Biblical Words Related To Counseling Theology Religion Essay Example
A Biblical Word Study provides counsellors with a deeper apprehension of the constructs, tools, and techniques of reding. This understanding promotes religious and psychological integrity, supplying a model for the client to accomplish his or her ends. A Word Study is an engaging and thoughtful procedure necessitating both critical and originative thought. Taking words normally used in reding scenes, we search for those words utilizing helpful on-line databases like the Blue Letter Bible 's. The undermentioned Word Study examines two sets of words: those related to reding in general ; and those related to dependence in peculiar. The Word Study will depict both Old and New Testament use for the words. The counseling-related words include `` advocate, '' `` wisdom, '' and `` aid. '' The add-on related words include `` wine, '' `` desire, '' and `` re
...straint. '' The Biblical Word Study is a semiotic exercising that strengthens the counsellor 's vocabulary.
Biblical Words Related to Counseling
Using the Blue Letter Bible web site, I input the six words ( three guidance and three add-on words ) into the database. The counseling-related words include `` advocate, '' `` wisdom, '' and `` aid. '' Because of the challenges that interlingual rendition airs, abstract words like `` advocate, '' `` wisdom, '' and `` aid '' can be hard to cope with when executing the Word Study. Their contextual cues in the Bible must be examined, analyzed, and understood. Subjects from the Old and New Testament differ, while retaining a nucleus semiotic and semantic yarn.
Harmonizing to the Blue Letter Bible ( 2012 ) hunt consequences for `` advocate, '' the term advocate occurs 74 times in
72 poetries in the NASB. A general subject that becomes instantly evident is that advocate refers to advice. Sometimes, advocate connotes advice that is verbal in nature.
Old Testament Usage.
Strong 's vocabulary highlights the Hebrew word?™O???O·?? ( ya'ats ) . The word ya'ats is translated to advocate in Exodus 18:19. Another Hebrew word, ?“O?O??‘O??? ( dabar ) refers to advocate in Numbers 31:16. Dabar refers specifically to verbal address, as in the address used in a concern or formal context. Therefore, the word `` advice '' denotes verbal advice in the Old Testament.
New Testament Use
The term, irrespective of interlingual rendition, appears more often in the Old Testament than in the New Testament. New Testament uses of the word include I?I?I…I»a?µ in Ephesians 1:11. Here, advocate is advice but besides `` purpose, '' harmonizing to the Blue Letter Bible and Strongs. The Blue Letter Bible does non turn up any other New Testament cases of a Grecian word for advocate, and the Bible Gateway hunt merely reveals one more Christian mention: in Romans11:34. Here, the word is non `` advocate '' but `` counsellor, '' ( Bible Gateway, n.d. ) . Blue Letter Bible merely reveals counsellor as a separate and distinguishable entry from `` advocate. ''
Wisdom occurs 216 times in 203 poetries in the NASB, harmonizing to the Blue Letter Bible. Unlike the term `` advocate, '' wisdom occurs throughout both the Old and New Testaments. In both the Hebrew and Christian Bible, the term wisdom is linked textually and semantically with God.
Old Testament Use
The overplus of happenings of the word wisdom yields a surprisingly narrow interlingual rendition ; that is, one Hebrew word is in
conformity with the English usage of `` wisdom. '' That Hebrew word is ?-O??›O°?zO??” ( chokmah ) . The word chokmah occurs in Exodus, Deuteronomy, 1 Kings, and 2 Chronicles. Wisdom is defined in human footings, as in war accomplishments, administrative accomplishments, and ethical accomplishments ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) .
New Testament Use
The Grecian word I?I?I†a?·I± ( Sophia ) is the 1 most normally used in the New Testament. There are two significances for Sophia, nevertheless, harmonizing to the Strong 's G4678 entry. The first definition applies to human wisdom ; the 2nd definition refers to the wisdom of God. Therefore, construing each transition of the New Testament requires close attending to contextual cues. The deduction is that both adult male and God can possess wisdom.
Harmonizing to the Blue Letter Bible, the word `` aid '' occurs 147 times out of 140 poetries in the NASB. In the Old Testament, aid has a instead massive significance as relief. New Testament happenings of `` aid '' refer to several different but interconnected Grecian words.
Old Testament Use
In Hebrew, the word translated into aid is ??O??-O·?? ( 'azar ) . Help means offering support and aid. It occurs in transitions every bit varied as Genesis 4:1 and 2 Samuel 22:36. Aid comes in the signifier of human and godly aid, by and large connoting an act of service or charity on the portion of the assistant and a sense of gratitude on the portion of the individual or people being helped.
