Cincinnati Gorilla Rhetoric Essay Example
Cincinnati Gorilla Rhetoric Essay Example

Cincinnati Gorilla Rhetoric Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (591 words)
  • Published: January 21, 2022
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The incident at the Cincinnati Zoo involving a gorilla has brought attention to the impact of parental decisions on animal rights, highlighting the consequences of both parenting choices and the zoo's actions. This controversial case prompts us to reflect on the responsibilities of mothers and their broader role in parenting, while also raising concerns about how law enforcement promotes coexistence between humans and animals. Despite arguments for alternative non-lethal methods, it was considered necessary to kill the gorilla for safety reasons.

The experts argue that attempting to use tranquilizers instead of shooting the innocent animal proved to be ineffective. The zoo management firmly expressed their belief in the chosen course of action. This choice to euthanize a vulnerable animal, which had been kept captive and deprived of its natural environment, raises inquiries about the level of human compassion tow


ards animal well-being.

The incident in Cincinnati has sparked a contentious debate over the decision to cage the animal, which ultimately resulted in its death due to irresponsible human behavior. Confining the animal is seen as cruel, but opinions differ when a child enters the enclosure and unintentionally causes the animal's demise, raising questions about parental responsibilities. This incident raises concerns about the mother's role as a parent, with some arguing that she should be held accountable for her actions. To protect the child's life, authorities deemed it necessary to shoot the animal, an action supported by conservative officials. The discussions surrounding parental responsibility ultimately lead to questioning the actions of the child's mother. It is important to note that this gorilla recently had its birthday and since zoo management had taken all necessary safety precautions, certain individual

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believe that responsibility lies with the child's mother.

Society holds both the zoo and the child's mother responsible for the incident involving a child found in a cage. However, it is clear that the gorilla named "Harambee" had already faced numerous challenges due to human negligence, which ultimately resulted in its death. Due to someone's lack of attention, this endangered species lost its life. Despite being confined for human entertainment, Harambee had to pay the ultimate price, indicating that the mother caused trouble for the innocent gorilla. The concerns raised by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) organization regarding creating barriers between animals and human interactions may seem extreme. Nevertheless, in this case, it is not shortcomings in enclosure techniques provided for Harambee but rather the mother's lack of responsibility that is at fault.

Considering the circumstances in Cincinnati, it seems suitable to initiate a negligence lawsuit against the mother for multiple reasons. If alternative tranquilizer techniques that were either ineffective or jeopardized the child's life had been used by the response department, they might be considered negligent and could encounter legal consequences. Nonetheless, law enforcement may opt not to pursue legal actions in order to prioritize the well-being of both the child and mother, as well as for society's greater benefit. In my view, all individuals involved in this incident, including fellow zoo visitors, had an obligation to watch out for each other.

In spite of human fallibility and the possibility of unforeseen circumstances, it is imperative to give top priority to the safety and welfare of children in a distinct setting. The entire society would gain from legal intervention if necessary, with the

mother receiving assistance in parenting rather than facing legal consequences. This aid would enable her to fulfill her responsibilities in constructing a brighter future for society.

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