Chad Lipe

City: Sewickley, Pennsylvania
University: The Art Institute of Pittsburgh

Posts by Chad Lipe:

Criminology Part 1 Test – Flashcards
05 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The “crime index” reflects which of the following? answer Part I offenses on the UCR question When conducting research with human participants, criminologists must develop a system of mutual trust and obligation between the researcher and subject. This is referred to as: answer Reciprocity question Which of the following sources of data includes detailed […]

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soc 1 – deviance – Flashcards
04 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question It is suggested that deviance has the following uses in social life: answer all of the above question To be labeled deviant, one must answer both a and b question Conformity is the acceptance of culturally approved goals and the means for achieving these goals. answer true question Behavior that violates significant social norms […]

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Cultural Anthropology Ch. 9 – Flashcards
03 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question power answer Transformative capacity; the ability to transform a given situation. question political anthropology answer The study of social power in human society. question free agency answer The freedom of self-contained individuals to pursue their own interests above everything else and to challenge one another for dominance. question ideology answer A worldview that justifies […]

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PSYC 314 CHAPTER 4 – Flashcards
30 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question STRESS MODERATORS answer psychological and social factors that modify the impact of stress on the environment question social support answer comfort, caring, esteem, help available from other persons of groups – your perception that help is available question types of social support answer 1. emotional or esteem support – give comfort and sense of […]

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PSC 105 Exam #1 Test Questions – Flashcards
29 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Before the pilgrims traveled to the New World on the Mayflower, the most common reason for settlement in North America was A) Religious Freedom B) Fatal disease in their homeland C) Commerce D) Independence from the crown E) To create “a city on a hill” answer C) Commerce question Which of the following settlements […]

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FTCE Middle Grades Social Sciences 5 – 9 – Flashcards
28 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Middle Colonies answer Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Economy: became major producers of rye, oats, potatoes, whieat and barley Settled by people arriving from Europe in search of a better life. question New England Colonies answer Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire Economy: fishing, shipbuilding and trade, some small farms Founded mostly to […]

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CIS_ Social Networking – Flashcards
25 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What is the social web ? answer • Includes any site that allows users to interact & share information • Content almost entirely driven by members • Social networking allows you to share contacts & build a network of friends • Media sharing is used to share photos, video, & audio • Interact with […]

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Bell Mid-term – Flashcards
25 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question vertical integration was answer The idea that you own every aspect of a business question The aggressive tactics of John D. Rockefeller were supported by answer JP Morgan question The pioneer of horizontal integration was answer John D Rockefeller. He owned all of the local businesses question Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle focused on the […]

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CHIL101 – CH13 – Flashcards
21 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question – tell time and have set times for activities. – complete more homework assignments. – take care of pets. answer During middle childhood, children show psychosocial maturation by their ability to: question Inferior answer According to Erikson, if 8-year-old Kristina does NOT solve her psychosocial conflict of stage four, she will come to view […]

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us history chapter 27 – Flashcards
20 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question which egyptian leader seized the suez canal in july 1956 answer gamal abdel nasser question who wrote the best-selling books sexual behavior in the human male and sexual behavior in the human female answer alfred kinsey question in the 1950s, most eomployed women worked in answer clerical, serivce, and domestic jobs question why did […]

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2 social stratification – Flashcards
20 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question social inequity answer the condition whereby people have unequal access to valued resources, services, and positions in society. NOT RANDOM. inequality is related to differing positions in a social structure question social stratification answer means that inequality has been hardened or institutionalized, and there is a system of social relationships that determines who gets […]

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criminology review – Flashcards
19 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question According to Merton a person who accepts the conventional goals and means defined by society would be considered a conformist. answer (True) question The work of Robert Ezra Park, Ernest W. Burgess, and Louis Wirth concerning the social ecology of cities became known as answer (the Chicago School) question According to Cloward and Ohlin […]

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Chapter 2 Post-Test – Flashcards
19 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Diseases are caused by​ microorganisms, such as bacteria and​ viruses, known​ as: A. bacteria. B. secretions. C. droplets. D. pathogens. answer D. pathogens. question What protective measures should the EMT take at a minimum for a patient who is known to be infected with​ tuberculosis? A. Gloves and N95 respirator B. Gloves and HEPA […]

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NUTR 100 Test 1 – Flashcards
18 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question The six dimensions of wellness does include? answer physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual, environmental question Physical wellness includes? answer fitness level and your ability to care for yourself – the higher the fitness level the higher your physical wellness will be question Optimism, trust, and self-confidence are components of? answer emotional wellness question A […]

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Catholic Social Teachings, social structures, sin, and circle of social action. – Flashcards
16 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question The document produced by the US bishops that presented the 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching answer sharing catholic social teaching: challenges and directions question The seven themes are dependent and can stand alone: True or False answer false question The most fundamental of the seven themes that tells us all human beings are […]

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French Revolution Sect. 1 & 2 – Flashcards
16 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question what were the three social classes in France called under the Ancien Regime? answer The three estates question First Estate answer Clergy question Second Estate answer nobility question Third Estate answer 98 percent/majority of population question Why were urban workers discontented? answer resented their social betters because while they struggled to put food on […]

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Business and society Chapter 14 – Flashcards
09 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following statements is not true about stockholders? answer They own equal shares of company assets. question Which of the following is not true about institutional investors? answer The proportion of institutional ownership of stock is the U.S. has declined slowly since the 1960’s. question Institutional investors are sometimes referred to as: […]

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28 May 2020 Flashcards

question This mode of research allows researchers to control the relevant variables answer Empirical Research question In this type of research, subjects respond to a series of standardized questions. answer Survey question In this form of research, researchers may take part in activities with the people they are observing. answer Participant Observation question This mode […]

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Globalization geography chapter one
21 May 2020 Flashcards

question The increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change is: answer globalization question Features of a well-integrated global economy do NOT include: answer state-controlled economies question Hybridization is the process of: answer melding American popular culture with local cultural traditions. question Key multinational organizations that facilitate the […]

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SOC 101 Exam 2
21 May 2020 Flashcards

question Patterns of touch are strongly influenced by gender. Which of the following statements regarding gender and touch is false? answer The correct answer is: In everyday interaction men and women tend to use touch about equally. question Which of the following characteristics does a society not possess? answer The correct answer is: Groups resemble […]

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Reducing Anxiety in Older Patients: Familiar Hospital Visits
20 May 2020 Flashcards

question When transporting a stable older patient to the hospital, the MOST effective way to reduce his or her anxiety is to: answer transport him or her to a hospital that he or she is familiar with. question Motor nerve neuropathy is characterized by: answer loss of balance, muscle weakness, and spasms. question Which of […]

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Modern World History Chapter 1 Section 3
19 May 2020 Flashcards

question Indulgence answer the action or fact of indulging. question Reformation answer the action or process of reforming an institution or practice. question Lutheran answer a follower of Martin Luther. question Protestant answer a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the […]

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