Perspective of the Families of Some of the Victims Essay Example
Perspective of the Families of Some of the Victims Essay Example

Perspective of the Families of Some of the Victims Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (807 words)
  • Published: January 2, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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The Guardian newspaper and other mainstream news outlets reported on the perspective of Wintergreen victims' families, Professor Tim Ansell, and former senior Nurse Terry Bryan. The report can be accessed online at http://www.Degenerated.Com/society/2012,cot/26/weltering-blew-care-staff-Jailed. Two follow-up articles were written regarding the consequences for Wintergreen staff and the need for authorities to revise care provision. Secretly filmed abuse, including support worker Wayne Rogers physically assaulting a man named Simon, was also highlighted in the report. Simon's family requested to see footage of the incident and were horrified by Rogers' behavior. As a result, they wish to move him back home with them to protect him from further harm. The Panorama documentary also exposed Simons Blake's abuse at the hands of Rogers and other staff members. Professor Tim Ansell determined that not only was thei


r behavior abusive towards Simons but it also constituted assault as other care staff joined in taunting her by getting her in a headlock and even pinning her under a chair for punishment.Joe Casey acknowledged that despite being mistreated, Simons was a kind-hearted individual who required adequate support and time when in a vulnerable state. This was evident in the recorded footage. Simons Blake was later transferred to NASH Hospital where Professor Tim Ansell specified that restraint should only be utilized as the last resort for a limited duration if service users were posing threats to themselves or others. However, at Wintergreen, it was frequently used without considering alternatives. Wayne Rogers, an untrained and confrontational team member, resorted to physical violence towards service users and encouraged other support workers to do the same as seen on film. He subjected them to bullying tactics an

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employed unethical methods under false pretenses of helping them. The video recording exhibits his abusive behavior towards three service users simultaneously with assistance from another support worker. Furthermore, he attended to a female patient without any female care assistant present and dragged her out of bed with another male colleague causing her panic-stricken reaction; the clip displays this incident alongside Wayne Rogers providing fabricated details in his report regarding it. In yet another distressing scene captured on camera, when the same female attempted suicide by jumping out of a window, Wayne Rogers found this amusing along with another coworker which intensified her despair further.Former senior nurse Terry Bryan from Wintergreen expressed concern over Wayne Rogers' lack of proper training and supervision when he worked with young offenders. It is crucial for care workers to receive appropriate training, such as Safeguarding of Venerable Adults (S.O.V.A) and Protection of Venerable Adults (P.O.V.A), in order to protect disabled service users from potential harm. Additionally, relevant training on conditions like dementia and mental capacity must be provided to develop personalized care plans that meet individual needs. The Person Centered Approach also plays a significant role in caring for individuals with disabilities. Following the Whistle Blowing policy and implementing correct procedures are essential in preventing incidents of abuse like the one at Wintergreen. Unannounced inspections by ICQ ensure vulnerable adults' safety while daily check-ins monitor staff performance.The government has stressed that there are "no excuses" for such conduct, as indicated in the complete ICQ report available at http://hosted.South's.Gob.K/iv/report.PDF. The report consists of a thorough description of the events that took place at Wintergreen, a brief overview of the situation, an

overall analysis of the facility, perspectives from family members, information about the location and personnel, as well as findings and recommendations. The ICQ inquiry discovered that Castled Ltd - the organization responsible for Wintergreen - did not comply with necessary procedures or meet required standards. The report details legal requirements regarding care provision, staffing levels and management protocols which were not fulfilled by Wintergreen. As a result of this negative outcome from the ICQ investigation and after looking into 23 facilities owned by Castled Ltd (further information can be found at http://www.ICQ.Org.UK/media/ICQ-publishes-report-investigation-concerns-raised-wintergreen-view), Wintergreen was shut down along with two other services owned by Castled Ltd. No defense arguments have been reported in media outlets on behalf either party involved in this case. Based on this evidence presented during investigations, eleven support workers and nurses were taken to court and had their care registration annulled; some even faced imprisonment.It is imperative to address public concerns about the harmful environment in order to prevent hindrance of families and the general public from utilizing private and national health care. Despite any attempted defense, the strong evidence suggests that Service Users cannot be adequately protected. To restore faith in the healthcare sector, positive actions and government involvement through legislation and appropriate checks are needed. Community care is a safer alternative, especially for those who can be discharged back home with their families.

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