Essays On Animal Testing
The use of animals can be helpful for activities like transportation and as pets, sports, recreation and companionship. In everyday life, we are all involved with animals in one way or another. Many of us have pets such as dogs and cats, others live on farms where they have cattle, horses and sheep. However, not all animals fit into these categories. There is another group of animals that we are not aware of. These are animals that are used to help save our lives through scientific research and testing purposes. Although many lifesaving drugs were invented through experiments that were run on animals, animal advocates think the scientific outcomes are inhumane to the animals going through these experiments.
Animal testing is when animals are used to test medications or to study the human body. Animal experiments are not the same as taking your dog or cat to the vet. Animals used for testing are harmed and are usually killed at the end of the experiment. Animal testing involves injecting medications in the animal which sometimes kills them. When animals are going through testing they take in toxic gas and sometimes die from exposure to radiation and chemicals (Animal Testing).
Animal testing for science experiments was used in the 17th century in the UK. Hervey was one of the most educated in his time. One of Hervey’s experiments tested many animal species aiming to demonstrate blood circulation. In 1876 the government passed the cruelty to Animals Act, the first legislation aimed directly at regulating animal experiments.
Galen a Greek physician who practiced medicine in Rome conducted animal experiments to understanding the of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology of the body. Ibn Zurh, an Arab physician in 12th century studied and learned in Moorish Spain and introduced and started animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before testing them on human patients (Animal Testing and Medicine).
In 2016, the US government statistics put the number of Labatory animals used in research for medicine at 820,813, a 7% rise from 2015. Researchers in the United States use approximately 12 to 27 million animals in research. For every animal used in experiments it is estimated that 14% or more are killed on our roads. The number of animals used in research has gone up with the advancement in medical technology. Every year, millions of experimental animals are used all over the world (US Statics).
In one study dogs had their pancreases removed by doing this it led to the discovery of insulin which is critical to saving the lives of diabetics. The polio vaccine performed on animals and this reduced the global outbreaks of this disease from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 27 cases in 2016. Animal research has also contributed to major advances in understanding and treating conditions such as brain injury, cystic fibrosis, malaria, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, and many other dieses in the development of pacemakers, cardiac valve substitutes, and anesthetics. Using animals for experimentation has led to the discovery of insulin and the polio vaccine also tested on animals is helping people from getting these diseases.
Animal testing isn’t all that bad as there are some good benefits. The use of animal testing has helped humans test and discover more and more new medicines. Humans and animals share hundreds of illnesses. Animals testing helps us fix and test new medications to help fight off disease. Dogs suffer from cancer, diabetes, ulcers and bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, which make them natural candidates for research. Cats suffer from some of the same defects as humans. In these cases, we can learn how disease affects the body, how the immune system responds and who will be affected by these dieses (Animal research info). New medicines require testing because researchers must ensure that the new medicine is safe to distribute out to the public (medical benefits).
There are some beneficial outcome of animal testing. In the 1940, penicillin was testing on animals. Eight mice were injected with a dose of 110 million streptococci bacteria. One hour later, four of other mice were injected with penicillin. The mice survived but the untreated ones died. Florey said, “It looks like a miracle”. The amount of penicillin needed to treat a human is 3000 times greater than for a mouse. Without this medication and animal testing, penicillin would not have been developed further. Penicillin has evolved by the ability to treat bacterial infection, which was one of the major causes of deaths in the US. This simple animal experiment has saved of millions of lives, both in humans and animals (medical benefits-penicillin).
Another benefit of animal testing is when the first successful blood transfusion happened. This idea was first performed on a dog by Richard Lower in 1666 and was perfected in dogs by 1907. Clotting was prevented by the adding in sodium citrate and citrated blood was shown to be safe for transfusion to dogs in 1914 (medical benefits) and another case is in 1915 a blood transfusion was tested on a dog since then blood transfusion have helped many people and is used after an injury, surgery and to treat cancers (medical benefits).
According to Humane Society, animal experiments are known to induce force feeding and a lack of food and water which also includes the infliction of burns and wounds to study the healing process of the human body. Animals are used to find new medications and are often put through painful situations to find a new cure to a new dieses (animal testing pro-con).
