Owen Clarke

City: Los Angeles, CA
University: University of Southern California

Posts by Owen Clarke:

First Aid for Bleeding Wounds – Flashcards
29 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question What is a wound? answer Injury to soft tissues Opened or Closed question What are open wounds? answer Abrasions Incisions Laceration Puncture Avulsion Amputation question What is Abrasion? answer Skin is scraped off. Bleeding is limited, infection must be prevented question What is Incison? answer Cut caused by sharp object (knife, scissors, switchblade) question […]

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Marketing 3000 Exam 1 – Joel Poor – Flashcards
28 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question What is marketing? answer the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services in exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. question What is the scope of marketing/to what situations can marketing be applied? answer To make $$ question What is marketings first task? answer Discover […]

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First aid Corrections – Flashcards
27 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question skeletal system answer supporting framework for the body, giving it shape and protecting vital organs, Attains mobility from the atached muscles and manufactors red blood cells question Cardiac muscles answer muscles in the heart that constantly work to expand and contract it. question Central Nervous System answer Located in the brain and spinal cord […]

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First Aid Acronyms – Flashcards
26 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Emergency Care and Safety Institute answer ECSI question American Heart Association answer AHA question National Safety Council answer NSC question American Red Cross answer ARC question Occupational Safety and Health Administration answer OSHA question Food and Drug Administration answer FDA question Center for Disease Control answer CDC question American Medical Association answer AMA question […]

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CNA Practice study 1 – Flashcards
25 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question In which of the following locations would a nursing assistant stand when assisting a resident who has experienced a stroke to ambulate? answer On the resident’s affected side question Which of the following is appropriate care for a resident who is agitated and talking loudly? answer Speak to the resident in a calm, comforting […]

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Korean Language Vocabulary 2 – Flashcards
24 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question mulgeon answer things question kabang answer bag question naengjanggo answer refrigerator question shinmun answer newspaper question sucheop answer memo notebook question tallyeok answer calendar question ton answer money question jipye answer money bill question tongjeon answer coin question upyo answer stamp question myeongham answer calling card question yeogwon answer passport question angyeong answer eyeglasses […]

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The Integumentary System – Flashcards
24 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question The skin, sweat and oil glands, hairs, and nails all work together to form this. answer Integumentary System question The subcutaneous tissue just deep to the skin. answer Hypodermis question Another name for “hypodermis” because it is superficial to the tough connective tissue wrapping of the skeletal muscles, consists mostly of adipose tissue. answer […]

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Most Common Italian Verbs – Flashcards
24 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question essere answer to be question avere answer to have question fare answer to do question andare answer to go question potere answer can I / may I question dare answer to give question volere answer to want question stare answer to stay question venire answer to come question dovere answer to have question dire […]

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Nomenclature (No acids) – Flashcards
22 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question zinc carbonate answer ZnCO3 question aluminum hypochlorite answer Al(ClO)3 question cobalt(III) dichromate answer Co2(Cr2O7)3 question cobalt(II) phosphide answer Co3P2 question lithium perchlorate answer LiClO4 question ammonium chloride answer NH4Cl question magnesium permanganate answer Mg(MnO4)2 question iron(II) chlorate answer Fe(ClO3)3 question ammonium oxalate answer (NH4)2C2O4 question manganese(III) oxide answer Mn2O3 question lead(IV) nitride answer Pb3N4 […]

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Business Test: 13,14,15,16 – Flashcards
21 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question What does it mean to “help the buyer buy”? answer Making it easier for the buyer to make a quick decision question What are three parts of the marketing concept? answer Customer Orientation Service Orientation Profit Orientation question What are the four P’s of the marketing mix? answer Product Price Place Promotion question What […]

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A & P 1 Chapter 3-4 nw – Flashcards
20 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question the two types of genes that when abnormal cause cancer are answer tumor suppressors and oncogenes question in the DNA damage response answer repair enzymes replaced mismatched nucleotides in DNA question cellular adhesion molecules are answer peripheral protein question which of the following transport process does not require expenditure of cellular energy answer facilitated […]

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Ag Econ Chapter 1 & 2 – Flashcards
19 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question T or F: A commodities processor would take a raw commodity, such as corn, and turn it into corn syrup, whereas the food products processor would take the corn syrup and add it into Coca-Cola. answer True question T or F: According to the test, there are roughly 2 million farms in the United […]

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Naming Ionic Compounds Flashcard
18 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question NH4+ answer ammonium question monatomic anions answer 1 Ion, element name and “-ide” question Br- answer Bromide question S2- answer Sulfide question N3- answer Nitride question Polyatomic Anions answer Many ions, element name and “-ate” question NO3- answer nitrate question (CO3)2- answer Carbonate question (PO4)3- answer Phosphate question (SO4)2- answer Sulfate question ClO3- answer […]

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SPEECH TEST#2 – Flashcards
17 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question brainstorming answer a problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous generation of ideas. Among other techniques, you can (blank) by making lists, using word association, and topic mapping. question word association answer brainstorming technique in which one writes down ideas as they come to mind, beginning with a single word question topic mapping answer a […]

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Exam#1 Marketing – Flashcards
16 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Marketing answer Managing profitable customer relationships question The Five Steps Model of Marketing Process answer 1.Understand the Marketplace 2.Design a customer driven marketing strategy 3. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior power 4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight 5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity. question […]

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Bus115 Practice Exam 4 – Flashcards
15 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Which of the following is an example of a sales promotion? answer a rebate offer on an ink-jet printer question All of the following are perceptions of brand EXCEPT brand ________. answer license question A business that offers potential buyers the opportunity to make purchases either online or in a physical location uses a […]

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Chapter 9 & 10 Human Dev – Flashcards
14 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question On average, children grow _____ inches per year during middle and late childhood. answer 2-3 question On average, children gain _____ pounds per year during middle and late childhood. answer 5-7 question During elementary school years, most children double their: answer strength capabilities question During elementary school years, head circumference and waist circumference: answer […]

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NHM 464 Marketing Test #1 – Flashcards
13 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question the features and characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy customer needs answer Quality question a state of felt deprivation answer *need question anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need answer product question A company’s ___________ is the set of benefits or values […]

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Cambridge Latin Course Stages 1-20 vocab – Flashcards
12 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question aedifico answer build question auxilium answer help question bonus answer good question consentio answer agree question consilium answer plan, idea question Deinde answer then question delecto answer delight question derideo answer mock, make fun of question dimitto answer send away, dismiss question effugio answer escape question faber answer craftsman question flos answer flower question […]

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Healthcare Mgmt. midterm – Flashcards
11 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question 1. Prior to entering the exam room for the first patient visit/evaluation, it is important to: answer a. Have prescription from the patient’s primary care physician. b. Have the patient’s diagnosis. c. Have the patient’s insurance information question 2. The Initial Evaluation in an O;P facility is an universal encounter and is always the […]

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Henle Latin Grammar Rules 6-14 – Flashcards
10 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Accents on two syllable words answer In words of two syllables, the accent is on the first. vīa, bēllum question Accents on more than two syllable words answer In words of more than two syllables, if the second last syllable is long it is accented; otherwise, the accent is on the third syllable. viderunt; […]

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CH 3 Scanning The Marketing Environment – Flashcards
08 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Environmental Scanning answer Changes in the marketing environment are a source of opportunities and threats to be managed. The process of continually acquiring information on events occurring outside the organization to identify and interpret potential trends is called environmental scanning. question Environmental Trends answer Environmental trends typically arise from five sources: social, economic, technological, […]

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