APUSH chapter 32 – Flashcards

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Who was the republican candidate for the elections of 1932
i. Hoover was re-nominated by the Republicans for candidate.
Who was the Democrats nominee?
i. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the Democrats nominee, who had paralysis as he got older and had to put braces on his legs. Eleanor Roosevelt the niece of Theodore Roosevelt was Franklin Roosevelt's distant cousin wife, and so she was not physically attractive she overcame a rough childhood and acted as the conscience of the new deal.
Eleanor Roosevelt
i. Roosevelt joined the Women's Trade Union League as well as the League of Women Voters, when she moved into the White House she brought in a number of women activists.
What was FDR's platform? Who was he against?
i. Roosevelt campaigned against Republican old dealers, and preached the new deal for the forgotten man.
Brain Trust
i. Brain Trust: specials in law, economics, and welfare, many of them young university professors who advised Pres. Franklin D Roosevelt and help develop the policies of the new deal.
New Deal:
i. New Deal: the economic and political policies of Franklin Roosevelt's administration in the 1930s which aim to solve the problems of the great depression by providing relief for the unemployed and launching efforts to stimulate economic recovery. The new deal built on reforms of the aggressive era to expand greatly an American style welfare state.
Hoover being two-faced:
i. The Republican Party was split between Hoover supporters and Roosevelt supporters. ii. Hoover attempted to set up several meetings with Roosevelt to discuss war debt and later confessed Hoover wanted Roosevelt to agree to an anti-inflammatory policy that would have made impossible many of the later new deal policies.
Bank holiday
i. FDR declared a nationwide banking holiday March 6-10 is the prelude to opening the banks on a more stable basis.
Hundred days:
i. Hundred days: 1933 the first hundred days of Franklin D Roosevelt administration stretching from March 9 to June 16, 1933, when an unprecedented number of reform bills were passed by Democratic Congress to launch the new deal.
i. Relief recovery and reform; short range goals for relief and immediate recovery especially in the first two years long range goals for permanent recovery and reform of current problems, such as what caused the boom and bust economy.
FDR's executive power
i. Congress give the president extreme blank-check powers some of the laws of password expressly delegated legislative authority to the chief executive.
Emergency banking relief act of 1933:
i. Emergency banking relief act of 1933: the new law investor the president with the power to regulate banking transactions in foreign exchange to reopen solvent banks.
Roosevelt on the radio:
i. Roosevelt performed a radio show to deliver the first of this 30 famous "fireside chats". 35 million people listen to speeches, as he assured people that it was now safer to keep money in a reopened bank and under the mattress, and people begin to reinvest their money.
Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act:
i. Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act: 1933 along creating the FDIC, or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insured individual bank deposits and ended a central line tradition of unstable banking that reached a crisis in the Great Depression.
Off the gold standard:
i. Roosevelt ordered all private holdings of gold to be surrendered to the treasury in exchange for paper currency and then took the nation off the gold standard. ii. The emergency Congress responded his recommendation by canceling the gold clause in all contracts and authorizing repayment and paper money.
Reason for going off the Gold Standard:
i. The goal of results managed currency was inflation which he believed would relieve debtor's burdens and stimulate new production, in order to do this, he had to buy a bunch of gold at increasing prices: raising the dollar price of gold up from $21 an ounce in 1933 to $35 an ounce in 1934.
Gold standard reinstated
i. February and 34 when FDR returned nation to limited gold standard for purposes of international trade only. Domestic circulation of gold continued to be prohibited.
Civilian Conservation Corps
i. Civilian Conservation Corps: 1933, a government program created by Congress to hire young unemployed men to improve the rural out-of-doors environment such work as planting trees, fighting fires, draining swamps, and maintaining National parks. The CCC prove to be an important foundation for the post-World War II environmental movement. Proved to be one of the more popular new deal agencies. i. This law provided employment for about 3 million uniformed men.
Federal Emergency Relief Act:
i. Federal Emergency Relief Act: it's main goal was to immediate relief rather than long-range recovery. The resulting federal emergency relief administration was given to Harry L Hawkins a shabby New York social worker. ii. Hopkins agency granted about $3 billion to the states for direct dole payments or preferably for a wages on work projects.
Agricultural Adjustment Act:
i. Agricultural Adjustment Act: made available many millions of dollars to help farmers meet their mortgages.
Home Owners Loan Corporation:
i. Home Owners Loan Corporation: it was designed to refinance mortgages on non-farm homes if ultimately assisted about 1 million bad off households. The agency not only build our mortgage holding banks it also helped political loyalties of relieved middle-class homeowners securely to the Democratic Party.
Civil Works Administration:
i. Civil Works Administration: 1933 as a branch of the FERA, it fell into the branch of Hopkins and was designed to provide purely temporary jobs during the winter emergency it serve a useful purpose tens of thousands of jobless workers were employed at leaf raking in other make-work tasks.
Charles Coughlin:
i. Charles Coughlin: Catholic priest in Michigan began broadcasting in 1930 and his slogan was "social justice". Is anti-new deal rants attracted some 40 million radio fans who became so anti-Semitic, fascistic, and demagogic that he was silenced in 1942 by his ecclesiastical superiors.
