Birth Of The Pious Soul Theology Religion Essay Example
Birth Of The Pious Soul Theology Religion Essay Example

Birth Of The Pious Soul Theology Religion Essay Example

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  • Pages: 20 (5286 words)
  • Published: August 31, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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Birth of the pious psyche

The Datta family from Calcutta was well-known for their wealth, philanthropy, intellect, and independent disposition. Vishwanath, Naren's father, served as a lawyer in the high Court of Calcutta and had a proficient command over English and Iranian literature. Bhuvaneswari Devi, his wife, came from a traditional Hindu household and possessed extensive knowledge of the Ramayana and Mahabharata; she had committed most of them to memory. On Monday morning, January 12th, 1863 at precisely 6:33 am., Bhuvaneswari Devi gave birth to a baby boy.

The boy was given the name Narendranath, but his affectionate nickname was Naren. In addition to Naren, Bhuvaneswari Devi had another son and four daughters, two of whom passed away at a young age. Naren was a innocent child with frequent tem


per tantrums. By the time he reached two years old, he would often bother his sisters. In moments of extreme rebellion, his mother would occasionally dunk his head under a running tap to temper his anger, and this tactic somewhat worked.

In his later years, Naren admitted that it may have been the cold water that calmed his hot temper. From a young age, he was drawn to holy monks who would come to his doorstep seeking alms. Filled with reverence, Naren made sure that no monk ever left empty-handed. The boy would offer whatever he could find at home, whether it be clothes or grains, to the monks. He would often be locked in a room for indulging in his generosity when the monks came by.

One day, while Naren was locked in a room, he noticed a holy ascetic man outside his window. The man was singing praise

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of God as he wrapped a cloth around his waist. Intrigued, Naren called the Sadhu over and donated to him. Despite his love for the world, Naren had a strong affection for animals and birds. He enjoyed keeping them at home and playing with them. Naren had domesticated pets such as a cow, a monkey, a goat, a butterfly, many pigeons, and guinea pigs.

Seed of Spiritualism

Naren's spiritual education began early at home, taught by his mother. She shared holy stories from the Mahabharata and Ramayana with him.

Naren often expressed gratitude for his mother's role in shaping his religious beliefs as a Hindu. At the age of 6, he had a recurring dream where he saw himself submerged in a bright white light. This dream persisted until his death. One day, Naren learned that holy individuals meditate to please Shiva and decided to try it himself. However, he had an unfounded fear that while meditating, his hair would grow so long that it would touch the ground. This fear originated from an innocent imagination fueled by a rumor he had heard. During meditation, Naren would frequently open his eyes to check if his hair had indeed grown long; being still a child with an innocent heart, he remained unaware of the realities of the world.

At one point, he covered himself in ash and when his mother questioned him about it, he responded by saying, "I am Shiva." When Naren reached the age of six, he enrolled in a primary school. During his time there, he overheard offensive language and later repeated it at home, which caused worry for his parents. This event prompted them to arrange

private tutoring sessions at their residence.

If a child were to learn such things at school, any parent would be concerned, just like Naren's parents were. Instead, he began studying with a private tutor who taught him and a few local children in the worship hall of their house. A child's life is influenced by how their parents raise them, just like Naren's father who treated him as an adult rather than reprimanding him, which is what most parents do. When Naren once asked his father, "what have you done to me", his father replied, "look at yourself in the mirror".

Naren's parents were concerned if their child learned these things at school. However, he opted for private tutoring with a mentor who also taught other kids in their home's worship hall. How parents raise their children greatly influences their lives; Naren experienced this firsthand when his father treated him like an adult rather than scolding him as most parents would do. Once questioning his father about the impact on himself, Naren received the response: "look at yourself in the mirror".

The male parent and Naren's mother both played important roles in his development. The father encouraged Naren to think independently and find answers on his own, while the mother nurtured his natural qualities. When Naren experienced mistreatment at school, he confided in his mother. She advised him that it is crucial to stay on the right path and avoid getting into arguments or fights to prove oneself right. She acknowledged that speaking the truth may have consequences but emphasized the importance of facing them with courage rather than running away like a coward.

Naren, during his life,

followed a significant lesson expressed by Swami Vivekananda. Naren enrolled at the Metropolitan Institute of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar when he was 8 years old in 1871. Prior to this, he possessed a strong grasp of Sanskrit grammar and the narratives of Ramayana and Mahabharata. His teachers regarded Narendra as a brilliant student. However, during his early education, Naren did not have an inclination towards English as he perceived it to be a foreign language.