Millions of animals are used in resources or as research models every year, in testing and in universities and labs throughout the world. Mice, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, and pigs suffer from experiments in areas of biology, biochemistry, physiology. We inject them with viruses to alter their DNA, we submit them to starvation or electric shocks to test their resistance, burn them alive, apply solutions to their eyes and skin, we block their glands, force them to inhale toxic substances, submit them to radiation and extreme temperatures. *
Around the world researchers are finding new ways to replace animal testing. Researchers at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have recently built an organs-on-a-chip that models’ atherosclerosis (the constriction of blood vessels). This is one of the leading causes of heart attacks and strokes. In a recent study in bioengineering, researchers explain how the device can be used to study inflammatory responses in cells that line the vessel. This could not have been found in animal models using animal testing. This device could help researchers betÂter understand atherosclerosis and develop new treatments for both humans and animals (replace animal testing).
If it wasn’t for animal testing, we wouldn’t have discovered different types of medicine without using a human body. In fact, many of medical advances have come without the use of other animals and if researchers invested the resources into animal-free methods we might have advanced our medical cures at a much faster rate.
While the FDA now has a roadmap to end animal testÂing and is funding research on alternatives, there are still roadblocks to overcome. One important step toward imÂplementation is for the FDA to clearly communicate to the pharmaceutical industry that human-based test methods are accepted if sufficiently evaluated. The FDA and drug development holders have known that for more than 13 years approximately 92 percent of new medicines fail in humans after passing animal tests, but this hasn’t made any progress in modernizing its test methods. While the FDA has alternative for animal testing there are still some issues to get through like funding and also to talk to the pharmaceutical industry (replacing animal testing).
Besides the major concern of ethics, there are a few more disadvantages of animal experimentation because it is time consuming and there are protocols and high cost expenses. Various alternatives to animal testing are proposed to overcome the drawbacks associated with animal experiments and avoid unethical procedures. A strategy of 3 R’s (reduction, refinement and replacement) is being applied for laboratory use of animals. Different methods and alternative organisms are being applied to be in this strategy. These methods provide an alternative means for the drug and chemical testing. Animal testing can be very time consuming, expensive and unethical to find new medicines (alternative to animal testing).
Animal testing is very useful in developing medicine but there are many downsides to it. The information I just talked about will give a perspective on whether animals testing is useful or down right cruel. There are many benefits of using animals for testing new medicines. Some ways this technic is very useful, but it can be very cruel and inhumane to animals. In the reasons I explained animal testing has its benefits and its downsides but helps the human population survive and live a little bit longer in life enjoying the small things.
Animal testing is the act of using non-human animals for scientific experimentation, usually to ensure whether a product is safe for humans or not. However, animal testing is used worldwide, and its purpose ranges from guaranteeing the safety of domestic products to aiding medical research, particularly in the areas of biology and chemistry. This has […]
Should animal testing be legal or illegal? Animal testing in scientific labs can hurt the poor innocent creatures. I think that testing on animals should be illegal. I’m going to be telling you the different reasons why I prefer animal testing is illegal. “Animal testing is wrong and it is cruelty to animals. Each year […]
A highly debated argument in today’s society is animal research and testing. There is much controversy surrounding the issue not only within biology, but general ethics as well. Some people feel that animal research is ethical because it furthers human well-being, as well as provides mechanisms to cure disease. Other people, however, believe animal research […]
Jane Goodall’s “A Question of Ethics” is a rhetorical analysis that targets medical research labs over their use of animals. In testing new drugs and vaccines, animals including chimpanzees, dogs, cats, and rats are commonly used as subjects. Goodall expresses empathy and a sense of togetherness with these animals. She also raises concerns about the […]
The issue of animal testing is a globally disputed matter, in which animals are used for experiments and research purposes within laboratories. The aim is to enhance human life or establish potential risks associated with household and cosmetic products. Despite the possible advantages, a significant number of people oppose this practice as it entails ethical […]
The concept that we are all born with inherent rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is fundamental to our society, particularly to the ideas expressed in the United States Constitution. However, humanity thoughtlessly demeans this principle by denying that animals share these rights. Animals are just as entitled to the rights […]
