Chad Lipe

City: Sewickley, Pennsylvania
University: The Art Institute of Pittsburgh

Posts by Chad Lipe:

Tryvertising: Leveraging Word-of-Mouth to Bridge Brand Polarization in the Groundswell.
13 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question groundswell answer a social trend in which people use technology to get the things they need from each other rather than from traditional institutions like corporations question buzz answer word of mouth communication that customers view as authentic question brand polarization answer the gap between good buzz and bad buzz question tryvertising answer advertising […]

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Abnormal Psych. 13, Next abnormal psychology – Flashcards
11 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question A paraphilia: answer Is a response to a socially inappropriate object or situation question If someone felt assigned to the wrong sex and identified with the other gender, that person would MOST likely receive a diagnosis of: answer Gender dysphoria question If someone had a sexually dysfunction, we know that this person would not […]

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Social Psychology ch 4-7 – Flashcards
10 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Social perception answer A general term for the processes by which people come to understand one another question physiognomy answer The art of reading character from faces question baby face answer large round eyes, high eyebrows, round cheeks, large forehead. Seem to be found as helpless, warm, kind, naive, weak, honest, and submissive question […]

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Marketing – Opportunity Analysis (5 C’s) – Flashcards
10 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question what do you look at for customer market opportunity analysis (2) answer 1. value 2. satisfaction question competitor opportunity analysis (2) answer 1. opporrutnities & Threats 2. current & prospective at different levels question company opportunity analysis(2) answer 1. strengths & weaknesses 2 .objectives, resources & Skills question collaborator opportunity analysis (2) answer 1. […]

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Educational Psychology Clusters 4, 6, 7, 8 Woolfolk 12th Edition – Flashcards
09 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question disability answer the inability to do something specific such as walk or hear question handicap answer a disadvantage in a particular situation, sometimes caused by a disability question intelligence answer ability or abilities to acquire and use knowledge for solving problems and adapting to the world question General intelligence (g) answer a general factor […]

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Chapter 1- Social Psychology – Flashcards
08 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Science that studies the influences of our situations, with special attention to how we view and affect one another- study how people think about, influence, and relate to one another answer Social Psychology question How we perceive ourselves and other, what we believe, judgments we make, our attitudes answer Social Thinking question culture, pressures […]

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AP Psych: Chapter 4- Social Psychology – Flashcards
08 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Explain the difference between a dispositional (internal) and a situational (external) attribution. answer Dispositional: an explanation of one’s behavior based on internal causes (personality or characteristics) Situational: explanation of one’s behavior based on an external cause (a reaction to stress or abuse) question Describe the fundamental attribution error. How do cultural influences impact the […]

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AP Psychology: Chapter 14 – Flashcards
08 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Antabuse answer Medication that blocks the metabolism of acetaldehyde, a breakdown product of alcohol, and is used to help alcoholics refrain from alcohol use; when combined with alcohol, causes violent nausea. question Anti-Anxiety Medication answer Drugs that help reduce a person’s experience of fear or anxiety [Benzodiazepines (do not take with alcohol)- Alprazolam (Xanax) […]

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MYpsy ch 13 – Flashcards
08 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Mary Calkins is best known for answer being the first woman to become president of the APA. question The relatively stable ways in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels is called answer personality question According to the text, a key aspect of personality is its ________ quality in an individual in different situations. […]

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Module 2: General psychology – Flashcards
07 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Learning answer Any relative relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice. “relative permanent”- when people learn anything, some part of their brain is physically changes to record what they have learned. question Ivan Pavlov answer Russian physiologist (person who studies the workings of the body) who discovered classical conditioning through […]

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Quiz 2 – Chapter 2 – Flashcards
06 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Which one of the following forms of therapy would you NOT currently expect to find in cybertherapy? answer use of tweet therapy question “When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living,” A psychologist from […]

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Marketing Chapter 7 Test – Flashcards
06 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question the process of dividing a large group of consumers into subgroups based on specific characteristics and common needs. answer Market segmentation question identified market with excellent potential based on careful research. answer Market Oppurtunity question total revenue that can be obtained from a market segment. answer Market potential question the portion of the total […]

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LS2 Nclex comprehensive review- mental health – Flashcards
03 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question A client with a diagnosis of major depression who has attempted suicide says to the nurse I should have died I’ve always been a failure nothing ever goes right for me which response demonstrates therapeutic communication? answer You been feeling like a failure for a while question When the community health nurse visits a […]

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Marketing 302 test 1 – Flashcards
07 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question What is marketing? answer Process of creating, distributing, promoting and pricing goods, services and ideas so that both parties may benefit. question What is value? answer Subjective assessment of benefits relative to costs. Value = Benefits – Cost question Marketing Mix answer Four marketing activities- product, pricing, place, and promotion- that a company has […]

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Final – Flashcard
06 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question _____ refers to the procedures that develop and analyze new information about a market. answer Marketing research question marketing information system answer A ______________ is an organized way of continually gathering and analyzing data to get information to help marketing managers make ongoing decisions. question is organized to continually gather data from internal and […]

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HFT 2254 – Flashcard
06 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Which group creates and markets professional development and training programs for the hotel industry? answer The Educational Institute question Which method would be least effective for determining guests’ needs and wants? answer Waiting for guests to approach staff with specific problems question How can guest service best be integrated with employee reward systems? answer […]

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Latin Numbers (1-20) – Flashcards
05 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question ûnus answer one I question duo answer two II question três answer three III question quattor answer four IIII question quînque answer five V question sex answer six VI question septem answer seven VII question octô answer eight VIII question novem answer nine IX question decem answer ten X question ûndecim answer eleven XI […]

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Italian Special Uses Of The Future – Flashcards
04 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question What are the six future tense endings? p. 203 And how do they attach to the infinitive? How long are you going to stay in Italy? We’ll stop over in Greece. answer … ò, … ai, … à … emo … ete, … anno. The final e of the infinitive is dropped and the […]

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MUST know basics for Latin 3 NLE – Flashcards
04 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question add -ius to positive stem, so ‘celer’ turns to ‘celerius’ = more swiftly answer making adverbs from adjectives: comparative question -issimus -a -um changes to -issime answer making adverbs from adjectives: superlative question Augustus appellatur imperator = Augustus IS NAMED emperor, which is yet another way to rock that same old predicate nominative (is, […]

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English Exam Vocab – Flashcards
04 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question A word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word answer Preposition question Identify the preposition The package under the tree is mine. answer Under question Identify the preposition The tennis ball is from the new athletic store. answer From question Identify the object of the preposition The package under […]

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Combo Language Literature And Composition Content Knowledge – Flashcards
04 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question allegory answer a story in which people (or things or actions) represent an idea or generalization about life question alliteration answer the repetition of initial consonant sounds question allusion answer a reference to a familiar person, place, thing, or event question analogy answer a comparison of objects or ideas that appear to be different […]

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BUS 346 Chapter 1 – Flashcards
03 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question During the __________ era, manufacturers and retailers recognized they needed to give their customers greater value than their competitors did. answer Value-based Marketing question Henry Ford’s statement, “Customers can have any color they want so long as it’s black,” typified the __________ era of marketing. answer production-oriented question Marketing efforts designed to get the […]

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