Chapter 14: Using Visual Aids – Flashcards

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Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of using visual aids in a public speech?
a. Using visual aids enhances the clarity of the speaker's message. b. Using visual aids reduces the need for eye contact with the audience. c. Using visual aids can help combat the speaker's stage fright. d. all of the above e. a and c only
According to your textbook, which of the following is an advantage of using visual aids in a speech?
a. Using visual aids can increase the clarity of a speaker's message. b. Using visual aids can increase the audience's retention of a speaker's message. c. Using visual aids can increase the persuasiveness of a speaker's message. d. all of the above e. a and b only
Visual aids can be very useful to a speaker because they
a. often take the place of statistics. b. enhance the clarity of a speaker's ideas. c. can be passed among members of the audience. d. do not require a great deal of explanation. e. all of the above.
Visual aids are often helpful to a speaker because they can
a. enhance the clarity of a speaker's ideas. b. make information more interesting to listeners. c. help listeners retain a speaker's ideas. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
If the object you want to use as a visual aid is not available, the next best option ideally is a
a. model. b. chart. c. slide. d. photograph. e. drawing.
As your textbook explains, if you plan to use a photograph as a visual aid in a speech, you should usually
a. display the photograph with PowerPoint. b. pass the photograph among the audience so everyone can look at it. c. use a photograph in an oversize book and hold it where it can be seen. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
__________ are especially valuable for showing an audience statistical trends and patterns.
a. Models b. Diagrams c. Transparencies d. Blueprints e. Graphs
If you were discussing statistical trends in a speech, what kind of visual aid would probably work best to clarify the trends for listeners?
a. a chart b. a map c. a diagram d. a graph e. a model
A __________ graph is best suited for showing changes in statistics over time or space.
a. pie b. line c. distributive d. parallel e. ratio
If you wanted to compare the changes over the last 10 years in the number of people who get their news from newspapers and the number of people who get their news from the Internet, the best kind of visual aid would probably be a
a. pie graph. b. diagram. c. chart. d. line graph. e. wave graph.
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to illustrate the rising cost of a college degree?
a. a line graph b. a chart c. a diagram d. a bar graph e. a pie graph
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to show changes in the homicide rate in Washington, D.C., over the past twenty years?
a. a diagram b. a line graph c. a chart d. a bar graph e. a pie graph
A __________ graph is best suited for illustrating simple distribution patterns.
a. pie b. line c. parallel d. ratio e. bar
A __________ graph is best suited for illustrating the relationship among parts of a whole.
a. parallel b. ratio c. bar d. pie e. line
While working on his speech, Lebron decided to use a visual showing the proportions of the U.S. federal budget spent in four major areas—defense, entitlement programs, nonentitlement programs, and miscellaneous spending. What type of visual aid should he use?
a. a pictogram b. a line graph c. an illustration d. a photograph e. a pie graph
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to show the proportion of deaths last year that resulted from accidents, illnesses, natural causes, and homicides?
a. a line graph b. a chart c. a photograph d. a pie graph e. a diagram
Which of the following would probably be the best visual aid to demonstrate the distribution of grades for a class?
a. a pie graph b. a quota graph c. a longitudinal graph d. a partition graph e. a line graph
A __________ graph is best suited for showing comparisons between two or more items.
a. picture b. parallel c. distributive d. ratio e. bar
If you wanted to demonstrate the comparative spending of the United States and Canada on four different kinds of social services, which type of visual aid would be most effective?
a. a bar graph b. a drawing c. a line graph d. a chart e. a pie graph
If you wanted to compare the number of men and the number of women who earned bachelor's degrees in engineering, science, and the humanities in 2010, you would probably use a
a. parallel graph. b. drawing. c. ratio graph. d. bar graph. e. pictogram.
If you wanted to compare the current infant mortality rate, average lifespan, and cost of living in the United States and Denmark, which type of visual aid should you probably use?
a. a ratio graph b. a chart c. a bar graph d. a drawing e. a line graph
A(n) __________ is a visual aid that summarizes a large block of information, usually in list form.
a. diagram b. chart c. pictogram d. illustration e. graph
According to your textbook, charts are especially useful as visual aids when a speaker needs to
a. summarize the steps in a process. b. illustrate changes in statistics over time. c. include more categories than can be presented in a pie or bar graph. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
While working on her speech, Xiu decided to use a visual aid summarizing the steps in applying for a visa to study in the United States. The best kind of visual aid for her to use would probably be a(n)
a. chart. b. photograph. c. pictogram. d. illustration. e. graph.
If you wanted to summarize the steps of a process in a speech, the best kind of visual aid to use would probably be a
a. model. b. chart. c. diagram. d. photograph. e. graph.
