Art essays seek to examine, reflect on, and analyze an artwork. These essays tend to be more persuasive than art criticism; the latter, for example, may provide a detailed description of the painting. Philosophy has often been concerned with defining beauty or authenticity in artworks. Today there are many online resources available to learn more about art history and theory. Some websites also offer Art essay examples for free. You can use the samples for inspiration. If you need help with your essays, the sites have professional writers that will help you craft an original essay that will get you the grade you desire.

When writing college essays about art, it is essential to be familiar with the field’s terminology. In addition, it would be better if you had a good understanding of the historical context in which the artwork was created. Finally, one of the most important aspects of writing the essay is to provide a clear and concise description of the artwork. It would help if you began by giving the title of the piece and the artist’s name. Next, describe what you see in the artwork.

Classical Societies Essay Example
978 words 4 pages

There is a tremendous amount of artwork from classical societies that still inspires artists and art enthusiasts today. Art can reveal an extensive amount of information regarding the culture of the society from which it was created. To analyze artwork in relation to the culture of the society, the artwork must be studied in a […]

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Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Art Roman Republic Rome Sculpture
Comparison of Three Sculptures Essay Example
512 words 2 pages

The major difference between the three David’s is obviously the periods in which they were carved. Michelangelo’s was during the Renaissance, Bernini’s is Baroque, and Donatello carved his David during the Gothic period. Michelangelo’s David is very large in size, over fourteen feet tall. This makes him seem to loom over his admirers, and makes […]

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Michelangelo Sculpture
Artist Intention vs Viewer Interpretation
869 words 4 pages

All art, whether it be sculptural, painting, drawing, photography, architectural, musical or literary, is made with intention. The artist themselves create their art with the intent purpose to evoke particular responses within their audiences. However, the idea that the artist’s intention automatically overrules and invalidates the viewer’s personal response is a topic that receives much […]

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Art Audience Emotions Sculpture Work
Art Timeline Essay Example
968 words 4 pages

This sculpture was one of Mene’s most famous pieces of art work. This sculpture was first put out for viewers to see in the Paris Salon in 1952. The public went nuts over this sculpture, later this sculpture was made in three different sizes. The sculpture in my presentation is the smallest one made and […]

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Animals Bear Design Pablo Picasso Painting Sculpture
Art Analysis: Statue of Venus, and Woman and Her Attendant Essay Example
598 words 3 pages

The two art works that Prn going to be talking about are Statue of Venus (the Mazarin Venus), and Gravestone with a Woman and Her Attendant. The Statue of Venus is from the Roman culture, it’s located in the room called The Art of the Trojan War. It’s located in the center of the room […]

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Sculpture Venus Woman
Andy Goldsworthy Essay Example
901 words 4 pages

Born in 1956, Andy Goldsworthy is an extraordinary environmental sculptor who creates art forms in the landscape through the use of natural surroundings. By incorporating various organic substances like twigs, leaves, stones, snow, and ice, along with artificial paints, cuttings, and holes, he experiments with different materials. As soon as he completes making each sculpture, […]

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Body Art Fashion Nature Sculpture
New art style in Florence Essay Example
1050 words 4 pages

During the Renaissance in Florence, art underwent a significant transformation from the styles of the Middle Ages. Renaissance artists viewed this period as a ‘dark age’ that separated the classical style they admired from the rebirth of art that the Renaissance encouraged. Florentine artists were motivated by new ideas based on classical artistic thinking, with […]

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Art Renaissance Sculpture
Antony Gormley – Testing a World View Essay Example
635 words 3 pages

The physical features of “Testing a World View” are that it’s a sculptural installation made of five identical iron figures bent at right angles. The sculptures are made from a cast made from the artist’s body. Gormley would have started by covering himself in mudrock, creating with these bases moulds within sand and finally casting […]

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Body Art Fashion Sculpture Sense Space Exploration
Traditional African Aesthetics: A Philosophical Perspective Essay Example
1669 words 7 pages

There is a distinct contrast between the appreciation of art in African culture and in Western society; the Western concern with the conservation, preservation and appreciation of art within a home, museum or gallery setting, compared to the African sub-cultural concept of its relative use in everyday life. This is perhaps the primary reasons that […]

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Aesthetics Perspective Philosophy Sculpture
The Four Davids Essay Example
979 words 4 pages

David was destined to be the 2nd male monarch of Israel. destroyed the Philistine elephantine Goliath with rock and a sling Donatello, Verrocchio. Michelangelo. and Bernini each designed a sculpture of David. However, the sculptures are drastically different from one another. Each one is alone in its ain certain manner. Donatello, whose David was the […]

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Body Art Design Fashion Law Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Monarch Painting Sculpture
History Of Painting And Mosaic Theology Religion Essay Example
1870 words 7 pages

The Bateman Amphora Lysippides Painter, a Greek black-figure terra cotta from around 530-520 BCE, signifies the start of our journey. Greek artists utilized different clay colors to create black- and red-figure paintings. Inside this vessel, we observe Dionysius, the popular Greek God of wine and revelry, accompanied by a satyr. On the opposite side, there […]