According to the text, Naren had a conversation with his instructor about why he shouldn't only study Sanskrit. At that time, English was becoming a symbol of prestige, and parents would send their children to learn it even though they did not understand it themselves. However, Naren's desire for Western knowledge led him to adopt the English language.

Unlike his peers, Naren spent most of his time participating in extracurricular activities, prioritizing play over studies. Influenced by his parents, Naren sought truth, challenged myths, and distinguished fact from fiction. Mischievous by nature, while attempting to pluck flowers from a neighbor's tree, he discovered the importance of discerning between myth and facts. Determined to prove his point, Naren continued to pick flowers from the tree, despite being warned by the owner that a supernatural figure would harm him if he did so again. Unlike the other children who ran away in fear, Naren chose to confront and dispel the myth. He stayed behind, plucking leaves and breaking branches.

Naren's father, a lawyer with clients from various castes, shows Naren's bravery and stable presence of mind. He turns to his friends and declares, "You are all asses! Look, my cervix is still intact. The old man's

story is completely false. Only believe what you know to be true yourself."

Every client was offered Hukka after their meal. Naren observed that people from different castes had different Hukkas. This made him wonder what would happen if he smoked a Hukka from a different caste. One day, he finally got the chance to smoke one, and to his surprise, neither he nor the client experienced any negative effects.

He realized that caste was simply a division of people based on blind faith and the convenience of those in power and wealth. One day, he questioned his father about the morality of providing hospitality to the lazy, including giving them cigarettes and pipes to smoke. His father always replied, "You don't understand their suffering, my child. When they smoke tobacco, even if only for a moment, they forget about the bitterness in their lives."

Rise of Spiritualism

Throughout his childhood years filled with play, misbehavior, and studying, Naren never forgot his admiration for monks and their way of life. He was determined to become one himself and would often point to a line on his palm while confidently telling his friends, "I will definitely become a sanyasi."

By the time he was 15 years old, he had already immersed himself in various subjects such as history, literature, newspapers, current affairs, and had actively participated in numerous public meetings. Additionally, he had an inherent passion for music, believing that it awakened profound emotions within instrumentalists. At the age of 14, he encountered his initial encounter with spirituality. In 1877, his father was residing in Raipur in the Central states.

He desired his family to accompany him on the journey, with Naren

leading the way. At that time, the railroads only extended as far as Nagpur, so they had to travel in a bullock cart via Allahabad and Jabalpur, passing through dense forests. While traversing the woods, he discovered a beehive nestled in a colossal cliff, causing astonishment and reverence for the divine intervention. The question arose as to who had made this extraordinary creation. The innocent mind wondered. Little did Naren know that his anticipation would soon become a reality. Narendra was renowned for his storytelling abilities during his time in school.

His captivating personality matched the power of his words. People would hang on every word whenever he spoke. One day, he decided to share a story with his friends in the classroom during a break. The teacher walked in, thinking it was completely silent, but was surprised by some noise and started paying attention. Irritated by the disruption, he asked each student what they were talking about.

Only Naren could answer. Because of his ability to concentrate on two things at once, he was able to hear his maestro speak while telling a story. When the teacher asked who was speaking, everyone pointed at Naren. However, because he gave the correct answer, the maestro believed that the class was lying and asked everyone except Naren to stand up on the bench. Naren immediately stood up on the bench and when the maestro asked why, Naren replied, "No sir, I must also stand up because I was the one speaking to them." At the age of 18, Naren successfully completed his Matriculation from Calcutta University in 1879.

Naren possessed a remarkable ability to grasp and retain information. He

once expressed that instructors repeat lessons to enhance their own learning and retention. His level of comprehension exceeded that of his peers. He had an innate aptitude for comprehending complex concepts. Naren had acquired the skill of grasping essential information effectively; he would discern the truth and engage in discussions without any confusion.

Naren gained knowledge by reading English and Bengali literary books. He claimed that instead of reading every line, he could comprehend a writer's work by focusing on the first and last lines of a paragraph. Subsequently, he found that by simply reading the first and last lines of a page, he could grasp the topic at hand.

