The book Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration, by David Entwistle (2010), examines the potential links between psychology and Christianity. Entwistle discusses the idea of an ongoing clash between faith and reason, similar to Tertullian's portrayal of Athens as the domain of reason and Jerusalem as the realm of faith. This conflict is evident in the ongoing battle between science and religion (Entwistle, 2010).
Entwistle argues that the integration of psychology and Christianity can contribute to effective therapy. He proposes that the therapist can serve as a shepherd, guiding the client towards the goodness of God and introducing them to Christ as their savior.
The field of psychology aims to understand, portray, and assess human behavior. At the sa time, Christian theology seeks to grasp the idea of "what it means to be human" (Entwistle, 2010, p. 3). According to Entwistle (2010), integration between psychology and Christian theology is possible because God possesses all truth (p. 13). This means that psychology can utilize logic, precise measurements, and descriptive elements in its research thanks to God's creation.
Entwistle emphasizes the influence of worldviews on individuals' perceptions of their surroundings. While everyone seeks truth, their perspective is inevitably influenced by their own worldview. To gain a deeper understanding of these biases, individuals should reflect on their preconceived notions and how they affect their interpretation of the world and the Bible.
Entwistle (2010) proposed five models for integration, namely Enemies, Spies, Colonists, Neutral Parties, and Allies. In the Enemies model, individuals view science and Christianity as irreconcilable. The
either prioritize psychology and science over Christianity or dismiss psychology in favor of relying solely on the Bible for mental health information.
Spies, typically with a psychological background but not specifically adhering to Christianity, recognize the benefits of spirituality and religion for their clients without personally adopting these beliefs.
The colonists perceive psychology and theology as separate domains, unaffected by God's plan. They regard them merely as tools for assisting clients, without recognizing their correlation and the involvement of God. Conversely, they contend that psychology should be interpreted in accordance with Scripture (Entwistle, 2010, p. 189).
According to Entwistle (2010), the model fails to recognize the importance of an individual's interpretation and worldview, as it does not consider the potential for flawed interpretations. There are also advocates who support separating theology and psychology.
They understand the significance of both psychology and their beliefs about God, but they struggle to merge or link these isolated worlds together.
This compartmentalization results in confusion and a lack of understanding regarding the potential collaboration between theology and psychology. However, allies gradually grasp the concept that theology and psychology are interconnected. They come to understand that God's truth can be found in the Scriptures and His work can be observed in creation.
Entwistle (2010) states that psychology and theology both have their origins in God. He suggests the allies model, which recognizes that psychology and theology can provide insight into human behavior and have many areas of agreement (Entwistle, 2010, p. 206). However, Entwistle (2010) highlights the differences between these models in terms of the questions they ask and the assumptions they make.
Entwistle (2010) explains that our personal beliefs and initial perspective shape our comprehension of psychology and theology. To demonstrate this, he refers to a character named Mr. Pond in Chesterton's writings, who emphasizes the significance of starting with correct assumptions. This approach allows us to acquire precise responses and pose appropriate inquiries (p. 206).
Entwistle (2010) suggests that those who have a strong Christian faith will possess a distinct perception of human existence and its purpose, drawing from biblical teachings (p. 207).
While reading Entwistle's book, I reflected on my own life and realized how my worldview has influenced my perspective on life, just as Entwistle mentioned. Our worldview shapes our presuppositions and biases.
The book explored how my belief in God or the idea of spontaneous accidental creation influenced my perception of human existence and the beginnings of life. It also detailed how this affected my worldview and the significance of God in this change. Being raised by alcoholic parents in a non-religious setting during my formative years contributed to a negative perspective on life.
Growing up in my family, there were many secrets and feelings of shame and guilt. At first, I didn't believe in a higher power and saw the Bible as mere fictional stories. However, fueled by curiosity, I decided to explore its contents. Unfortunately, what I found was a depiction of God in the Old Testament that seemed vengeful and full of resentment. Influenced by my parents, I started using drugs at a young age and quickly became addicted. My entire purpose in life revolved around acquiring more drugs and staying constantly intoxicated. The scientific education I received
in school shaped my beliefs and perception of reality, ultimately leaving me spiritually empty.
In the past, I believed that humans and animals shared a similarity in the sense that both lived and died without any existence beyond. To me, there was no concept of heaven or hell; our time on earth represented everything. Once we passed away, our bodies would be buried and eventually decompose, putting an end to our lives. This perspective heavily influenced my worldview and how I perceived everything around me. However, my personal experiences brought about a significant change in my thinking. The overwhelming disorder in my life became intolerable, driving me to contemplate ending it all. It was during this dark moment that I realized I was ensnared by my addiction.
Seeking a deeper fulfillment, I began attending Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. Unlike other support groups, NA emphasized the idea of a Higher Power rather than God. I faithfully went to these meetings every evening for three months. Although my mind became clearer as I refrained from drugs, my life continued to feel void. Consequently, I sought assistance from both a therapist and a psychiatrist.
After being diagnosed with major depression, I received treatment that involved taking medication and attending therapy sessions on a weekly basis. While my depression did get better, I still experienced a sense of emptiness and had a negative perspective on life. However, when my friend from Narcotics Anonymous asked me to accompany her to church, I decided to go even though I initially had doubts because I cared about her.
As I stepped into the church, I was immediately welcomed
by vibrant music emanating from the drums, filling my chest with its powerful echoes. The congregation embraced me warmly and extended a friendly greeting, creating an atmosphere filled with pure joy.
Despite my initial skepticism about God's existence, entering the church filled me with a comforting warmth and a weightless feeling that made me feel as if I were floating. This experience unmistakably made me feel His presence, overwhelming me with acceptance and love and causing a significant change in how I saw things. It motivated me to actively pursue knowledge about God's teachings and the divine truth. As I acknowledged the chaos in my life despite therapy and medication, I realized that something more was needed. Ultimately, connecting with God gave me a deep sense of purpose.
Christ's sacrifice included forgiving all sins, including my own transgressions while I was under the influence of drugs. This forgiveness led to a significant change within me, eradicating any feelings of remorse or shame and replacing them with a renewed acceptance of revival. By fully surrendering myself to God, following Entwistle's guidance, I recognized how my previous beliefs had shaped my preconceived ideas, personal values, and accumulated knowledge. Through this connection with God, I found a renewed sense of meaning in life.
Throughout my journey, I have witnessed a deepening connection with God and a newfound purpose to guide others towards Him. My objective is to help them comprehend the profound truth that God is extraordinary. It has become evident that therapy alone would not have been enough without God's involvement in my life. True healing depends on spiritual revitalization led by God; without
it, psychological expertise would be futile.
What is crucial is my belief in God as the ultimate truth creator. It correlates with Entwistle's perspective on psychology having a portion of the puzzle, while God holds the overall balance.
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