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God History Monotheism Painting Sculpture Theology
Andy Goldsworthy, John wolsely and Rosalie Gascoigne Essay Example
2507 words 10 pages

The three artists we have studied: Goldsworthy, Gascoigne, and Wolseley, are all modern-day environmental artists. Each artist has their own unique style and all of their works are environmentally friendly. Their creations challenge viewers’ imagination and are visually pleasing. John Wolseley has developed his understanding of the land and respect for it through his interactions […]

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Australia Design Indigenous Australians Nature Plant Sculpture
Visual Analysis of the Marble Statue of Aphrodite Essay Example
884 words 4 pages

Aphrodite statues were popular in Greece during the Hellenistic period. The marble Aphrodite of Knidos was the most celebrated among the many Grecian goddesses. Besides written as the Aphrodite of Cnidus. the marble sculpture was created by an Attic sculpturer known as Praxiteles during the fourth century BC. Arguably. it is believed to be the […]

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Design Fashion Sculpture
About The Man Depicted In The Bible David Essay Example
1017 words 4 pages

David, the man depicted in the Bible, is destined to become Israel’s second King. One of his renowned stories is when he defeated the Philistine giant, Goliath, using a sling and a stone. Numerous artists during the Renaissance created sculptures of this biblical figure. These artists – Donatello, Verrocchio, Michelangelo, and Bernini – all created […]

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Art College David Sculpture
Collectors And Admirers Of Greek Art Essay Example
878 words 4 pages

The Romans were known for their appreciation and collection of Greek artwork. Art from Greece was brought to Rome, copied, and also changed by the Romans, resulting in Roman art being somewhat influenced by Greek art. However, Roman art is not simply a continuation of Greek art, making it challenging for amateurs to distinguish between […]

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Art Roman Empire Sculpture
Michelangelo, Renaissance Man Essay Example
700 words 3 pages

Sculptor, painter, architect, Michelangelo was the greatest artist during the Italian Renaissance, a period known for its creative activity (Comptons’s, 1998). Michelangelo created many of the works of art that we think of when we think of the Renaissance. In a time where art flourished only with patronage, Michelangelo was caught between the conflicting powers […]

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Michelangelo Renaissance Sculpture
Aesthetics of the Age of Enlightenment Essay Example
33 words 1 page

The age of Enlightenment is characterized by the emergence of a value system that is based on reason, and it was a reaction against what was judged to be Church dogma.

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Aesthetics Age Of Enlightenment Sculpture
Da Vinci vs Michaelangelo Essay Example
305 words 2 pages

The Color Vision and Art (2006) Exhibit compared the artistic styles of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) and Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). Despite being considered the greatest painters of their time, they differed significantly in terms of color preferences and artistic techniques. Michelangelo’s artworks featured vibrant and contrasting colors, while da Vinci opted for more subdued and […]

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Color Contras Design Law Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Painting Sculpture
David: The Subject of Sculptures by Donatello and Michelangelo Essay Example
335 words 2 pages

Michelangelo’s statue of David is probably the most familiar sculpture in the world. It had long been thought of as the ideal physique of a young male. Donatello’s David is also a striking figure whose fame may not be as well known as Michelangelo’s, but is certainly known by many. Both of these fine artists […]

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Michelangelo Sculpture
Formal Analysis of Quetzalcoatl Sculpture Essay Example
1222 words 5 pages

Facing out into the eyes of museum-goers, the Aztec feathered serpent sculpture currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art dates from between fifteenth and early sixteenth century. Though the iconographic motif of the feathered serpent is a common and meaningful one in Aztec art, the formal elements of this piece communicate an equally […]

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Feather Sculpture
Ah Xian – Artist Essay Example
518 words 2 pages

Xian is regarded as one of the first contemporary artists of his time both in Australia and overseas Ah Xian grew up during the cultural revolution in china and was trained as an artist specialising in painting He came to Australia as a visiting student during the 1980’s at the University of Tasmanias school of […]

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Artist Sculpture
Art Analysis: Michelangelo’s “Pieta” and Constantin Brancusi’s “The Kiss” Essay Example
300 words 2 pages

The definition of sculpture is the art of making two or three dimensional representative or abstract forms. Just like carving wood or by casting metal or plaster. The qualities of a successful sculpture would have to have a well constructed figure and emotion behind the actual figure. My two artworks i chose to compare and […]

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Michelangelo Sculpture

Popular Questions About Art

What is your definition of art?
art, also called (to distinguish it from other art forms) visual art, a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. The term art encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and installation.
What are the 3 types of art?
There are countless forms of art. When it comes to visual arts, there are generally 3 types: decorative, commercial, and fine art. The broader definition of “the arts” covers everything from painting through theatre, music, architecture, and more.
What are the 5 types of art?
Traditional categories within the arts include literature (including poetry, drama, story, and so on), the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.), the graphic arts (painting, drawing, design, and other forms expressed on flat surfaces), the plastic arts (sculpture, modeling), the decorative arts (enamelwork, ...
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