Computer Literacy Seminar conducted at Brgy Essay Example
To assess the computer literacy knowledge of Bargain Cannibal staff, the project team created a pre-survey evaluation form. The results will be analyzed and used as a basis for designing the seminar module. Appendix L contains the pre-survey form. Additionally, a work breakdown structure has been established to monitor the progress of the project team. Each member is assigned a task during team meetings, which is outlined in minutes found in Appendices B to H.
The team composition is as follows: Santa Perry is responsible for place/venue and stakeholder coordination, Ernie Dennis Corpus is in charge of documentation, and Santa Perry (back-up) will handle modules preparation and lecturer initiation. Although each team member is primarily assigned to a specific role, other members can also assist, suggest, and challenge to improve the project plan during the review process. To determine if t
...he project is falling behind schedule, work progress will be measured.
Furthermore, the team will develop a change management plan and conduct risk assessments to anticipate potential issues and prepare for unforeseen events during the project's duration.
The quality of the project will be assessed through a post-evaluation survey completed by participants after the seminar. Please see Appendix M for the post evaluation survey form.
The scope of the Computer Literacy Seminar, called Project Scope Digitized, has been developed and will be implemented for Bargain Cannibal. The group has also identified limitations for the program based on our budget, equipment control after turnover, and participants' understanding and ongoing education about the seminar topics.
A. Scope of Computer Literacy Seminar:
1. The seminar aims to provide Bargain Cannibal officials in Banana, Laguna with a basic understandin
of computer literacy based on the Module designed using pre-survey evaluation data. The focus will be on Microsoft Office, Internet Navigation, and basic computer knowledge.
2. The seminar will be conducted in a conventional/interactive format, allowing participants to have a hands-on experience with the discussed topics.
3. Digitized will donate one computer set to Bargain Cannibal, including licensed Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Office, Excel, and Powering.
4. Participants will receive high-quality hand-outs during the seminar.
5. In order to reach a wider audience, the Module used in the seminar will be uploaded to Slideshows and Backbone platforms.The participants will complete a post-evaluation survey after the seminar to provide feedback on the conducted activity.
1. Internet connection and printer set are not included in the donation package. The Bargain Hall will secure these peripherals.
2. Digitized will not be responsible for the installation of unlicensed software after the computer is turned over. Virus threats will be at the user's discretion.
3. Digitized will no longer supervise the knowledge progression of stakeholders after the seminar.
4. The project team will not be responsible for revising outdated hand-outs used in the seminar.
5. Digitized group will not be liable if participants train others and there are confusions caused by their training.
6. The status and usage of donated computers will be decided by Bargain officials after the turn-over.
7. Recipient Bargain will be responsible for computer maintenance.
Creation and completion of the work breakdown structure is a prerequisite for determining the milestone of our project, Computer Literacy Seminar. We have chosen significant and major activities as milestones for our project.When the team achieved a milestone within the set timeframe, it served as a source of inspiration and motivation
for tackling the challenging task at hand. This also allowed us to work together harmoniously in order to ensure that the next milestone would also be accomplished punctually. Milestones can be defined by specific tasks, events, or decisions, or as a cumulative point in time resulting from specific tasks, events, and/or decisions. Project milestones typically consist of highly significant tasks, events, or decisions, a significant checkpoint or phase in the project lifecycle, a specified "percent complete," completion of one or more deliverables, specified usage of resources or budget, or any unique significant circumstance pertaining to the given project. We evaluate milestones based on their importance within the work breakdown structure and their contribution to the overall project execution. In situations where one or more milestones are expected to be missed, the objective is to minimize negative consequences while prioritizing any previously approved fast track goals. The appropriate response to missed (or about to be missed) milestones should be determined based on the circumstances, capabilities, and fast track priorities. Regardless of the chosen response, effective communication is crucial.To minimize negative perceptions, establish realistic expectations, and obtain important feedback, stakeholders must be kept fully informed. Milestone Q and A is a helpful tool in achieving these goals. Milestone 1 determines the importance of a task, decision, or event to the overall project execution. Milestone 2 signifies high importance. The likely impact of not meeting a task, decision, or event on time or as needed is assessed in Milestone 3. A serious impact is indicated. Milestone 3 also considers if the task, decision, or event can be used as an indicator of project success. Incorporating milestones in the
project helps the team stay focused on key dates and deadlines as well as monitor major deliverables. Non-compliance or delays in one activity can greatly affect the next activity, especially if it is a prerequisite. It is essential for team members to coordinate if there are any delays on their assigned activity so that the work plan can be adjusted to meet deadlines. Changes in delivery dates and support needed to complete tasks should be agreed upon by the majority of members. Appendix K provides a list of project milestones. Project milestones serve as management benchmarks and help quantify progress.Milestones are crucial in measuring progress and should be defined before starting costly work. They provide direction and ensure projects proceed in an orderly fashion. While the definition of a milestone may vary, it is generally based on significance, impact, and value as a predictive indicator.
