The Day After Tomorrow Essay Example
922 words 4 pages

The movie “The Day After Tomorrow” is a film about the world and the effects of global warming. The film involves quite a few incidents that lead to a catastrophe or disaster. Basically, the generally message of the film is that “If we don’t act now, it will be too late”. I was amazed by […]

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Climate Change Film Analysis Tornado
Does the UK need new Nuclear Power stations Essay Example
1279 words 5 pages

Throughout this piece of coursework, I will be the answering the question, “does the UK need new nuclear power stations? ” Once I have conducted the relevant research I hope to come up with an informed conclusion taking into account all of my sources upon whether establishing more nuclear power stations would be beneficial for […]

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Climate Change Fuel Nuclear Power Power
An investigation into GIC students’ attitude and behaviour toward global warming Essay Example
925 words 4 pages

Mikami et al. (1995:209) suggest that industrialization and urbanization have made global warming a danger to society. Houghton (2005:1343) explains that human activities are responsible for the rise in average temperature, which causes global warming. The primary cause of this phenomenon is the release of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Berk and Schulman (1995:1) warn […]

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Attitude Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Student
Biofuels: The Answer to Our Energy Problem Essay Example
898 words 4 pages

Biofuels are fuels made from plants or animals matters. They include* Wood, wood chippings and straw* Biogas(methane) from animals and plants matter* Ethanol, diesel and other fuels made from plants matter and waste oilEthanol and diesel are mainly made from the crops such as corn, rapeseed and sugarcane. They are called biodiesel. These are now […]

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biofuel Climate Change Energy Fuel Problems
What sorts of species become ‘invasive aliens’ in a world of climatic change Essay Example
3131 words 12 pages

Mr. H stated that invasive alien species have caused immense harm to natural ecosystems and human economies for centuries. Additionally, the destruction is increasing due to globalization, which provides more opportunities for unwanted species to travel to new locations through expanding tourism and trade. Zedan, Executive Secretary of the CBD, referred to the 6th meeting […]

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Change Climate Change Ecology
Chemistry Research Paper: Global Warming Essay Example
993 words 4 pages

A notorious controversy surfacing nationwide consists of global warming. Chemistry plays a vital role in studying the chemicals involved in the greenhouse effect. It is critical for chemists to be informed about substances that contribute to climate change which subsequently allows them to take action. Statistics regarding the global warming theory remain an issue in […]

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Carbon Dioxide Chemistry Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Research
Controlling Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Essay Example
2195 words 8 pages

Diplomats opted to defer significant issues in anticipation of the “Earth Summit” where a treaty was expected to be adopted. Instead, they negotiated the loose Framework Convention on Climate Change as a framework for future cooperation. This convention demanded minimal action beyond what most nations were already doing and was readily ratified by almost all […]

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Climate Change Greenhouse Gas House Natural Environment
Fracking: Greenhouse Gas and Water Essay Example
688 words 3 pages

Water, despite its fragility and susceptibility to contamination, is a crucial component in franking processes that poses significant risks to the population. The extraction method involves drilling close to groundwater sources and using large amounts of water per drill, resulting in numerous reports of accidents caused by water contamination. The Climate Progress (Foster) has documented […]

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Climate Change House Natural Environment
Carbon Credit Essay Example
2096 words 8 pages

The purpose of Carbon Credits The concept of carbon credits pertains to the elimination of current C02 or C02e emissions from the atmosphere. This includes the sequestration of carbon from forests, tree planting endeavors, as well as the minimization of potential C02 or C02e emissions. Renewable energy sources and energy efficiency initiatives can replace the […]

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Atmosphere Business Carbon Dioxide Climate Change Energy Greenhouse Gas Renewable Energy
Carbon Emission Abatement Essay Example
2822 words 11 pages

Discuss (1) the various options available for carbon abatement, their merits and weaknesses, and (2) the role government and business have to play If the methods are to achieve their objectives. Major Assignment Tutor: Mrs Mitrabinda Singh Major Assignment Global warming Is a complicated Issue faced by leaders of today. Warnings are becoming increasingly amplified, […]

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Atmosphere Business Climate Change Energy Greenhouse Gas
Carbon Trading – College Essay Example
3000 words 11 pages

A carbon credit is a certificate or permit that allows the trading of the right to emit one metric tonne of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide (tCO2e). Carbon credits and markets are used in national and international efforts to reduce concentrations of greenhouse gases. Emissions trading, which […]

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Climate Change College Greenhouse Gas Nature
The increase or decrease in CO2 emission Essay Example
278 words 2 pages

According to M.U.S.E. (2010), the investigation aims to identify changes in CO2 emissions within the last four decades and demonstrate that human activities are responsible for disrupting them, leading to imbalances in global ecosystems. While carbon dioxide is naturally present in Earth’s carbon cycle, anthropogenic discharges have caused a surge in CO2 levels. The primary […]

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Business Carbon Dioxide Climate Change Energy

Popular Questions About Environmental Issues

What are some examples of environmental issues?
There are many examples of environmental issues, some of which are interrelated, including climate changes and biodiversity. As global warming leads to a loss of habitat for species already under stress, it increases the likelihood of their extinction.
What are the three environmental issues?
The top three environmental problems are: (1) Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming (2) Depletion of Ozone and (3) Acid Rain. The global environmental problems along with the environmental sustainability and biotechnology are briefly described below.
What are the biggest environmental issues?
3. Deforestation. Deforestation is another one of the biggest environmental issues as well. Forests cover an estimated 31 percent of the Earth’s landmass. The biggest contributor to deforestation by far is clearing lands for agricultural use.
What are the different types of environmental issues?
Different Types of Environmental Issues. Some of the major environmental issues that are causing immense concern are environmental pollution, air pollution, water pollution, garbage pollution, noise pollution, deforestation, resource depletion, climate change etc.
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