Afterwards, I could comprehend an author's entire argument by simply reading a few lines, even if they attempted to explain the topic in five pages or more. In 1879, Naren enrolled in Presidency College of Calcutta for higher studies. After a year, he joined the General Assembly's Institution (later known as Scots Church College), which was established by the Scots general Missionary Board. Naren had a passion for music and excelled in both instrumental and vocal music thanks to his skilled instructors. He learned devotional Hindi, Urdu, and Persian songs. Naren also became a member of the Brahmo Samaj, a significant religious movement at that time initiated by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Roy advocated for abandoning material possessions and guiding the youth towards the worship and devotion of the eternal, unfathomable, and constant being who is the creator and renovator of the Universe.

Choosing a dreama

``You are the shapers of your own destinies.

"You create your own suffering, you create good and evil, and it is you who put

blindfolds before your eyes and declare it is dark. Remove your blindfolds and see the light." -Swami Vivekananda. Naren, during his academic years, began having two recurring dreams. In one, he saw himself as a wealthy man with servants and luxurious mansions. In the other, he had relinquished all material possessions to live a life in the wilderness, subsisting on what nature provided, wearing simple clothing, and relying solely on God's will. Naren knew he had the ability to achieve either dream, but the life of renunciation intrigued him greatly. He stated that whenever he was tempted by worldly pursuits, he could feel a guiding hand holding him back.

In his search for purity, which he saw as a source of eternal bliss rather than mere abstinence from worldly pleasures, Naren sought to cultivate a powerful spiritual force that would manifest itself in all the noble aspirations of life. Unlike his peers, he remained unswayed by European culture, preferring Sanskrit and Indian traditions over Westernization. Identifying himself as a Brahmachari, he credited this lifestyle with facilitating self-control, concentration, memory, insight, strength, and endurance. However, despite his deep yearning to understand God's nature, Naren felt uneasy when others discussed their perceptions of Him due to his lack of direct experience.

One day, Naren asked Devendranath, the leader of Brahmo Samaj, if he had seen God. Devendranath responded, "My son, you have the eyes of a Berra. You should practice meditation." Naren was not satisfied with his answer and wondered who could tell him who God truly is. He recalled his college principal and English literature professor, Mr. Hastie, mentioning a person named Sri Ramakrishna. Mr. Hastie had said,

"I have only known one person who has achieved that blessed state, and he is Sri Ramakrishna from Dakshineswar. You will understand miracles if you visit this saint."

Ramakrishna meets his Goda

Sri Ramakrishna was a devoted priest in the temple of Goddess Kali and it was believed that he had experienced a realization of God.

Scholars who encountered him became his followers. In November 1881, at the age of nineteen, Naren encountered Sir Ramakrishna in Dakeshineswar. He said, "come my male child! Oh where are you all? I can non bear to populate without you!" Naren was one among many young individuals who went to listen to him speaking. As soon as the sanctum vocal was over, Sri Ramakrishna grabbed Naren's hand and led him to the northern gallery of kali temple.

Closing the door behind him, Sri Ramakrishna expressed his joy and happiness through tears as he said to Naren, "Ah, you've arrived so late! How could you be so unkind and make me wait for such a long time! I have been subjected to the profane conversations of worldly people and my ears feel burnt. Oh, how desperately I yearn to share my deepest experiences with someone who can truly comprehend!" Sri Ramakrishna folded his hands and addressed Naren, declaring, "Lord, I recognize you as the ancient sage Nara, the incarnation of Narayana, who has descended upon Earth to relieve human suffering." Astonished and unsure how to respond, Naren found himself standing before a man he had just met for the first time but being treated like a deity. Quietly absorbing every word that Sri Ramakrishna uttered, Naren pondered within himself, "I am Vishwanath Datta's son.

How dare someone address me in this manner?" Remaining silent yet attentive to Sri Ramakrishna's words, Naren later reminisced about how Sri Ramakrishna personally fed him sweets from his own hand which were brought from his room. Furthermore, Sri Ramakrishna requested that Naren promise to visit Dakshineswar again. Inquisitively contemplating whether this man could genuinely be an exceptional teacher.

He approached him and inquired, "Have you seen God, sir?" Ramakrishna responded, "Yes, I perceive him much like I see you here, but with a heightened intensity. I can communicate with him just as I am currently seeing and speaking with you. However, people seldom shed tears for God. They weep for their spouses, children, wealth, and possessions. But who weeps for a divine vision? If one sincerely calls out to God, one can certainly behold him." Naren was once again astonished. This was the first time he had encountered someone who claimed to have seen God, and Ramakrishna's words described a personal inner experience. Naren no longer doubted any of Ramakrishna's statements. However, he was still perplexed by how Ramakrishna interacted with him and other young individuals. The young man found Ramakrishna's affection towards him to be excessive, but deep down he knew that he was in the presence of a celestial teacher, a genuine saint who deserved the respect of the world.