The work breakdown structure (WEBS) for Digitized Group consists of three stages: Brainstorming and Preparation Stage, Implementation Stage, and Final Documentation and Presentation Stage. The project began on August 2, 2014, and is expected to be completed on September 27, 2014. The group meets every Saturday at specified dates and times to discuss the project's direction and progress.
Due to time constraints, 'Digitized Group' primarily communicates via email for collaborative input and project improvement. Appendix A provides the Work Breakdown Structure for the Computer Literacy Seminar. Throughout the project, knowledge mapping and basic management principles (planning, leading, organizing, and controlling) will be implemented. Appendix J contains the Work Estimates illustrating the gap analysis of the project. The Change Management Plan outlines how proposed changes will be accepted, managed, controlled, and
The control of change originates from various aspects such as the project scope, approach, work breakdown structure, cost and quality baselines, and other requirements. Changes to specific activities directly impact resources, including time duration and budget allocation. Therefore, proper justification must be provided for any proposed changes. Additionally, any project team member can propose a change that they believe will benefit the project.
In order to monitor changes, proper documentation will be maintained. Approval of changes within our project will be determined by the consensus of the majority of team members involved.
Please refer to Appendix Q for the revisions made for the project. The Purpose of Communication Planning serves as a guide for each team member to communicate throughout the project's duration. It is essential to disseminate knowledge about the project for its success. This section defines project structures and methods of collecting and sharing information regarding project progress. It also outlines the necessary understanding among the project team regarding actions that require immediate attention for smooth linkages among concepts, ideas, and other related information crucial for project success.
A baseline communication policy is necessary to mitigate risks and ensure access to necessary resources and coordination among team members and stakeholders. Communication planning identifies the distribution of information, its frequency, recipients, and senders. Modes of communication may include phone calls, emails, SMS (short message service), and face-to-face meetings.
Insufficient communication planning poses a risk of project collapse as it leads to limited or no coordination regarding the project's direction or progress.The team's confidence and motivation will be high if they work cohesively towards the goal of "ONE". (refer to Appendix I for contact details
and communication types used by the project team.) Communication between stakeholders and the project team is essential for cooperation, participation, coordination, and understanding. The project team needs to inform stakeholders about the goals and objectives of the project. (Brief description of stakeholders' involvement in the project: The goal is to inform Bargain Cannibal of Banana, Laguna stakeholders about the benefits of the campaign introduced by IMAM MBA students on Project Management. They should participate in communications feedback to bring closure to the project. The objective is to promote stakeholders' participation in the Computer Literacy Campaign at their Bargain on a specific date and time. This includes ensuring cooperation among Bargain captains to support the project's success by allowing Bargain official members to attend the upcoming seminar.) This section defines the communication activities used throughout the project's duration.At the start of the project, each member has been assigned tasks which they are responsible for monitoring and progressing. Communication regarding these tasks can be done through phone calls, SMS messages, and email. The project team also utilizes a cascading communication approach to ensure messaging is aligned and leverage existing communications.
The Risk Management Plan involves identifying and analyzing risks in a random brainstorming fashion. However, this approach can be detrimental to the project's success as unexpected risks may arise without prior assessment or planning. It is crucial during the preparation and planning stage to identify, categorize, and evaluate potential risks. Instead of evaluating each risk individually and randomly, it is more effective to group them into categories. Categories can be predetermined or identified by drawing up a list, allowing for discussion and agreement on common influences, factors, potential
impacts, and preventive or corrective actions.
