Posts by Marlon Riddle:
question Which of the following does not represent a primary motivation for business combinations? a. quick entry for new and existing products into markets b. combinations as a vehicle for achieving rapid growth and competitiveness c. larger firms being less likely to fail d. cost savings through elimination of duplicate facilities and staff answer c. […]
Read morequestion Freeware answer software distributed free of charge via the internet where the developer retains the software rights question Custom answer software designed to meet the unique needs of an organization or business question Public domain answer software whose ownership rights are public property and which is available to anyone at no cost question Web […]
Read morequestion regression. answer A higher value house among less expensive homes will lose value. This illustrates the principle of: question commercial properties. answer uses a depth table to estimate property value. determined by the width and depth of the land. question Single-family homes It is best for single-family homes or condominiums and vacant lots because […]
Read morequestion As a business grows and its number of guests and suppliers increase, the business operates more efficiently if it sets up _______ accounts in its general ledger for accounts receivable and accounts payable. answer control question Definition: This type of account records all transactions affecting guest accounts to a single account in the general […]
Read morequestion A Broker desires to keep an escrow account in an interest bearing account. Would this be legal? answer Yes, if all parties to the transaction agree, in writing that the funds will go into an interest bearing account and who is to receive the interest question A Broker took earnest money from a buyer. […]
Read morequestion problems and decisions are funneled to top levels of the hierarchy for resolution (top down approach) answer centralized question decision-making authority is pushed down to lower organizational levels answer decentralized question organizations may have to experiment to find the correct degree of ________ to meet their needs may need each other answer centralization or […]
Read morequestion A budget can be an effective means of communicating management’s plans to the employees of a business. answer True question The process of evaluating performance can be improved by using budgets. answer True question The merchandise purchases budget depends on information provided by the sales budget. answer True question The merchandise purchases budget is […]
Read morequestion By the end of the nineteenth century, U.S. industrial capacity answer dwarfed both Great Britain’s and Germany’s. question In the 25 years after the Civil War, railroads answer were probably the most significant element in American economic development. question The emphasis in railroad construction after 1865 was on answer organizing integrated systems. question In […]
Read morequestion James Madison believed that the latent causes in faction were rooted in answer The nature of man question This is NOT a reason for the proliferation of interest groups in this country answer Limited government question Three reasons interest groups are so common in the United States is answer Political parties are relatively weak, […]
Read morequestion business organization answer enterprise that produces goods or provides services, usually in order to make a profit question sole proprietorship answer business organization owned and controlled by one person question limited life answer situation where a business closes if the owners dies, retires, or leaves for some other reason question unlimited liability answer a […]
Read morequestion a network of activities for accomplishing a business function answer business process question graphical arrangement in which all of the activities for a given role answer swimlane format question specific tasks that need to be accomplished as part of the process answer activities question a subset of the activities in a business process that […]
Read morequestion The process of creating and maintaining information systems is called ________. answer systems development question When compared to program development, systems development is ________. answer broader in scope question Which of the following statements is true of systems development? answer It requires business knowledge and an understanding of group dynamics. question Which of the […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is most likely to be true about excellent business writers? answer They spend a significant amount of time in reviewing their work. question The inductive approach to writing a business argument answer allows one to provide the supporting reasons first before the primary message. question Which of the following is […]
Read morequestion Jill was a limited partner in a retail business that was sued by a customer who fell in the store. The customer claimed the business was negligent in caring for its floors. Which statement best describes Jill’s potential liability? answer Jill can only be liable to the amount of her investment. question Jill and […]
Read morequestion WELCOME answer Introduce yourself and share your Short Story. question DISCUSS YOUR BUSINESS & THE PRODUCTS answer Introduce guests to Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields by showing the Doctors’ Business Interview Video. Next, introduce your guests to the products and the impact they have had on you. Play the Product Overview Video […]
Read morequestion Rick has asked you for help in preparing an executive summary of a formal business report he is writing. What is the best advice you can give him? answer Begin the executive summary with your purpose question A business plan mission statement answer explains the purpose of your business and why it will succeed […]
Read morequestion When it comes to communication skills, employers express particular frustration with? answer Recent college graduates who haven’t learned how to adapt to a professional environment question Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective business messages? answer They present the writer’s opinions as facts question A flatter organizational structure answer helps make […]
Read morequestion Accounts receivable answer Amounts customers owe on account. question Accounts receivable turnover answer A measure of the liquidity of accounts receivable, computed by dividing net credit sales by average net accounts receivable. question Average collection period answer The average amount of time that a receivable is outstanding, calculated by dividing 365 days by the […]
Read morequestion advisory board answer group of individuals who offer guidance to the new business owner question angel investors answer wealthy individuals who are willing to put up their own money in hopes of a profit return later on question bootstrap financing answer entrepreneurs start a business with little capital question business incubator answer organizations that […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is not a source of funds for a sole proprietorship? answer Selling stock or issuing bonds question When are limited partnerships generally used? answer When the project is risky and the chance of loss is great question All of the following are advantages of a sole proprietorship except answer unlimited […]
Read morequestion is an electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept, manipulate, and store data. answer computer question is the actual hardware that interprets and executes the program (software) instructions and coordinates how all the other hardware devices work together answer central processing unit (CPU) (or microprocessor […]
Read morequestion advertising answer _ is the structured & composed non-personal communication. it is paid for, mass-mediated, from an identified source, and attempts to persuade. question marketing communications answer the various efforts and tools companies use to initiate and maintain communication with customers and prospects. refers to all the planned messages that companies and organizations create […]
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