Naren bowed and departed for Calcutta after encountering Sir Ramakrishna once again. This time, Naren referred to him as the Master. The Master approached Naren and placed his right foot on his body. At that moment, Naren recalls everything disappearing. Although his eyes were open, the room, garden, and the entire universe seemed to

vanish. Naren briefly thought he was going to die as he felt himself traveling through vast space, passing by planets, stars, and galaxies. The experience was exhilarating and divine. The Master laughed at Naren's reaction and said, "Enough for today," before removing his foot from Naren's lap.

Naren returned to his usual state, but he felt physically lighter and completely confused. It is said that during his third visit to Dakshineswar, Ramakrishna entered a state of Samadhi and treated Naren with the reverence normally reserved for a deity. The Master would approach Naren as if they were long-lost friends, and he couldn't help but prioritize his well-being whenever they were together.

Naren was annoyed by Maestro's behavior and would often tell him that he would stop being a monk who goes door to door asking for alms if Maestro didn't change. Maestro responded by laughing and calling Naren a knave, saying he wouldn't listen to him anymore. Maestro also mentioned that his love for Naren is because he sees the Lord in him, and if he stops seeing the Lord in him, he won't be able to stand being around him anymore.

Naren continued to be drawn to Ramakrishna, and it didn't take long for Ramakrishna to realize the greatness of Naren. Ramakrishna believed that he was being guided by a higher power, which was what Naren wanted. However, Naren had not yet acknowledged Ramakrishna as his guru. He wanted to prove himself first. He remembered that Ramakrishna had once mentioned in his teachings that in order to recognize God, one must let go of worldly desires. Even though Narendra was Ramakrishna's favorite disciple, he didn't believe everything

Naren said.

Narendra strongly criticized those who worshipped idols and rejected the concept of "Advaita" (monism). He did not believe in supernatural events or experiences. Narendra was not impressed by statements like "I am Brahman" or "I am Shiva" that were associated with Advaita philosophy. However, Ramakrishna would always tell him that there are multiple paths to achieve a goal and no one has the authority to claim that another person's chosen path is wrong.

It is wrong to pass judgment on something that is not understood. Naren comprehended the message. It took 5 years for Naren to officially acknowledge Ramakrishna as his mentor. These 5 years served as Naren's training period, filled with unknown preparations and a series of tests. One day, the Master informed Naren that he had gained powers through years of meditation, and these powers could fulfill any man's desires.

And as he had abandoned all his desires, these powers were useless to him. He also expressed his intention to bestow these powers upon Naren. Can you imagine what Naren replied? He stated that these powers were of no use to him because he desired to attain knowledge of God, and these powers would not assist him in realizing the Self. Naren successfully passed the test. Now it was Ramakrishna's turn to be tested; mischievous as he was, this time to test his master, he secretly placed a rupee under his pillow while he was away, eagerly awaiting his return.

Ramakrishna returned to his room and immediately leapt from his bed, as if stung by an insect. He vigorously shook his mattress and discovered the rupee. A smile adorned his face as he left it

in its original spot, acknowledging Naren's gesture. This confirmed that Ramakrishna had successfully overcome the test, prompting Naren to gradually relinquish his worldly wishes.

In his final year of college, in 1884, Naren would regularly visit his master as often as he could, despite being busy with his studies. It is believed that the master would send for Naren if he didn't see him for several days. Naren's parents were trying to convince him to get married early, in order to distract him from Ramakrishna and prevent him from becoming a sannyasi like his grandfather. However, Naren was determined to pursue a spiritual life and rejected their proposal.

Naren's father passed away while Naren was enjoying his graduation party, a significant moment in his life. With the loss of their main breadwinner, Naren and his mother gradually became more impoverished; they struggled to even afford one meal per day. Naren had always believed in God, but he never believed in idol worship. Despite this, he went to the temple and asked the master to request his Divine mother to free him from poverty. The master told him to do it himself. Upon reaching the temple, when I laid my eyes on the image, I discovered that the Divine mother was alive and conscious, an eternal source of love and beauty. I was overwhelmed by devotion and love, swept away by a powerful wave.

