Avoiding Plagiarism and Strengthening Arguments Essay Example
"Obama pursues gun control via executive action after Senate blow. " The New American 3 June 2013: 7. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Gag. 2013. Obama is determined to put an extended background check in place whether Congress is willing to go along with it or not. The Hash's proposed rule would also, among other radical changes, encourage psychiatrists to report their clients to the Bi's background check system by waiving the legal prohibition on sharing private healthcare information contained in the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPPY). If approved, the new regulation would ? by executive decree ? shred remaining federal privacy-protection laws keeping patient data confidential. This source is extremely useful for my paper because I can find a lot of argumentative points as to why this isn't going to g
...o over well with the people on so many levels. "Statement on Gun Control by President Bill Clinton, May 14, 1999. "
Gun Control:Restricting Rights or Protecting People?. Sandra M. Alters. 2009 De. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Information Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 2 Gag. 2013.
Bill Clinton voices his thoughts and opinions on the gun control in America. He expresses how he thinks guns today are too easy to get and how they are being exposes to our children. This is another great source for my paper because Bill Clinton has been known to fib his credentials, facts and numbers. Bill Clinton has always had a causal relationship with the truth. As Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post has said, "Silicon's spokesman declined to comment or to say where Clinton got his numbers". Kessler, a professional fact-checker
says, "This always makes us suspicious. (Kessler, January 2013.
Bill Clinton fibs about gun control") "Colorado gun-control recall; Second Amendment restrictions trigger pushball in the Rockies. " Washington Times [Washington, DC] 20 Gag. 2013: BIO . Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 23 Gag. 2013. This article is about how Colorado thinks it is necessary to do background checks on people before they try to purchase a fire-arm. The reason being the Aurora, Colorado shooting happened because the shooter was mentally ill. In the article the writer claims that this would not have happened if there had been a background heck in procedure for buying his weapons he chose to use for the shooting.
I chose this article because I disagree, I do not believe that by doing a background check it would stop any mentally ill person from doing what their brains tells them to do. If their brain tells them to shoot and kill, they are going to do that whether they can purchase the gun themselves or find one on the streets. Does one really believe that by making it more difficult to get a gun legally where it is traced anyways that a person who wants to kill is Just going to say, "Oh, well I tried. " No, a mentally ill errors is going to get the Job done no matter what, because they feel like they have to.
- Protecting our second amendment rights. (2013, Par 25). Targeted News Service.
- Retrieved from http://search. Protest. Com/deceive/1346133177? Accounted=27655
In this article the writer disagrees also with having to conduct background checks on anyone trying to bear arms. He talks about the second amendment
and how we need to guarantee it and have the rights to do so. I chose this article because I agree with it, the writer expresses how the current laws needs to be forced rather than gushing for more gun control.
Treating mental illness the way to end gun violence; Second Amendment rights are not the problem. " Washington Times [Washington, DC] 26 Deck. 2012: BIB. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 23 Gag. 2013 In this article the writer discusses how we need to focus on the real issue which is the mental illness and stop trying to find reasons to pass another law. If mental illness is the real problem as they say than what gun-control have to do with it. Last but not least, I chose this article because It really is my favorite one of them all.
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