If you wanted to compare the military spending of the United States to that of eight other nations, what type of visual aid should you probably use?
a. a map b. a chart c. a line graph d. a pie graph e. a diagram
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to summarize the major types of agricultural crops grown in the United States?
a. a chart b. a model c. a photograph d. a drawing e. a map
Alain is planning to use video as a visual aid in his persuasive speech. According to your textbook, he should
a. limit the video to about 30 seconds in length. b. edit the video to illustrate his point clearly and precisely. c. make sure the video will project clearly on a large screen or monitor. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
Jasmine plans to show a video of an explosion in her speech. According to your textbook, she should
a. make sure the video is sharp enough for a large screen or monitor. b. cue the video to start exactly where she wants it. c. wait until the end of her speech to show the video. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
If you were giving a speech about how to execute basic karate moves, the best kind of visual aid to use would probably be
a. yourself. b. a photograph. c. a chart. d. a drawing. e. a painting.
According to your textbook, which of the following is an advantage of using PowerPoint in a speech?
a. PowerPoint enables you to combine a variety of visual aids. b. PowerPoint is an excellent way to display photographs. c. PowerPoint allows you to display large amounts of text. d. all of the above e. a and b only
According to your textbook, when using PowerPoint in a speech, you should
a. try to come up with a slide for every point in the speech. b. use PowerPoint only where it is needed to communicate your ideas. c. write your points on the slides so the audience can read along with you. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
As your textbook explains, if you are going to use PowerPoint in a speech, you should
a. allow extra time to prepare your visual aids. b. plan where you can employ PowerPoint to greatest advantage. c. use decorative fonts to give your slides more visual appeal. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
When you use PowerPoint in a speech, you should
a. allow extra time to prepare your visual aids. b. run quickly through your slides when you rehearse. c. bring a backup of your slides to the speech. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
Which of the following does your textbook recommend for preparing PowerPoint slides?
a. Limit the amount of text to no more than six lines per slide. b. Use all capital letters so the words will be easy to read. c. Stick to a limited number of colors and use them consistently. d. all of the above e. a and c only
Which of the following does your textbook recommend for preparing PowerPoint slides?
a. Use images strategically. b. Use a limited amount of text. c. Use colors consistently. d. all of the above e. b and c only
Which of the following does your textbook present as a guideline for preparing visual aids?
a. Keep visual aids simple. b. Use a minimum of three fonts on each PowerPoint slide. c. Write words in all capital letters. d. all of the above e. a and c only
Which of the following does your textbook recommend for using visual aids?
a. Prepare visual aids well in advance of your speaking date. b. Create a visual aid to illustrate each point in your speech. c. Display visual aids only while discussing them. d. all of the above e. a and c only
According to your textbook, when selecting fonts for a visual aid, you should usually use
a. a wide variety of fonts. b. decorative fonts. c. a different font for each line. d. italicized fonts. e. no more than two fonts.
When using fonts on a PowerPoint slide, you should usually use
a. all capital letters so the lettering will be easy to read. b. a minimum of four fonts to provide visual variety. c. decorative fonts because they are fun to experiment with. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.
Serena is creating visual aids on her computer. According to your textbook, when she selects fonts, she should plan to use
a. decorative fonts to keep the audience interested. b. all capital letters so the words will be easy to read. c. no more than two fonts on each slide. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.
According to your textbook, when using color in PowerPoint slides, you should
a. use colors that can easily be differentiated from each other. b. use the same colors consistently throughout your slides. c. display major ideas in red or green. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
What does your textbook say you should do when presenting visual aids in a speech?
a. Pass visual aids among the audience. b. Include visual aids only in informative speeches. c. Display each visual aid for an equal amount of time. d. all of the above e. none of the above
According to your textbook, when using visual aids in a speech, you should
a. keep visual aids on display throughout the speech. b. set up visual aids to the left of the lectern. c. practice with the aids when rehearsing the speech. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
When using visual aids in a speech, you should
a. display visual aids only while discussing them. b. maintain eye contact with listeners when showing visual aids. c. avoid passing visual aids among the audience. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
Each of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for presenting visual aids except
a. Display visual aids where listeners can see them. b. Talk to your audience, not to your visual aid. c. Display visual aids only while discussing them. d. Explain your visual aids clearly and concisely. e. Pass small visual aids among the audience.
When using a visual aid in a speech, you should display the aid
a. on the left side of the lectern. b. so everyone in the room can see it. c. throughout the speech. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
As your textbook explains, visual aids are most effective when they are displayed
a. throughout the speech. b. during the introduction of a speech. c. just before the conclusion of a speech. d. only while the speaker is discussing them. e. from the right side of the lectern.
