Posts by Henry Smith:
question The elasticity of demand is used to answer measure how responsive consumers are to a change in price. question Suppose the price of a box of cereal rises from $4 to $6. Using the midpoint method, what is the percentage change in price? answer 40 percent question The price elasticity of demand for Red […]
Read morequestion Which of the following statements regarding the role of the federal government in the economy is correct? answer Presidential election outcomes are heavily influenced by the health of the economy. question The main goal of fiscal policy is________ answer To use taxes and government spending to help stimulate or slow down economic growth. question […]
Read morequestion What is the process of encoding? answer Getting information into the memory system (your brain). question What is the process of retrieval? answer Getting information back out of the brain. question What does ‘automatic processing’ occur without? answer Conscious thought question The difference between automatic and effortful processing best illustrates what? answer The two-track […]
Read morequestion The changes in population size, density, dispersion, and age structure are known as answer population dynamics. question You are an ecologist studying the population dynamics of an ecosystem. You observe that resources are not evenly distributed. You predict the population dispersion pattern is answer clumped question The biotic potential of a population answer is […]
Read morequestion MAIZE CULTIVATION Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure. […]
Read morequestion headright answer The right to acquire a certain amount of land granted to the person who finances the passage of a laborer. “Masters-not servants themselves- thus reaped the benefits of landownership from the headright system.” question disenfranchise answer To take away the right to vote. “The Virginia Assembly in 1670 disenfranchised most of the […]
Read morequestion What did the Vietminh declare as its main goal? answer Win Vietnam’s independence from foreign rule question What did Ho Chi Minh declare after Japan was forced out? answer Vietnam was an independent nation question How did Hi Chi Minh respond to the return of the French? answer Vowed that there troops would fight […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is not a step in the five step process of protecting public health? answer Focus efforts at the individual level question Which statement is not a logical extension of the socioecological model? answer Changing the individual can easily be achieved through education program and counseling question Which one of the […]
Read morequestion “digital native” answer anyone under the age of 32 question social media answer the online interactions that allow people and businesses to communicate and share ideas, personal information, and information about products and services question more than ___ of online adults use some sort of social media platform answer two-thirds question By using social […]
Read morequestion scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another answer social psychology question on individuals, many experiments; less focused on differences and more on individual view and how they affect one another answer focus of social psychology question the study of people in groups & societies answer sociology question social […]
Read morequestion objective element of a social problem answer existence of a social condition question subjective element of a social problem answer the belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society and that it should be changed question social problem answer blanket definition combining the objective element and subjective element question institution answer established […]
Read morequestion The transformation of a culture overtime. answer Social Change question Behavior that follows from the formation of a group or crowd of people, who take action together toward a shared goal. For example, fans at a game who are encouraging their team. answer Collective Behavior question Happens when people start to loose control and […]
Read morequestion combination of physical, mental/emotional and social well-being answer Health question getting along well with others, maintain healthy relationships answer Social Health question feelings and thoughts. how you feel about yourself, how you cope with problems. ethics, morals answer Mental/emotional health question how well your body functions. having enough energy to preform daily activities answer […]
Read morequestion The more ______ young men are the more likely they are to partake in acquaintance rape, but most don’t identify themselves as rapists. answer sexually active question ______ rape occurs when the offenders interprets the woman’s initial behavior as consensual to sexual relations but she retracts agreement before the actual act. answer Victim-precipitated question […]
Read morequestion Which of Sternberg’s three forms of intelligence is sometimes called “street smarts”? answer practical question The measure of health MOST indicative of the quality of one’s daily life is: answer vitality. question Currently in the United States, _____ percent of adults are overweight. answer 65 question Implementation is quitting a habit according to plan. […]
Read morequestion Collective action answer Action that takes place in groups and diverges from the social norms of the situation. question Crowd Collective action answer Collective action where one must be face to face with the other members of your group question Mass collective action answer Collective action where people are not face to face with […]
Read morequestion Which of the following would be an example of a large group using Simmel’s classification? a. people attending a party b. a large study group c. people at a movie theater d. a symphony orchestra answer D question A married couple and their firstborn child are a type of group known as: Select one: […]
Read morequestion Morpheme answer * Minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function * re-open-ed (3 morphemes) question free morphemes answer * Can stand by themselves * free stem : open, tour * bound stem : receive (2 bound stems) question bound morphemes answer * cannot stand by themselves, usually attached to other words * -ist, -er, […]
Read morequestion Both people giving and getting test don’t know what procedure they are getting. answer Double Blind question accuracy in concluding that the outcome of an experiment is due to the independent variable answer Internal Validity question When variables compete to explain the affects found in a study answer Confounding Variable question Independent Variable Dependent […]
Read morequestion What is the definition of Relativism? answer – Relativism is the philosophical position of view are equally valid, and that all truth is relative to the individual – All moral positions, all religious systems, all art forms, all political movements, are truths that are relative to the individual question If relativism is true, then […]
Read morequestion Russian answer What was the nationality of the captain of the Aleut ship? question He died by the captain and the Aluets answer What happened to Chief Chowig question She died a few years before the story began. (p. 27) answer What has happened to Karana’s mother? question six answer How old is Ramo? […]
Read morequestion The Big Bang Theory answer a scientific theory that describes the beginning of the universe. All matter in the universe was once a single point. Gravity and energy caused the matter to expand The universe is still expanding question The parts of the universe answer A galaxy is a group of stars, planets, gas, […]
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