New Testament Use
The Grecian word for aid may be a? I†IµI»a??I‰ ( opheleo ) , implying net income, as in Matthew 16:26. The term I?I?I·I?a??I‰ ( boetheo
) is more closely related to the Hebrew??O??-O·?? ( 'azar ) , or relief. This usage appears in Matthew 15:23 ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) . Yet a 3rd Grecian word has been associated with the English word aid: IˆI±I?a?·I?I„I·I?I? ( peristemi ) , which has a different intension as `` standing beside, '' in the sense of standing by for support ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) .
Biblical Words Related to Addiction
Wine occurs 262 times in 237 poetries in the Old and New Testaments combined. Unlike abstract nomenclature, vino has a concrete and univocal intension throughout the Bible. However, the Hebrew words for vino do distinguish between freshly pressed must and existent fermented vino.
Old Testament Use
The term ( tiyrowsh ) is used on a few occasions, such as Genesis 27:28 ; and Dueteronomy 11:14, and is used in concurrence with the word for `` new, '' because tiyrowsh is new wine/wine must. Usage context includes mentions to the copiousness of God, as in Deuteronomy 7:13. The Hebrew word ( yayin ) refers more forthrightly to feast vino, or the vino used for ceremonial maps. Therefore, in transitions like Genesis 14:18, yayin is used in concurrence with the priesthood function.
New Testament Use
Strong 's entry G3631 for vino is for the word I?a?¶I?I?I‚ ( oinos ) , and is used comparatively normally in the New Testament such as in Matthew 27:34. Contextual cues suggest a symbolic relationship between vino and humanity and vino and God ; vino stand foring the blood of Christ because of the miracles He performed. The symbolism, instead than concrete significance, of vino is particularly evident in Revelations. A historical mention
to a?„I?I?I‚ ( oxos ) refers to wine acetum, which Strong 's suggests was drank by Roman soldiers during the business ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) .
Desire occurs 111 times in 110 poetries in Old and New Testament, harmonizing to the Blue Letter Bible ( 2012 ) . As a complex and many-sided word, desire can intend anything from sexual desire to an sincere want.
Old Testament Use
There are more than half a twelve different Hebrew words for `` desire '' in the Old Testament, meaning the restrictions of the English linguistic communication when conveying the assorted facets of this term. Sexual desire and animate being desire are linked in the Hebrew word ( tA•shuwqah ) , happening in Genesis 3:16 and 4:7. Desire as `` petition '' is the Blue Letter Bible/Strong 's harmony figure H1245: the Hebrew word is ( baqash ) , happening throughout the Old Testament. A more passing and religious type of desire is encompassed by the Hebrew word ( nephesh ) , mentioning to the passions of the psyche ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) . The type of desire most relevant in the dependence context is ( avah ) , which refers straight to the craving of nutrient and drink ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) . This usage occurs often throughout the Old Testament. The word ( avvah ) is related ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) .
New Testament Use
Grecian words for `` desire '' include I?a??I»I‰ ( thelA? ) or to wish ; a??IˆI?I?I…I?a?·I± ( epithymia ) , or lecherousness, and its similar word a??IˆI?I?I…I?a??I‰ ( epithymeA? ) . The latter two utilizations for desire (
as lecherousness ) have the most direct application to the dependence reding scene. However, a individual may hold the desire to be liberated from desire.
The Blue Letter Bible and Bible Gateway both list merely four cases of the English word `` restraint '' in both the Old and the New Testament.
Old Testament Use
Restraint occurs as two Hebrew words: ?¤O?O???O·?? ( parity ) , intending to be loose or demo small restraint ; and as ?zO°?-O??™?-O· ( maziyach ) , or girdle. The first term refers straight to dependence as a deficiency of restraint ; whereas the term for girdle connotes the tools by which dependence can be overcome. Strong 's Lexicon includes the Grecian word I?I?a??I‡I?I‚ ( brochos ) as a 1 Chronicles mention, and the significance of that word is similar to deaden because it means fastener.
New Testament Use
Appropriate for the guidance scene, the Grecian word I?I‰I†I?I?I?a?»I?I· ( sA?phrosynA“ ) means saneness, self-denial, and soberness ( Blue Letter Bible, 2012 ) . It occurs three times in the New Testament: Acts 26:25, 1 Timothy 2:9 and 1 Timothy 2:15.
Core Biblical Themes Related to Counseling and Addiction
The three guidance related words ( advocate, wisdom and aid ) and the three dependence words ( vino, desire, and restraint ) occur at different times in the Old and New Testament. Different significances of these words can be incorporated into the guidance scene, to assist patients voyage through their crises with an experient usher. The Bible shows that dependence reding involves the counsellor as adjutant, supplying verbal aid to the client. Help and relief have both practical and religious intensions, and both are linked to the counsellor 's
wisdom in psychological affairs. The topic of vino symbolizes the client 's object of unhealthy desire, which can be controlled by wise restraint.
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