Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. Chose this question not only to expound on my beliefs and explain more about who am, but also due to the relevance this event has to my choosing of my major in this college. This event was the result of my own self will and an exercise in a newfound Independence in thought I have developed In recent years.
This event Is layered with story of determination, rebellion, and hopes with a sprinkle of soul searching Just to round things out.
Not only that but this story and decision has and more than likely will continue to change my future. My story starts within my younger years In middle scho
...ol In which at this age I was still quite Impressionable and due to the circumstances I'd put myself In, I felt the sky was the limit.
I was tearing it up at the time as my academic achievements lit up those years of my life as I stayed firmly in the 1st Honors Roll, held school records in eating, winning the science far, along with my mind simply brimming with Intelligence that and still continues to awe peers and even those higher up than me. But back to being impressionable was what lead me to seek to initially choose to cast aside other seemingly frivolous and ignorant career paths which blinded me.
I sought this path due to it being the path both my brother and father had taken first in college so I was determined with all my greatness to d
that at the urging of family with the hopes I'd fulfill a dream they'd laid out for me. However upon reaching highlights and falling into a mental rut I soon began to become more humble and take my life into perspective myself and began to realize that I should broaden my horizons.
I began deepening my searches Into other fields of study that aligned with my interests in sketches and drawings along with my preset interest in engineering. However as moved on and on I began to distance to myself from the brainwashing and my big event came while I was attended a college tour for a program during which as asked by an administrator the the simple question of did I want to be an engineer and why to which I said yes but I wasn't able to formulate a reason as to why.
At that moment I knew that had made my own choice.
I then took control of my destiny and tore asunder the shackles placed upon my future and decided for myself what I would do. That's why I chose Game Art design as my first major due to It combining my true loves for games and art which is what I know makes me, myself, and I happy. That is when I walked Into maturity, when despite what I'd been intentioned to think I wanted to do, I chose for myself what makes me happy and what I will strive at and do for my career.
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