Posts by Candace Young:
question What conditions are required for: SN1 answer 1o with C+ stabilisation or 3o Polar protic solvent Non-basic nucleophile question What conditions are required for: SN2 answer Unhindered 2o or 1o carbon Good non-basic nucleophile Polar aprotic solvent question What conditions are required for: E2 answer 3o, unhindered 2o, unhindered 1o […]
Read morequestion -A solution occurs when molecules of the substance are evenly dispersed among molecules of another substance. -Homogeneous and Heterogeneous are the two forms of mixture answer What are the two kinds of mixtures? What is a solution? question The combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded and not fixed proportions […]
Read morequestion Source answer 1. VF Vibration 2. F0 and harmonics 3. Pitch question Filter answer 1. Vocal Tract 2. Formants 3. vowels/some other voiced sounds question Resonance answer Vibratory response to an applied source question Resonator answer – Something set into forced vibration by another vibration – Acoustic resonator – air filled container – Act […]
Read morequestion What is organic chemistry? answer The study of families of carbon compounds where carbon atoms are found bonded together to form chains and/or rings. (It does not include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or carbonate compounds.) question What is a homologous series? answer A homologous series is a family of compounds. The family members: – […]
Read morequestion Declaration of Independence answer Shows John Locke’s unalienable rights, not property, pursuit of American Individualism, power from the governed question Reverend Devereux Jarratt answer Openly criticized government, similar to Abigail, Black Valedictorian, and Indians – connects to Churchill quote question Billiards at Hanover-Town by Benjamin Latrobe answer Drawing shows the poor playing with the […]
Read morequestion In Roe v. Wade(1973), one of the most significant Supreme Court rulings of the twentieth century, the majority of the court cited the right to privacy to protect a woman’s right to a(n) answer abortion question According to the Fourteenth Amendment, we are all entitled to certain civil liberties under the Equal Protection Clause. […]
Read morequestion myelin of the CNS answer oligodendrocytes – wrap around 20 axons and stops cross-talk between neurons question myelin of PNS answer schwann cells – wrap around a single axon question demyelination of CNS answer multiple sclerosis question demyelination of PNS answer Guillain-Barre syndrome question Six sources of CSF answer blood-brain barrier, blood-CSF barrier, dorsal […]
Read morequestion Which of the following was not true of the changing nature of work in the 1950s? answer There were fewer jobs in the military-related aerospace industry. question After World War II ended, most American women answer cared for their families and did not work outside the home. question The vast expansion of employment opportunities […]
Read morequestion who wrote letter from birmingham city jail while incarcerated for participating in a civil rights demonstration answer martin luther king jr. question which of the following was not part of kennedy’s domestic program answer abolishing welfare question this document gave president lyndon johnson the authoirty to prevent further aggresion in vietnam toward the united […]
Read morequestion A participant can either be the sender or the receiver of a message in an interaction. answer True question T/F A primary issue in this course is competence, which is the perception by others that our communication behavior is appropriate as well as effective. answer True question Meaning shared in a communication can be […]
Read morequestion Acquiesce (v) answer to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent: question amity (n) answer friendship; peaceful harmony. question Arduous (adj) answer requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult: question Gestalt (n) answer a configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component […]
Read morequestion noun answer Names a person, place, thing, animal, and idea question pronoun answer Replaces or renames a noun question verb answer Expresses action or state of being question adjective answer Modifies a noun or pronoun by describing or limiting question adverb answer Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverbs question conjunction answer Connects words, […]
Read morequestion After looking in your book bag and realizing you forgot to grab a pen, you lean over to one of your classmates and you say, “Do you have a pen I can borrow for class today?” You have just engaged in what mental process as you constructed your message? answer encoding question The process […]
Read morequestion Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy answer Designed to improve relationships and communication within the family structure by addressing a person’s actions, emotions, and perceptions as they relate to that person’s dynamic within the family unit question The four universal meta-goals as the focus of therapy answer Raising self-esteem; Becoming a choice maker; Becoming responsible; Becoming […]
Read morequestion which rib would be best to listen to aortic valve answer the right second rib question what is best to listen to pulmonic answer left second rib question what is best to listen to the tricuspid answer left fourth or fifth question on berg scale below what is a 100% fall risk answer below […]
Read morequestion Acute treatment of migraines: 1. (_) 2. Migraine specific abortive treatment- (_) 3. (_) Alkaloids and derivatives 4. (_) combinations answer Analgesics/NSAIDs Triptans Ergot Opioid question Not used unless SEVERE- have lots of SE answer Opioids question Prophylaxis for migraines? When is prophylaxis recommeneded? answer BB CCBs TCAs Anticonvulsants Ergot alkaloids with more than […]
Read morequestion In the hospitality industry, marketing is answer Doing what it takes to satisfy the customer and the company question The marketing mix answer combines product, price, promotion, and distribution question A target market is answer A group of potential customers with similar characteristics question The hospitality industry involves service marketing because answer Intangible products […]
Read morequestion What is the trickle-down theory and how does it apply to fashion marketing? answer consumers who adopt fashion based on the fashion marketing efforts of the entertainment industry fashions worn by the upper class are ultimately adopted by middle class then by lower class It suggests: consumers with wealth, status, and appearance set the […]
Read morequestion Slow stroking answer An INHIBITORY technique used to relax hyper-kinetic (overactive muscles) patients question Slow rolling/rocking answer Quite effective in INHIBITING general muscle hypertonicity (rigidity or spasticity) Where as fast rocking is contra-indicative because it increases the spasticity. question Hypotonia answer Vestibular stimulation is very important for cases with… question Parkinson’s answer Neutral warmth […]
Read morequestion psychodynamic approach to depressive disorders answer believing that unipolar depression results from unconscious grief over real or imagined losses, they suggest interpretations of free association to gain awareness of their losses and deal with them more effectively. Only occasionally helpful in unipolar depression since not a quick fix. question behavioral approach to depressive disorders […]
Read morequestion social psychology answer The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another question attribution theory answer the theory that we tend to give a casual explanation for someone’s behavior, often by crediting either the situation or the person’s disposition question fundamental attribution error answer the tendency for observers, when […]
Read morequestion What is meant by the statement: we live in the “Age of the Gene”? People are constantly being informed of yet another complex human characteristic or trait linked to a newly discovered gene. Genes have become an important aspect of human and agricultural life. This generation of children are all most likely to be […]
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