According to your textbook, visual aids are most effective when they are
a. explained clearly and concisely. b. circulated among the audience. c. presented early in the speech. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
According to your textbook, visual aids are most effective when they are
a. integrated with the rest of the speech. b. explained clearly and concisely. c. passed among the audience. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.
Leo is planning to use visual aids for his informative speech. Which of the following recommendations will he find in your textbook?
a. Pass small visual aids among the audience. b. Display visual aids only when discussing them. c. Display visual aids where listeners can see them. d. all of the above e. b and c only
Bryn is planning to use visual aids for her informative speech. Which of the following recommendations will she find in your textbook?
a. Keep visual aids simple. b. Use visual aids strategically. c. Display each visual aid for an equal amount of time. d. all of the above e. a and b only
Kumar gave his informative speech on meteorology. As part of the speech, he displayed an excellent drawing to indicate the temperatures in different layers of the atmosphere. When he got to the drawing, he said, "As you can see, each layer has a different temperature." He then covered up the drawing and quickly moved on. What should Kumar have done to present his visual aid more effectively?
a. He should have created a handout and passed it among the audience. b. He should have explained the visual aid more fully. c. He should have displayed a photograph instead of a drawing. d. all of the above e. a and b only
According to your textbook, when you are going to give an audience material to take home from a speech, you should usually distribute the material
a. as the audience arrives for the speech. b. at the beginning of the speech. c. at the time you discuss it during the speech. d. during the conclusion of the speech. e. after the speech.
Rosalie will be giving a persuasive speech on organ donation and wants to distribute organ-donor cards to her listeners. When should she distribute the cards?
a. before she starts the speech b. after she reveals her topic in the introduction c. while telling how organ-donor cards work during the body of the speech d. while urging her audience to take action during the conclusion of the speech e. after she has finished speaking
Elisa is giving a speech on women's athletics and has brought a petition for her listeners to sign. When should she circulate the petition?
a. before she begins her speech b. as soon as she reveals the topic of her speech c. after explaining the problems faced by women's athletic teams d. while urging the audience to take action during her conclusion e. after she has finished speaking
On the morning of his classroom speech, Jonah felt that he needed more visual interest in the speech. On his way to class, he bought poster board and a marker and wrote down his main points for the audience to see. Did Robert follow the guidelines for visual aids presented in your textbook?
a. No. Robert should have prepared more visual aids than a single chart. b. Yes. Robert showed quick thinking under pressure by making the chart. c. No. Robert should have prepared the chart ahead of time and rehearsed with it. d. Yes. Visual aids always heighten the audience's interest and attention. e. No. The chart will distract the audience's attention from Robert's main points.
Zach will be using PowerPoint in a speech he is giving to the local Rotary Club. According to your textbook, Zach should
a. check the equipment and setup of the room in which he will be speaking. b. distribute handouts of his slides for the audience to look at during his speech. c. bring a flash drive with a backup of his slides. d. all of the above. e. a and c only.
If you are planning to use PowerPoint in a speech, you should
a. assume that all the equipment in the room will work fine. b. bring a backup copy of your slides on a flash drive. c. use your PowerPoint slides when you practice. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
Camille prepared excellent PowerPoint slides for her speech about education reform, but the speech didn't go as well as she had hoped. She had trouble finding the Enter key on her computer to advance her slides, and sometimes she skipped a slide because she held the key down too long. According to your textbook, Camille could have presented her slides more effectively if she had
a. set up her slides to advance automatically. b. practiced using the keyboard until she could advance the slides easily. c. checked the equipment in the room to make sure it worked properly. d. used her mouse to advance the slides instead of using the Enter key. e. borrowed someone else's computer for her speech.
During her speech about sailboats, Louise gave each member of her audience a detailed drawing showing the different parts of a sailboat. Did Louise follow the guidelines for visual aids presented in your textbook?
a. No. The drawing could have been boring to many members of the audience. b. Yes. Giving the audience a handout during the speech is usually a good idea. c. No. Diane should have passed one copy of the drawing through the audience. d. Yes. The detail of the drawing probably heightened the audience's interest. e. No. Diane risked losing attention by passing out the drawing during her speech.
Gillian prepared beautiful photographs in PowerPoint to illustrate various parts of her speech about the Milky Way. When Gillian finished explaining each photograph, she left it on the screen for her audience to study until it was time for the next slide. Did Gillian make any mistakes in her use of visual aids?
a. Yes. She should have used drawings instead of photographs. b. No. She explained her visual aids to the audience as the book recommends. c. Yes. She should have displayed blank slides between the photographs. d. No. PowerPoint is an excellent way to display photographs. e. Yes. Photographs usually don't require explanations when used as visual aids.
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