Chapter 16: Social media – Flashcards
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traits of user generated content
1) published on a publicly accessible site or networking site so not just email. 2) significant creative effort, not just reposting. 3) consumer generated without a commercial market in mind.
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defining social media
bundle of technological and social interaction to create value. online media of users having comments, photos and videos. typically feedback to identify "popular topics.'
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classifying social media
Media Richness: degree of audio, visual and personal contact of two communicating partners. the higher this is along with quality the greater the influence on behavior. Self-disclosure: based on all users wanting to leave a positive message. affected by level of revealing personal thoughts, feelings and likes.
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comparing social and traditional media
1) Ability to reach large and niche markets: both can do it but execution hard. 2) Expense and access: traditional is expensive and limited access. social is accessible nearly everywhere. 3) training and people involved: skilled teams for traditional but anyone can post online. 4) time to delivery: traditional has a lot of lags. 5) credibility and authority: can't really be proven an "expert" on social media.
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Facebook: an overview
this is a website where users may create a personal profile, add others as friends and exchange comments, photos, videos and likes. allows updates on life. groups.
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Facebook: brand strategy
pages are designed to allow brand managers to generate awareness. allows promotion separate from profiles. cataloged so easier to get feedback. can use paid ads to increase page traffic. hard to know the level of response to a post.
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Strategies of using Facebook
1) make it familiar but with a twist: link to point of purchase. 2) keep it fresh: post frequently to stay relevant. 3) get users engaged and guide content: polls, surveys etc. believed to allow loyal customers to share opinions.
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Twitter: an overview
this is a website that enables users to send and receive messages up to 140 characters. based on followers. quick and to the point. allows real-time promotion and listen to what people are saying.
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twitter: brand strategy
these allow you to talk about your brand cheaply. can see good and bad reactions. generate buzz. follow profile and can respond to negative reactions to improve them.
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LinkedIn: an overview
a business oriented site that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of business people. good for job searches.
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LinkedIn: tips
1) focus profile to ensure completeness: who are you professionally, who can you help, how will you help them? 2) brand self as an expert with answers to relevant questions to show your abilities.
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LinkedIn: brand strategy
subtle. B2B image building and industry related groups. find sale leads and vendors to organize focus groups. denotes expertise.
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YouTube: an overview
a video sharing website in which users can upload, distribute, view, and connect on videos. mostly amateurs. owned by google.
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YouTube: tips
1) make a branded channel rich in key words to improve odds of video appearing in searches. 2) use YouTube insights and analytic research to target views based on number of views.
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YouTube: brand strategy
videos allow explanations of complex products and google search links you to it right away. cheap. can "buy" words to influence the search
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Traditional media strategies
uses one-way communication from the sender to the receiver. hopes purchases will be made. there may be some word of mouth from "passive receivers" but mostly communication ends with the end users.
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social media strategies
tries to ensure message does not end with individual receiver. reach active receivers who will be influences and delighted by ads. hopes they will become evangelists who will share the message.
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fan source
ad viewers that are directed to our product from a friend are considered more desirable then viewers who came because of an ad.
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selecting your social network
based on daily visitors to the site and the characteristic of the visitors.
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audience data from networks
many services provide profile data for social networks. often includes demographics. shows mostly female college students.
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common manager media decisions
brand managers often need to compose an ads title, copy, image and specify the web address the ad should link to. linked to media sites to increase awareness or link to coupon to increase chance of purchase.
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cost per thousand
CPM. the cost to the advertisers is some rate per thousand times an ad is loaded. provided by small websites that sell ads directly. good for awareness. simple to use but impressions don't always lead to sales. input linked review
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cost per click
CPC. cost to advertisers is some rate for every visitor who clicks on this ad and goes from your site to mine. most sites use this often by a third party. used by those who want to pay for success but may not be able to track on sales via ad. only pays for visitors interested in ad but may not even be displayed. input linked review
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cost per action
CPA. Cost to advertiser is a rate for every purchase that originated from an ad. done by third parties. sophisticated advertisers who want to pay use it. only pay for what works. harder to track then CPC and more expensive. input linked review
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output media measures
fans: # people opted into a brand message. share of voice: brands share of online chatter for the category. page views: number of times pages loaded over a horizon. visitors or unique visitors: total who see, and total newbies that see over a period. average page views per visitor: pretty straight-forward. interaction rate: number of users who interacted divided by number of times seen the post. click through rate.
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specialized focus for other media
social media allows communities to form around ideas and commonalities. physical location does not matter. larger may not be so good for buying. for example pininterest is smaller but effective.
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Social media lessons to brand managers
1) don't respond aggressively: respond with transparency and an approachable tone. 2) communicate with key influencers about the companies concerns. 3) communicate with frequency.
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smart system
computer based network that triggers actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world.
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convergence of real and digital world
best seen as converting real world decisions or personal characteristics into a digital format. due to proliferation of phones, tablets, sensors, SIT tags, databases, alogrithms and apps.
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small downloadable software that runs on phones and tablets. super high competitive intensity so life cycle is really short.
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mobile marketing
any market action conducted through several internet networks to which anyone is continually connected too. point of difference is users empowered by connectivity.
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three mail mobile marketings
1) price comparison searches: scan bar codes and search stores. 2) location based-promotions: GPS for location check-ins to receive discounts. 3) loyalty programs: win points by clicking stores then get a discount.
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expected trends of media
1) new ways to personalize connections. 2) increase number of purchases made with a for phone linked credit card. 3) more focus on networked communications, loyal users and groups with common interests. 4) more emphasis on measuring the marketing return on investment for social efforts.
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