Challenges which entrepreuers face in South Africa Essay Example
Discuss the challenges that entrepreneurs face in South Africa An entrepreneur is someone who is able to generate their own wealth by a creative innovation and in order to accomplish this they must be able to take risks and be driven towards their goal. An entrepreneur may be a risk taker, however they need to be cautious and not dive into a black hole that will eventually bleed them dry. The entrepreneur will need to take calculated risks.
The country, South Africa, needs to be able to have the support and facilities for budding entrepreneurs as well as role oodles who are able to guide them as to how to accomplish the task as well as how to work through the many challenges with which they will be faced. During the early 21st century the country, South Africa was anguished by a recessi
...on which had claimed the Jobs of more the 920 000 people. However, over the past few years since then, South Africa has Improved a great deal according to NIMH Naiads (Sandal, 2012).
According to the GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), in 2012 South Africa was ranked 29th of 144 other countries concerning the Global Competitive Index. An increase in entrepreneurs creates an Increase In job opportunities there by decreasing the unemployment rate. By reducing the unemployment rate and finding a new and innovative way to bring in an income the entrepreneur has found new ways to Improve the economy (CSCW, 2013).
It Is not only those who are wealthy or able to afford a start-up capital who become entrepreneur, there are a variety of people who become entrepreneurs, many of which attemp
the risk In order to Improve their current situational state In which they live in. In South Africa there are many factors which have produced themselves as challenges to entry for entrepreneurs. South Africa has many financial and operating, policies and regulations resulting in a unsupported environment for entrepreneurs with regards to attaining capital in order to start up the business (Gordon Institute of Business, 2010).
Unfortunately for entrepreneurs in South Africa, the banks, who are the main source of start-up capital, have a very low tolerance for failures thus enhancing the unsupported environment However, failure is crucial to success as it teaches the entrepreneur what needs to be done and how it can be done better than what they had already done. In order to enhance the entrepreneurial environment this attitude of not being supportive to failure needs to be eliminated.
The lack of funding hits the low income or township' entrepreneurs badly, because, as mentioned above, banks are the primary source of start-up capital without which many people can lose hope and confidence In their innovative Idea. Entrepreneurs have many issues when applying for funding which will in turn create a setback for them. It is a challenge as they do not know where to turn to or who to toy 2 the money lenders to allow them some start-up capital (FIN, 2013).
Entrepreneurs are also lacking the skills, awareness and vigilance which is vital to their success. His is a result of many factors. Most of the entrepreneurs lack the knowledge of how to run an actual business. They lack the necessary training to equip them with adequate skills to start up
the business this includes how to register the business with CAPRI and other organizations, they are not able to handle their account efficiently or how to source their inventory and other resources at a bargain. They do not have the knowledge of handling staff as well as doing market research ND pricing of their product (FIN, 2013).
There are a lot of different perceptions and attitudes towards entrepreneurs; however, the majority are negative. An entrepreneur not only puts forward their own creative and innovative idea but also takes the risks needed put their idea out into public view, they create Jobs they help enhance the economy by bringing in other means of income or expenditure as well as brings creativity and individualism into the economy. Despite all the positive enhancements they bring to the economy, the entrepreneurs do not receive the respect and recognition they deserve for the introductions they make to the South African economy.
There is also a notion which deems corporate careers as more desirable then creating a business of your own which results in the discouragement of developing entrepreneurs (CSCW, 2013). This restricts the creativity which should be encouraged by the people around us otherwise the products produced may become monotonous.
There is also a lack in the great number of people being able access any mode of transport which makes it harder for those people to introduce their ideas to the wider community but instead keeps the idea within the local accessible parameter.
An entrepreneur faces many problems and has many barriers to entries which are: the lack of transport beyond their local confines, the inability to produce a solid
start- up capital, the lack of recognition for their contributions to the south African economy and their lack of knowledge and skills I starting up their own business. The South African economy benefits positively with entrepreneurs, therefore, there should be a more supportive environment for the entrepreneurs, They also need more role models and training workshops or facilities to help them not fail when they start their business up.
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