Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Coursework.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Coursework. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Coursework on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Coursework, and much more. Keep on reading!

English Titanic Coursework Essay Example
1346 words 5 pages

I decided to do my coursework in the form of a diary. The person I am portraying is a third-class passenger. Wednesday, April 10, 1912, when I arrived I was so amazed at the size of the ship. It is indescribable. Every so often a loud blast from Titanic’s siren rang for miles that it […]

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Coursework Titanic Transport
Maths coursework sampling Essay Example
2362 words 9 pages

The data which I have to use in this coursework was collected from 100 Year 7 (50 boys, 50 girls) and from 100 Year 10 (50 girls , 50 boys). All the pupils were asked to estimate measurements on the data collection sheet given to them.i. the lengths of two linesii. the sizes of two […]

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Coursework Hypothesis Statistics
Maths Statistics Coursework Essay Example
2692 words 10 pages

Generally, girls have a higher IQ than boys and therefore have a higher total of KS2 (Key Stage 2) results. However, year 7 KS2 results are higher than the year 11’s KS2 results.I firstly believe girls have a higher IQ than boys as girls find it easier to concentrate and are more able to work […]

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Coursework Intelligence Quotient Scientific Method Statistics
Statistics Coursework 2 Essay Example
1255 words 5 pages

There are many ways of comparing the birth rates of countries compared to other countries, and one way may be to look at the life expectancies of the countries. I believe that there is will be a correlation between the two variables: The average birth rate of a country per 1,000 and the Life expectancy […]

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Coursework Probability Theory Scientific Method
Database Coursework Essay Example
3669 words 14 pages

George Youngs Coaches is a local coach operator which specialises in National and International Coach trips. They have regular customers who organise tours through them, as well as customers who may only use them once or twice a year and people who use them for one off trips. They also do school runs for various […]

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Computer Computer Software Coursework Information Age
My Business Studies Coursework Essay Example
2145 words 8 pages

For my Business Studies Coursework, I am tasked with designing a chocolate bar which includes creating a wrapper, choosing ingredients, creating a logo, conducting market research and more. The chosen product, ‘Caramel Turkish Delight’, is an original and suitable choice since it already has an existing market for Turkish delight confectionary and has the potential […]

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Chocolate Coursework Price
Elvis Presley Coursework Essay Example
1752 words 7 pages

According to this statement, Elvis is in high demand and is a popular musician among many different people. In March 1955, Presley released two songs called Heartbreak Hotel and I Was The One and they immediately reached number 2 on the charts, despite the fact that he was singing in a black style. At number […]

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Coursework Music
History Coursework – Stalin and Trotsky Essay Example
2256 words 9 pages

1. Lenin knew that sooner or later he was going to die, and after his death had a fair idea that either Stalin or Trotsky would succeed him. Source A extracts parts of Lenin’s testaments that show his opinion of these two powers at this point. He obviously liked Trotsky and in most aspects saw […]

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Communism Coursework Joseph Stalin Vladimir Lenin
History Coursework Ben Talbutt C11 Essay Example
1313 words 5 pages

I received a pair of sources to assess, including “Covenant with Death,” a novel written by John Harris in 1961. The Bath Chronicle, a local newspaper in March 1915, shares a picture of six men who are identified as five brothers and a brother-in-law. The caption across the top reads “For King and Country. Brave […]

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Coursework Propaganda World War I
GCSE Language and Literature Coursework Essay Example
5049 words 19 pages

“Paddy Clarke Ha ha ha” by Roddy Doyle tells the story of a ten-year-old boy growing up in Ireland in 1968. The novel follows Paddy Clarke’s journey as he develops and undergoes changes during a specific period in his life. Through Paddy’s experiences, the book captures the essence of childhood in Ireland at that time, […]

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Child Coursework Deception Novel
Physics Coursework Essay Example
1360 words 5 pages

For this experiment, a small-scale supermarket trolley will be utilized to simulate a larger one. The weight within the shopping trolley will be measured using weights on an overhead pulley system placed above the desk. Introduction This experiment aims to determine the factors affecting the ease of pushing a trolley. A pupil encountered varying levels […]

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Coursework Force Mass
Physics Coursework: Data Analysis Essay Example
4082 words 15 pages

The experiment consisted of recording the results of a small toy car being allowed to roll down a ramp and then leave the end of the ramp by continuing straight off the drop from the end of the desk. I measured the ramp’s length, the height of the ramp, and the distance it covered horizontally. […]

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Classical Mechanics Coursework Force Mechanical Engineering
Coursework in litigation Essay Example
1452 words 6 pages