The Americans for Medical Progress site highlights the advantages of animal testing through personal anecdotes illustrating the positive outcomes for both animals and humans. The initial presentation of the site effortlessly captivates with a header depicting a woman affectionately kissing a horse. Additionally, individual contributors have shared uplifting stories of how animal research has aided […]
According to Graft et al. (1), the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) has claimed that around 100 million animals worldwide are subjected to vivisection, which refers to performing experiments on living animals, every year. For centuries, researchers have conducted vivisection which dates back to the time of Romans. In earlier years, medical […]
Regardless of attempts to cut down or extinguish utilizing animate beings for proving intents for consumer merchandises. the pattern continues comparatively unabated. While the federal authorities does non necessitate carnal proving to guarantee that such merchandises as hair spray. toothpaste. and laundry detergent are safe for consumers. The companies such as Proctor and Gamble are […]
There is a heated debate surrounding the regulation of animal experimentation and the rights of animals. Experiments involving animals are common, ranging from testing new drugs to observing their reaction to various fabric softeners. Nonetheless, the ethical consequences of these practices continue to be examined closely. Every year, a significant amount of taxpayer money is […]
Various safety measures, including product testing, are employed by humans to ensure safety. Every year, cosmetics such as fragrances, toiletries, and cosmetics themselves undergo testing on animals. This has led to debates between animal rights activists and cosmetic manufacturers in the European Union Council of Ministers. The council aims to ban animal testing once viable […]
We, as humans, have made numerous advancements in the world. We have firmly established the scientific evolution, but in doing so, it seems that our ethics and morals have failed to progress as well. The knowledge we have acquired is remarkable, but with it comes responsibility to use it wisely and ethically. We torture and […]
One of the many issues of today’s conversations is still confusing on my understanding it. Is it ethical for people to engage in animal research for human excellence? And if so, just how far can animal research be taken to meet these achievements for human kind? When thinking about this, I would conclude that animals […]
The subsequent article is authored by PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals), a reputable source that supports animal rights. Although I strive to concisely present the information, my objective is to refrain from excessive elaboration. This article addresses the testing of cosmetics on animals, discussing the ethical implications and alternative methods for product […]
The welfare of animals is a much spoken about topic, especially as the animals cannot talk about it themselves. It can be seen that our society worries too much about the welfare of animals but does not take enough action to protect these animals. Animal testing is something that occurs frequently in our society. Many […]
The investigation of animals has a long history, which can be traced back to ancient Egypt in the 3rd Century B.C. as documented in ancient records. During this era, a philosopher scientist utilized animals as experimental subjects to investigate bodily functions. Over time, the use of animals for research has greatly expanded. Presently, research laboratories […]
“Each year in the United States, an estimated 70 million animals are maimed, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and otherwise hurt and killed in the name of science by private institutions, household product and cosmetics companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and scientific centers” (“Animal Testing Facts”). Products are tested on animals to ensure the […]
Animal testing became a vital feature of psychological research in the 1800’s, as it was more economic and quick way of testing hypothesis on living beings. Due to an increase in sometimes cruel animal research, in 1986 the BPS outlined the UK animals (scientific procedures) act. This act laid out measures to be considered when […]
Abstract There is no doubt that throughout the centuries, animals have played a central role in medical research in Malaysia. Many of the treatments available for serious illnesses we have today have come from animal experimentation. There has been recorded that the use of animals in research has been going on as far back as […]
Mark Twain dismissed the importance of profitability for humans in his opposition to vivisection and instead emphasized the suffering endured by non-consenting animals. According to Alex Gordon’s book “Animal rights: The argument of animal testing” published in 2005, Charles Darwin first utilized animal testing in 1859 to gain knowledge about the human body. Since then, […]
Animal testing is currently legal in 80% of the world; nearly 300,000 animals are killed in China alone. Only 5 countries within our nation have banned the testing and importation of any cosmetics products tested on animals. The closest law the U.S requires is The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011. This un-adopted law only encourages […]