Categorizing risks provides a systematic approach to identification, increasing awareness, understanding, and enabling appropriate action. Risks will also be categorized based on severity and certainty of occurrence.Our team has evaluated various issues pertaining to oarsmen on our project, as outlined in Appendix N. Cost management is the practice of planning and supervising the budget of a business.
Cost management is a type of management accounting that enables a business to anticipate forthcoming expenses in order to reduce the likelihood of exceeding the budget. The team has established a cost target for each item that needs to be procured throughout the project's duration. These cost projections are based on the average industry price. Additionally, a 15% budget allowance has been factored in, taking into account a +/- 15% margin of error in relation to our projected market prices. Please refer to Appendix O for our project's Cost Management Plan.
As part of our planning process, we have created two types of cost projections: target cost and budget cost plan. These will be later compared to the actual cost at which the items are acquired. A summary of the cost analysis from the budget plan can be found in Appendix P. In conclusion, our team has successfully managed the project's cost budgeting as we have not exceeded our allotted funds. Quality Management Plan and Baseline In the planning phase of our project, our team has discussed the criteria that must be met throughout the project's duration in order to achieve high quality standards. All of these standards must be satisfied to fulfill the project's quality requirements.The seminar must
be conducted by an expert IT in order for them to fully explain all the necessary ideas to the participants. The trainer must receive the pre-evaluation survey results in order to align the topics with the participants' current computer literacy knowledge. The overall concept of the seminar must be accepted by at least 80% of the participants for the group to consider it a success. A post evaluation survey will be conducted after the seminar, and the table below will indicate the group's success.
TRAINING SUCCESS BASELINE OF Digitized RATINGS Response Rate based on the ratings below Excellent Very Good Good Poor Outstanding Above Average 60% 40% Average Fate poor Needs Improvement 20% 20% 30% 30%
Based on the projected budget, the group has estimated a 15% margin of error. COST/BUDGET SUCCESS BASELINE OF Digitized RATINGS Budget Remarks %Savings and or Over budget ( Actual vs.Target) ;10% Outstanding Within the budget * Above Average Within the budget * Average Within the budget * Fair Over budget * Poor Over budget * Needs Improvement Over budget *
The group must adhere to the allotted time frame for the project.The project had a duration of 6-10 days. There were no days of extension. The success baseline for digitized ratings was outstanding. The average rating was fair, but with a time extension. The poor rating indicated that the project went over budget.
According to the post survey results in Appendix S, the seminar conducted by the group was considered excellent by 84% of the 25 respondents. Additionally, 16% responded that the group did a very good job overall.
During the seminar, the group worked quietly together, supporting each other to meet and exceed
expectations. Each member had their own responsibilities, resulting in a smooth flow observed by participants. The post survey feedback showed that 100% of respondents judged the training organization, quality hand-outs, and pacing of the seminar as excellent. The trainer's performance was also rated as excellent by 80% of respondents.
All respondents agreed that they learned something new from the seminar and would apply it to their job performance. They were also willing to recommend this type of training to others for improved computer literacy skills.The seminar participants were out of control because the Bargain officials were busy with their tasks. However, they still helped by gathering students near the Bargain Hall to continue the seminar. Furthermore, the Bargain officials even sent their children to the seminar to expand their knowledge. The artisans in attendance ranged from 10 to 25 years old. It was observed that although they had computer knowledge, they were not proficient in applying it to applications. A question and answer session was conducted before the seminar to ensure that the re-engineered and back-up presentations aligned with the knowledge of the speakers/lecturers.
In conclusion, despite a sudden change in the audience, the seminar on Computer Literacy conducted by the 'Digitized group in Bargain Cannibal, Banana, Laguna was still considered successful. The group successfully met all 10 items of the post-survey feedback, with at least 70% of the 25 respondents rating it as excellent and no responses in the good or poor categories. The cost/budget plan achieved a 2.8% saving compared to the target cost, and there were no time extensions as the project was completed within the allotted timeframe.The project's broader perspective can be
accessed through Slideshows and Backbone in Appendix T. Additionally, the IMAM library has downloaded it on Google Drive for convenient student reference. The Bargain Council of Cannibal, Banana, Laguna has expressed a positive response to our seminar in their region. Appendix U contains a thank-you letter that has been sent to the group.
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