The claimant will be entitled to enforce the full mount of any judgment in respect of the in personae liability of the ship-owner. Where no such liability has been incurred, however, the judgment will still be limited to the value of the rest. ” Simon Vaughan, Shipping Law (4th Eden, Rutledge-Cavendish 2009), p. 383. Critically […]

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Common Law Coursework Justice
War coursework – Evaluation Essay Example
964 words 4 pages

In our war play we tell the story of how two families go to war over something small that soon becomes something big. In our play we had two families and the war began over one family owing another family money. We devised a play that showed in war there are no winners only losers. […]

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Coursework Fiction Narration
Wye Valley Coursework Essay Example
2886 words 11 pages

I visited Russell’s Inclosure. Located at 6110 on the OS map Wye Valley and Forest of Dean, Russell’s Inclosure is situated 80 – 120 metres above sea level, 4 kilometres east of Coleford, and 3/4 kilometres north east of Cinderford. A map displaying its location can be found below. The hypothesis proposes that the ecosystem […]

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Coursework Natural Environment Tree
Citizenship Coursework on ID cards Essay Example
533 words 2 pages

Recent news has sparked controversy regarding ID cards due to concerns and logistical issues. The public is divided on whether or not the implementation is a wise use of national funds. The negative feedback and points raised currently result in widespread opposition to the system. There are arguments for and against the usefulness of ID […]

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Citizenship Coursework Government Law
ICT Coursework Two – Database Project Essay Example
1284 words 5 pages

For this I will use a QWERTY keyboard for the manual input of data and the commands for the computer. I will need a mouse or trackball to design the database forms, to navigate the GUI of the OS and to move, copy and paste data. I will need to use a 31/2 inch floppy […]

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Computer Computer Science Coursework Information Age Information Technology
Media coursework component Essay Example
449 words 2 pages

For my media coursework, I have selected the Nestle smarties chocolate bar advertisement to scrutinize. The advert features bold and vibrant colors such as blue, yellow, red, white and black. These colors are strategically chosen to grab people’s attention and differentiate it from other advertisements. The font used for the advertisement is bold bubble writing […]

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Advertising Coursework Mass Media
Hamlet coursework Essay Example
1250 words 5 pages

“Hamlet, you have shattered my heart in two.” In most productions, Gertrude and Ophelia are portrayed as sympathetic victims of Hamlet’s cruelty. The closet scene or the nunnery scene can serve as a starting point to analyze the interaction between Hamlet and the female characters, focusing on the language used. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s portrayal […]

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Coursework Hamlet
Poetry Coursework Essay Example
1368 words 5 pages

Compare and contrast The Charge of the Light Brigade and The Destruction of Sennacherib. How do the poets use language devices to show their attitude towards war? The two poems that I’m going to be comparing are, The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron and Charge of the Light Brigade written by Alfred Lord Tennyson. […]

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Coursework Crimean War Literature Poetry
Current Transformers Coursework Essay Example
430 words 2 pages

The secondary resistance of a protective transformer is lower compared to that of a measuring transformer because measuring transformers are used to measure currents at normal operation, which typically flows small current in a small range of currents. On the other hand, protective transformers are used to measure currents at fault conditions, where the drawn […]

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Coursework Electricity Force
“Of Mice and Men” Summary and Character Analyis Essay Example
4484 words 17 pages

“Of Mice and Men” is a novel that serves as a protest during the great depression. This time period brings about poverty, desperation, and a haunting sense of loneliness even when surrounded by others (referred to as inescapable loneliness). Additionally, it explores the tendency for individuals to become cruel. Despite being categorized as a novelette, […]

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Coursework Of Mice And Men

Popular Questions About Coursework

What is prerequisite coursework?
Prerequisite Coursework. The BSHP is a junior-admitting, full-time clinical program. To be eligible for application to the Bachelor of Science in Health Professions (BSHP), students must complete all prerequisite courses and University of Minnesota Liberal Education (LE) requirements. Courses must be completed or in progress at time of application.
How to include relevant coursework on a resume?
You can add relevant coursework to your resume in several ways:Put relevant coursework on your resume in an additional line in your education section. List relevant coursework on your resume in bullet points to give it more prominence. Finally, use detailed bullet points to explain the relevance of coursework to the position.
What is coursework writing?
Coursework writing services is a process by which students are provided with coursework to complete for their undergraduate degrees . Coursework is often part of a student's college education and can take the form of an essay, research paper or even a lab report.
What is GCSE coursework?
English Coursework. Completing English coursework is a necessary part of various examinations in the UK in subjects such as English language and literature. These include General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSE), Advanced Subsidiary (AS) or Advanced (A) level.
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