Dr. Francis E. Townsend:
i. Dr. Francis E. Townsend: California physician who promised everyone over 60, $200 a month.
Sen. Huey P. Long:
i. Sen. Huey P. Long: promoted his share our wealth program which promise to make every man a king, at the expense of the prosperous. ii. Fear of long becoming a fascist dictator ended when he was shot an assassination in Louisiana State Capitol in 1935.
Works progress administration:
i. Works progress administration: 1935, it's objective was employed on useful projects and was launched under Hopkins, and spent about $11 billion on thousands of public buildings bridges and hard-surfaced roads. a. A sub category of the WPA, was the federal art project.
Federal Art Project:
i. Federal Art Project: the government hired artists to create posters and murals.
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins:
i. Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins: America's first woman in cabinet member.
Mary McLeod Bethune:
i. Mary McLeod Bethune: Director of the office of minority affairs in the national youth administration and served as the highest ranking African-American in the Roosevelt administration.
Ruth Benedict:
i. Ruth Benedict: carried out the work of her mentor, Franz Boas.
Franz Boas:
i. Franz Boas: develop the culture and personality movement in the 1930s and 1940s. She wrote patterns of culture and established the study of cultures as collective personalities.
Margaret Mead:
i. Margaret Mead: a student of Franz Boas, drew from her own studies of adolescence among the Pacific Island peoples to advance the bold new ideas about sexuality, gender roles, and intergenerational relationships.
Pearl S Buck:
i. Pearl S Buck: a novelist raised in China by Presbyterian missionary parents, Buck introduced American readers to Chinese hasn't society in her best-selling novel the good Earth and earned a Nobel Peace Prize for literature in 1938.
National Recovery Administration:
i. National Recovery Administration: 1933, known by its critics as the "national run around", the NRA was an early new deal program designed to assist industry labor and the unemployed through centralized planning mechanisms that monitored workers' earnings and working hours to distribute work and established codes for fear competition to ensure that similar procedures were followed by all firms in any particular industrial sector. ii. It was signed assist industry labor and the unemployed. 200 individual industries were to work out codes of "fair competition". iii. There was a maximum amount of hours that a labor could do, as well as minimum wages. Patriotism was aroused by mass meetings which included 200,000 marchers in New York City's Fifth Avenue.
Sick Chicken Decision
i. In 1935 Supreme Court shutdown the NRA in the famed Schecter or sick chicken decision. The justices unanimously held that Congress would not delegate legislative powers to the executive. They further declared that congressional control of interstate commerce would not properly apply to local businesses like that of the Schechter Brothers of Brooklyn, New York.
The Public Works administration intended for both industrial recovery and for unemployment relief. The PWA was headed by the secretary of Interior Harold L Ickes. Long-range recovery was the main purpose of the new agency and in time over $4 billion was spent on 34,000 projects including public buildings highways and parkways.
Get crunk (repealing the 21st amendment)
i. The repeal of the Prohibition amendment allowed Federal revenue to be raised and provided a measure of employment. The hundred days Congress legalize light wine and beer with alcoholic content not exceeding 3.2% by weight and levied a tax of $5 in every barrel so manufactured. a. Dry fundamentalists accused Roosevelt of being a 3.2% American. ii. Prohibition was repealed by the 21st amendment in late 1933.
i. Agricultural Adjustment Administration: 1933 a new deal programs designed to raise agricultural prices by paying farmers not to farm. It was based in the assumption the higher prices would increase farmers purchasing power and thereby help alleviate the Great Depression. This agency was established parity prices for basic commodities. "Parity" was the price set for products they gave it the same real value in purchasing power that it has enjoyed during the period from 1909 to 1914. The millions of dollars needed for these payments were raised by taxing processors of farm products such as flower millers, who would shift the burden to consumers.
Pigs killed!
i. Several million pigs for purchased and slaughtered much of their meat was distributed to people unrelieved but some of it was used for fertilizer. To many starving people this was seen as a waste of food.
Repealing the AAA
i. Paying farmers not to farm actually increased unemployment when the Supreme Court finally killed the AAA in 1936 by declaring its regulatory taxation provisions unconstitutional many people we're better off.
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment of 1936:
i. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment of 1936: the withdrawal of acreage from production was now achieved by paying farmers to plant soil conserving crops likes soybeans or just let their lands and lie seedless.
The second agricultural adjustment act of 1938:
i. The second agricultural adjustment act of 1938: 2 years later they continued conservation payments and if growers observed acreage restrictions on specified commodities like cotton or wheat they would be eligible for parity payments. Other provisions of the new AAA word signed to give farmers a fair price but more substantial share of the national income.
The Dust Bowl:
i. The Dust Bowl: grim nickname for the Great Plains region devastated by drought and dust storms during the 1930s. the disaster led to the migration into California of thousands of displaced "Okies" and "Arkies". Tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes in five years 350,000 Oklahomans and Arkansans had migrated to Southern California and found homes in the San Joaquin Valley which was good farming land.
Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act:
i. Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act: 1934 and made possible a suspension of mortgage foreclosures for five years that it was voided the next year been Supreme Court and replaced by a revise law limiting the grace period to three years and was unanimously upheld.
resettlement administration
i. In 1935 the present set up the resettlement administration, where the government would help remove near Farm list farmers to better land and more than 20 million trees were successfully planted on prairies as windbreaks by the young men of the Civilian Conservation Corps.
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934:
i. Commissioner of Indian affairs John Collier sought to reverse the forced assimilation policies in place since the Dawes Act of 1887. ii. Indian Reorganization Act of 1934: the new laws encourage tribes to establish a local self government and preserve their native crafts and traditions. It also helped to stop the loss of Native American lands and revive tribes interest in their identity and culture. 77 tribes refused to organize under its provisions though nearly 200 others did establish tribal governments.
Truth and Securities Act or Federal Securities Act:
i. Truth and Securities Act or Federal Securities Act: require promoters to transmit to investors sworn information regarding the soundness of their stocks and bonds.
Securities and Exchange Commission:
i. Securities and Exchange Commission: was designed as a watchdog administrative agency; stock markets henceforth word to operate more as training marts and less as gambling casinos. Worked to protect the public against fraud deception and inside manipulation.
The Public Utility Holding Company Act:
i. The Public Utility Holding Company Act: of 1935 killed a holding company growth except for when it may be deemed economically needful.
Tennessee Valley Authority:
i. Tennessee Valley Authority: 1933 one of the most revolutionary of the new deal public works projects for TVA cheap electric power, full employment, low cost housing, and environmental improvements to Americans in the Tennessee Valley. ii. The idea was created by Sen. George W Norris who the damn was named after.
Federal Housing Administration:
i. Federal Housing Administration: 1934 the building industry was to be simulated by small loans to householders both for improving your dwellings and for completing new ones. One of the only alphabetical agencies to outlast Roosevelt.
United States Housing Authority:
i. United States Housing Authority: created in 1937 and was an agency designed to lend money to the states or communities for low cost construction. Although units for about 650,000 low income people were started new buildings fell short of needs, and new deal efforts to expand the project met opposition from real estate promoters, builders, and landlords.
Social Security Act:
i. Social Security Act: 1935, a flagship accomplishment of the new deal this law provided for unemployment in old age insurance finance by a payroll tax on employers and employees. It has long remained a pillar of the 'new deal order'. ii. To help prevent further depression the matter provided for but all state unemployment insurance provide security for old age, specified categories of retired workers were to receive regular payments from Washington. 1. These payments were to be financed by he will talk some both employers and employees; provisions were also made for the blind, the physical handicapped, delinquent children, and other dependents.
General Strike in San Francisco
i. NRA supporters help organize labor; as work became more secure there were many walkouts, including the General Strike in San Francisco following bloody Thursday which was broken when citizens resorted to vigilante tactics.
Wagner Act:
i. Wagner Act: 1935 also known as the national Labor Relations Act, this law protected the right of laborers to organize in unions and bargain collectively with employers and established the National Labor Relations Board to monitor unfair labor practices on the part of the employers. Its passage marked the culmination of decades of labor protest. 1. Named after the New York Sen. Robert F Wagner who sponsored the act.i. The Wagner's Act encouraged the formation of the unskilled workers into unions, one of the leaders was John L Lewis boss of the United Mine Workers.
John L. Lewis:
i. John L. Lewis: leader of the United Mine Workers, and forms the Committee for Industrial Organization, within the ranks of the skilled craft American Federation of labor at skilled workers had shown not too much sympathy for the unskilled laborers especially those who are African-American. In 1936 there was friction with the new CIO leading to their suspension. ii. Late in 1936 the workers resorted to revolutionary technique known as a sit-down strike they refused to leave the factory building of General Motors at Flint, Michigan and prevented the importation of strikebreakers. The CIO won a victory when it's union was recognize by General Motors as the sole bargaining agency for its employees.
memorial day massacre
i. In 1937 there was a memorial day massacre at the plant of the republican steel company in south Chicago the police fired upon picketers and workers leaving many dead.
Fair Labor Standards Act:
i. Fair Labor Standards Act: 1938 important new deal labor legislation that regulated minimum wages and maximum hours for workers involved in interstate commerce. Law also outlawed labor by children under 16. The exclusion of Apple cultural service and domestic workers meant that many African-American Mexican-Americans and women who were concentrated in these sectors did not benefit from the protection. i. The eventual goals or $.40 an hour and 40 hour weeks. ii. This act opposed many industrialists especially by those Southern textile manufacturers who profited from low wage labor. ii. The CIO broke off completely with the AF of L in 1938.
Congress of Industrial Organizations:
i. Congress of Industrial Organizations: a new deal era labor organization that broke away from the American Federation of labor in order to organize unskilled industrial workers regardless of their particular economic sector or craft. The CIO gave a great boost to labor organizing in the midst of the great depression and during World War II. In 1955 the CIO merged with the AFL. By 1940 the CIO had 4 million members in its unions including some 200,000 African-Americans.
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