English IV 4.12 Proof or Satire Post-test – Flashcards

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Which line from the text best illustrates the "physical endurance" required for the Pony Express?
A time when overland travel was slow and cumbersome
Read these lines from the text: It had a brief existence of only sixteen months and was supplanted by the transcontinental telegraph. Yet it was of the greatest importance in binding the East and West together at a time when overland travel was slow and cumbersome, and when a great national crisis made the rapid communication of news between these sections an imperative necessity. Which of the following best summarizes the main message of this text?
The Pony Express was invaluable during the national crisis.
Which words from the text predict the nature of the coming Civil War?
Jeopardy, bitterly, crisis
Which phrase from the fourth paragraph best expresses its main point?
Its history should be an enduring tribute
Which of the following correctly explains the last paragraph of this excerpt?
The country had been divided for years, and the Civil War just made that clear.
Read this sentence from the text: For generations the two sections had been drifting apart. Since the middle of the seventeenth century, Mason and Dixon's line had been a line of real division separating two inherently distinct portions of the country. What is the main purpose of this section of text?
To restate the main idea of this section.
Read this line from the Pony Express excerpt: For many months, the gigantic struggle then imminent, had been painfully discernible to far-seeing men. Based on the context, which is a synonym for "imminent"?
Read this line from the Pony Express excerpt: Since the middle of the seventeenth century, Mason and Dixon's line had been a line of real division separating two inherently distinct portions of the country. What does the phrase "inherently distinct" mean?
Essentially different
Read the sentence from the Pony Express excerpt: The Pony Express was the first rapid transit and the first fast mail line across the continent from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast. How does this sentence function in the excerpt?
It states the main point and defines the subject.
Read this sentence from the text: And this great crisis was only the bursting into flame of many smaller fires that had long been smoldering. What is the author suggesting in using the metaphor of fire?
The destruction of war
Read this sentence from the text: The operation of the Pony Express was a supreme achievement of physical endurance on the part of man and his ever faithful companion, the horse. Which word from this text best conveys the author's view of the role of the horse?
Read the sentence below and answer the following question: The weather reporter told viewers to expect some rain during the tropical storm. This sentence is an example of which of the following?
Read the sentence below and answer the following question: If that was just a quiz, then the six chapters of European history it covered were just postcards from someone's summer vacation. Which answer best identifies the figurative language used in this sentence?
It uses sarcasm to explain how hard the quiz was.
Read this sentence and answer the question below: Jay Gatsby's tricked-out lifestyle comes at a terrible cost; he loses his principals, Daisy, and then his life. What word, if substituted for tricked-out, would best elevate the sentence to a formal tone?
Read the sentence and answer the following question: I learned things during your talk yesterday that I will be using in my upcoming research project. Which word should be replaced with something more precise?
Read the sentence and answer the following question: I'm all about using the latest social media to further the goals of scientific inquiry. Which change would make this sentence more precise?
Change all about to interested in.
Which of the following is appropriate for a formal audience?
Please call or email me if you would like to discuss this.
Which question would help improve the development of ideas in an essay?
What is the main point of each paragraph?
The House of the Seven Gables, an excerpt By Nathaniel HawthorneThus the great house was built. Familiar as it stands in the writer's recollection,-for it has been an object of curiosity with him from boyhood, both as a specimen of the best and stateliest architecture of a longpast epoch, and as the scene of events more full of human interest, perhaps, than those of a gray feudal castle,-familiar as it stands, in its rusty old age, it is therefore only the more difficult to imagine the bright novelty with which it first caught the sunshine. Which aspects of the house are most important to the writer mentioned in the text?
Its structure and social history
Federalist No. 3 The Same Subject Continued: Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and InfluenceFor the Independent Journal. Author: John Jay To the People of the State of New York: IT IS not a new observation that the people of any country (if, like the Americans, intelligent and well informed) seldom adopt and steadily persevere for many years in an erroneous opinion respecting their interests. That consideration naturally tends to create great respect for the high opinion which the people of America have so long and uniformly entertained of the importance of their continuing firmly united under one federal government, vested with sufficient powers for all general and national purposes. What does the author suggest that intelligent people tend to avoid?
Ideas that do not help them
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