Naren immediately forgot about the universe and now his heart was ruled by the Divine Mother. He began visiting Mater more often, and they started discussing their dreams, ideas, and the importance of non-materialistic things. Eventually, he surrendered to his emotions and acknowledged the maestro

as his Guru. According to Naren, his Guru was the only person who truly loved him, unlike others who only pretended to. Naren decided to become a teacher and started teaching at Vidyasagar School.

He succeeded in acquiring enough to have two meals a day. He also decided to pursue a legal education at the same time. In 1885, Ramakrishna was diagnosed with throat cancer. When Naren heard this, he left his family, job, and education to take care of his Master. Ramakrishna was later moved to Calcutta and then Cossipore.

Narens' religious instruction continued. It was at Cossipore that Naren experienced Nirvikalpa Samadhi. He and other adherents were given the ocher cloistered robes by Ramakrishna, which formed the first order of Ramakrishna. Naren had learnt that the most effectual manner to worship was through service to mankind.

Ramkrishna Math

After the death of Ramkrishna, Naren wanted to organize a Math (Monastery) where adherents of Ramakrishna lived, chanted, prayed, and recited the instructions of their guru. They needed finances for their pious cause, Surendranath Mitra, the homeowner adherent of Sri Ramakrishna came forward to assist.

The choice for the monastery in Baranagar was a decaying house that had low rent and was conveniently located near the Cossipore firing ghat where Ramakrishna was cremated. Life in the monastery was difficult, with several days without food or salt, and months surviving only on rice. Each disciple had two lion cloths to wear and slept on dry grass. The house also had musical instruments and a few images of saints and deities. The most valued possession was the library, which contained approximately 100 books.

Monk's Journey

In 1888, amidst the discontent and loss of faith

among the disciples, Naren made the decision to demonstrate his strength and teach his followers not to rely on him for solutions.

He embarked on his journey with only two personal belongings: his two favorite books, Bhagvad Gita and The Imitation of Christ, a kamandal, and a beggary bowl. His journey began in Varanasi, where he encountered Bhudev Mukhopadhyay, a Bengali author, and Trailanga Swami, a renowned saint residing in the Shiva temple. He later recounted an incident from the streets of Varanasi which he used as an example to inspire people to confront life's dangers instead of avoiding them. While walking through the streets of Varanasi, he was pursued by a group of monkeys.

He began to run and the monkeys chased him even faster. A monk witnessed this and called Naren, advising him to confront the animals instead of running away in fear. Naren stopped and faced the monkeys, and guess what? The monkeys also stopped and ran away. Naren learned his lesson, which he later preached in his teachings. He returned to Baranagore and wondered if all the teachings and truths of Vedanta philosophy are only meant for monks, saints, and scholars.

Is it right to withhold knowledge from the average man simply because he is unaware of the scriptures? The man discussed the importance of sharing the Vedanta doctrine with the common man to benefit society.

In India's Streets:

"In our country, knowledge has always been passed down by renunciants. India had great opportunities as long as renunciants shared their knowledge." - Swami Vivekananda After a brief stay in Baranagore, he embarked on his journey again in Varanasi.

Naren had a deep respect and affection for Pramananda

Mitra, a Sanskrit Scholar whom he met. He wrote several letters to Mitra seeking advice on reading the Hindu Bibles. Naren also traveled to Ayodhya, Lukhnow, Agra, Vrindavan, Hatras, and Rishikesh. In Vrindavan, he encountered a man enjoying a smoke by the roadside. Naren asked for a puff, but the man refused due to being considered an outcast. This incident confused Naren, who initially walked away but then turned back and insisted that the man give him a puff.

Naren questioned why he had to face such a situation when he had contemplated the unity of the mind and moved forward. In Hatras, while waiting at the train station for his trip to Haridwar, he encountered Sarat Chandra Gupta, who expressed his fascination with Naren. Gupta later became one of Naren's earliest disciples, adopting the name Sadananda. In this place, Naren sang songs and played music for the visitors. He then continued his journey to Vaidyarath, Allahabad, and Ghazipur where he came across Pavhari Baba, a Advaita Vedanta ascetic known for his extensive meditation practice.

Naren had finished his journey in Northern India and felt overwhelmed by the materialistic nature of the universe. The fraudulent priests and Sadhus had exploited Hindu culture for personal gain, and people were unaware of the true teachings of the Vedas and the essence of religion. Naren was unable to bear witness to poverty and began contemplating ways to forget about it.

