The Blueprint for Personal & Professional Growth (BPPG) is designed to help individuals with development skills to become a leader, how to address strengths and weaknesses, and skills to help me achieve my personal and professional goals. Throughout this course, I learned how to individual and interpersonal behavior, working as a team, being diverse with other cultures, and how to make effective decisions to achieve goals in the organization.
Reflecting the skills and knowledge I learned I will discuss teaming and interpersonal relationships, leading people, personal leadership goals, and outreach to contacts that helped with relationship management. Part 1: Teaming and Interpersonal Relationships Reflecting throughout the Leading People course, I learned leadership concepts, leadership styles, working with other cultures, effective decision making, and teamwork. The purpose of leaders app
...lying motivation and coaching techniques is to get employees involved in their work and excited about working for the organization (DuBrin, 2013, p. 05).
Using recognition and career opportunities motivated me to work as a team player, a business professional, and going the extra mile to complete a task. According to DuBrin (2013, p. 312), the premise underlying goal theory is that behavior is regulated by values and goals and what you are trying to accomplish. Achieving goals and building relationships, it is important to have effective decision making to collaborate on ideas that can build on the vision and overcome risks impacting production and clients.
Participating in Team D, I learned how to understand and critically analyze the problem with Leslie’s organization and knowing the issues on why her team is not selling products effectively. Effective decision making is important for
the leader and their team to brainstorm on the issue, encourage productive dialogue, and promote a fair process when going over ideas and issues (Harvard manage mentor plus, 2013). According to Roberto & Garvin (2001), decision making is not an event and is a process that needs consideration at all levels and cover multiple scenarios such as politics, discussion, debate and support all persons involved.
In addition, it is important that each member of the team brings the innovative ideas and understanding of the problem with solutions for elaborative discussion. Consequently, ethics and decision making could impact company values, consumers, and personal judgment which arises problems with the vision of the organization. In addition, without a sensible vision, a transformation effort can easily dissolve into a list of confusing and incompatible projects that can take the organization in the wrong direction or nowhere at all (Kotter, 2007).
Part 2: Leading People As a leader it is important to know the vision of your organization and how your employees will use their skills to implement results with products and services. In addition, it is important to train and develop your employees, provided incentives, and has goals in place to successfully maintain customers and avoid risks within the organization. According to Olina, Durham, Kristof, Brown, Pierce, & Kunder (1998), a few outstanding organizations use training and development to sustain competitive advantage through continuous learning.
In addition, this article covers how traditional and development impacts organization, system, and the strategic leadership and planning processes of the business. This article is related to focus topic 3 because T&D systems were relegated to narrowly defined support roles,
where individuals were trained around current job-based deficiencies or predicted knowledge and skill needs (Olina, Durham, Kristof, Brown, Pierce, & Kunder, 1998). The role of Human Resource Management encounters major impact on all aspects of its operations, whether it is a large multinational conglomerate, a small firm, or a public agency (HR Wheel presentation, 2013).
Career development focuses on employee’s short term and long term goals within the organization and how to collaborate a plan that will motivate individuals to work hard. According to Pfeffer (2005), this article explains how achieving competitive success through people involves fundamentally altering how we think about the workforce and the employment relationship. Individual and organizational development works hand in hand because they provide skills, trainings, and other tools that will help improve overall performance.
To conclude, as a leader, using the HRM model, and including the T&D systems will effectively help my team produce and achieve goals within the organization with clients. Part 3: Personal Leadership Goals According to DuBrin (2013), a transformational leader is one who brings about positive, major changes in an organization. The theory that best describes my leadership would be transformational because I focus on developing my team and transforming in to future leaders to expand on the vision of the organization.
My leadership traits are I am fond of employing teamwork to accomplish my goals, use courtesy to my advantage, and assertive when necessary. In addition, I indulge my ingenuity to the point that my solutions are more clever than useful which increases my productivity and maintaining a steady pace. In contrast, my weaknesses are that I don’t display enough empathy
when expressing disapproval and need to think through my criticism before using it. For this reason, I fear failure which can take the form of falling short of a project’s goals or earning the disapproval of others and focus on the projects that matter the most.
To align people through successful communication, as a leader, your job is to motivate others to achieve your vision and be able to communicate your vision to a wide audience in a way that they can understand and relate to (Harvard manage mentor plus, 2013). In addition, to help motivate people without immobilizing them, create a safe organizational space in which the conflicts, emotions, and stresses related to the change associated with your vision can be worked out.
Personal goals I want to achieve are to gather the knowledge and skills necessary for me to become an effective manager throughout my program and career in management. To achieve this goal I will prepare a development plan that lists my strengths, weaknesses, and a road map of these skills to help me maintain integrity and also ethical towards my peers and colleagues. According to Iris Randall (1998), “there's more to the concept of vision than meets the eye, Vision isn't just about helping people see the 'big picture,'" says Lawrence R. Banks III, an East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania-based Amway distributor.
Part 4: Outreach Reflecting on the Keith Ferrazzi video, his relationship management program provides a way for you to plan and execute a savvy relationship strategy that allows you to maximize your efforts and reach levels of career success that you may feel is unattainable to achieve. According to
Ferrazzi (2013), relationship management (RM) is both a philosophy and a best practice that you can use to plan and to develop deep relationships.
According to DuBrin (2013), a broad purpose of leaders applying motivation and coaching techniques is to get employees involved in their work and excited about working for the organization. One method that effectively builds meaningful relationships would be leadership and employee engagement because engagement is reflected in employee willingness to stay with the firm and go beyond the call of duty (DuBrin, 2013). For example, business relationships are considered personal relationships and help build trust, encouragement, and develop teamwork for effective decision making.
Effective leaders are good coaches and effective motivators that enable motivators to act and build on their strengths to succeed in the organization (DuBrin, 2013). For example, being intimate deepens relationships, builds trust, and expresses goals that can help inspire those to genuinely believe they can achieve their personal aspirations and relate to you as a leader. As a coach, providing an individual with loads of useful knowledge and techniques are helpful but if the person is a procrastinator, he or she must reduce procrastination before time-management skills will help (DuBrin, 2013).
Throughout the Leading People course, I struggled a little with time-management with my job to where I was unable to reach my team in time to respond to give feedback to my portion of the assignment until late in the evening and missed out on opportunities to provide my input. Also, due to my professor’s time constraints sometimes I would have to reach out to classmates that may have similar questions about an
assignment and wasn’t sure what needed to be included and I would have to wait for a response.
Lastly, reaching out to my advisor for questions about my MBA program and having research the website and wasn’t clear on certain tasks or requirements for assignments in my courses. To avoid these barriers in the future I would make sure I email my professor, colleagues, and staff earlier enough to understand the task at hand to help me be successful and build relationships to where I feel comfortable asking questions. Using the intimacy and generosity pyramids, my relationship with my classmates did build throughout this course to help me with career opportunities and support for my goal.
Next, with my professor, both pyramids helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses as leader and starting my own business and how use the knowledge and skills to make effective decisions. My advisor helped me with resources outside of my course with the writing center and library and how to use these tools to build lasting relationships with peers and mentors to help me be successful as a leader and a graduate student.
To conclude, reflecting on all the tools and resources throughout my course has helped me work as a team and lead, make effective decisions, and work with diverse groups. Using recognition and career opportunities motivated me to work as a team player, a business professional, and going the extra mile to complete a task. Lastly, according to equity theory, employee satisfaction and motivation depend on how fairly the employees believe they are treated in comparison to peers (DuBrin, 2013, p. 318).
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