In December 1889, Swami Vivekananda departed for Varanasi. While trekking in the Himalayas, he encountered a weary old man struggling at the foot of a steep slope. The old man was visibly exhausted and expressed his inability to continue walking, fearing

that his chest would give out. Swami Vivekananda witnessed his distress.

The route under your pess

'Swami replied, 'Look down at your feet. The path underneath your feet is the path you have already traveled and is the same path you see ahead; soon it will be underneath your feet.' These encouraging words helped the elderly man continue his journey.

Recognizing Purity

In July 1890, he began his journey to the Himalayas with Swami Akhandananda, a follower of Ramakrishna. They visited Nainital, Almora, Srinagar, Dehradun, Haridwar, and Rishikesh; he stayed in Rishikesh for five months. During this journey, Naren met Swami Brahmananda and Saradanand.

They were also followers of Ramakrishna. They traveled together and stayed in Meerut for some time, meditating, praying and studying scriptures. In January 1891, Naren left for Delhi alone, taking on the name Swami Vividishananda as he wanted to remain an unknown sannyasin. He wanted his followers to make every effort to see God. From here, he continued his journey to Alwar where he encountered some Muslims who became his followers. It was in Alwar that he met Maharaja Mangal Singh who did not believe in Swami. And when they met, they had an argument.

Mangal Singh expressed that he does not believe in idol worship, to which Naren responded that a graven image is simply a symbol and should not be mocked. Naren also mentioned that everyone has their own unique way of connecting with God, which is based on their level of devotion. However, the Maharaja was not satisfied with this answer. Instead of elaborating further, Swami pointed to a portrait of the Maharaja hanging on the wall and asked the Diwan beside him whose

image it was. The Diwan replied that it was the Maharaja's image.

Naren instructed, "Spit on it." The Diwan was speechless and believed that Swami had lost his sanity. Sensing his response, Swami questioned, "Why are you not feeling content?" "In the end, the exposure is just a reflection of your Maharaja," he added.

It is devoid of physical presence. However, it serves as a reminder of the Maharaja, doesn't it?," remarked the Diwan. The Maharaja understood what Swami was trying to convey and apologized to him. Swami then went on a journey to Jaipur, where he had previously studied Panini's Ashtadhyayi with a Sanskrit Scholar. Afterward, he traveled to Ajmer and Mount Abu.

Here is where Naren encountered Raja Ajit Singh of Khetri, who became his admirer and advocate. At this place, another memorable incident occurred to him. Raja Khatri invited Naren to be part of a musical evening at his palace, where a nautch-girl would perform. Naren declined the invitation since he was a monk and monks do not partake in worldly indulgences.

Naren learned a lesson from an adult female who society condemned as impure. Brahman does not distinguish between the pure and impure, good and evil. And just like a Brahman, a sannyasin should view every person as equal and not disapprove of someone considered impure. Naren joined the party, tears rolling down his eyes. He approached the nautch-girl and said, "Mother, I am guilty."

I was on the verge of disrespecting you by refusing to come to this room. But your voice woke up my consciousness. It was here that Raja of Khatri gave Naren the name Vivekananda, which Swami accepted and then left for

Mount Abu. After spending two and a half months in Mount Abu studying Mahabhasya on Panini's sutras, and briefly interacting with Pandit Ajjadu Adibhatta Narayana Dasu, he continued his journey towards the West. Swami Vivekananda visited Rajasthan and Maharashtra. He continued his journey to Ahmadabad, where he completed Islamic and Jain studies along with Wadhwan and Limbdi. He also met Thakur Saheb Jaswant Singh, who had visited England and America, and advised Naren to preach Vedanta in America.

After visiting Girnar, Kutch, Porbander, Dwaraka, Palitana, and Nadiad, Gandhi stayed at Diwan Haridas Viharidas Desai's house. His longest stay was in Porbander, where he sought the help of knowledgeable Pandits to translate the Vedas. In June 1892, he arrived in Indore after traveling through Mahabaleshwar, Pune, and Khandwa. His companions in Kathiawar encouraged him to attend the Parliament of the World's faiths.

During his journey in July, he arrived at Bombay where he encountered Bal Gangadhar Tilak on his way to Pune. In October, Naren visited Belgaum, Panaji, and Margao in Goa. He stayed for three years at the Rachol Seminary, where he diligently studied essential Christian Theological works. This marked an important chapter in his spiritual quest.

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